University of Virginia Library

How the xij. signes doe gouerne and rule in mannes bodie.

The Ram is Rex, and rules,
aboue in hedde and face:
The necke and throate the Bull,
possesseth for his place.
In armes and shoulders bothe,
the Twinnes doe raigne and rest:
The Crab is kyng, and keepes
the stomacke, lungs, and breast.
The Lion kyng of beasts,
doeth bide in backe and harte:
The Virgin hath the gutts
and bellie for her parte.
In reines, and lustie loynes,
the Ballaunce beareth swaie:


Among the secret partes,
the Scorpion still doeth staie.
The Archer hath the thighes,
and Capricorne the knees:
The leggs the Watermannes,
the feete the Fishes fees.