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[The Word, the uncreated Son]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word, &c. —i. 1–3.

The Word, the uncreated Son,
When finite things began to be,
Existing, God with God alone,
Thou wast from all eternity!
There, in Thy Father's bosom laid,
Ineffably begot by Him,
Thou wast, before the worlds were made,
God independent and supreme.
All-wise, all-good, almighty Lord,
God over all Thou always art,
Jehovah's everlasting Word,
Spoken into Thy creature's heart;
With God essentially the same,
Distinct in personality,
Thou art the absolute I AM,
And all things made were made by Thee.


[Fountain of life to all that live]

In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. —i. 4.

Fountain of life to all that live,
Thyself, the' essential Life Divine,
Thou didst to our first parents give,
And in their sinless nature shine:


The Life was Light and happiness,
And wisdom pure with Thee bestow'd:
In all Thy works they saw Thy face,
While all Thy works were fill'd with God.


[Still on the soul of fallen man]

The light shineth in darkness; and the darkness, &c. —i. 5.

Still on the soul of fallen man
Thou dost a beam of glory shed,
A ray of grace, an hidden grain,
A spark of life, an heavenly seed:
He wakes, and thinks, by slow degrees,
Nor yet the Principle perceives,
Or knows the Light by which he sees,
Or feels the Life by which he lives.


[True Light of the whole world, appear]

That was the true Light, which lighteth every, &c. —i. 9.

True Light of the whole world, appear,
Answer in us Thy character,
Thou uncreated Sun;
Jesus, Thy beams on all are shed,
That all may by Thy beams be led
To that eternal throne.
Lighten'd by Thy interior ray
Thee every child of Adam may
His unknown God adore,
And following close Thy secret grace
Emerge into that glorious place
Where darkness is no more.
The universal Light Thou art,
And turn'd to Thee the darkest heart
A glimmering spark may find;
Let man reject it or embrace,
Thou offerest once Thy saving grace
To me, and all mankind.


Light of my soul, I follow Thee,
In humble faith on earth to see
Thy perfect day of love;
And then with all Thy saints in light
To gain the beatific sight
Which makes our heaven above.


[Thyself Thou wouldst to sinners give]

His own received Him not. —i. 11.

Thyself Thou wouldst to sinners give,
But Thee Thine own will not receive,
With all Thy proffer'd love,
Thy subjects they refuse to be,
Disdaining to be led by Thee
To endless joys above.
Thee, if they finally deny,
And harden'd unbelievers die,
Yet, by themselves undone,
Thy creatures, and redeem'd they are,
Invited, and design'd to share
Thine everlasting throne.


[Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace]

As many as received Him, to them gave He, &c. —i. 12.

Thee, Jesus, full of truth and grace,
My God, my Saviour, I embrace,
To all Thy creatures given;
My Prophet, Priest, and King receive,
And in Thine only name believe
For pardon, grace, and heaven.
Sole self-existing God, I own
The merit of Thy death alone
Hath ransom'd all mankind,
And every dying slave in Thee
With peace and perfect liberty
May life eternal find.


I use the power by Thee bestow'd,
To' accept Thee as my Lord my God,
The privilege Divine
Assured Thou wilt on me bestow,
That born of God my soul may know
Whate'er Thou art is mine.
Not differing from a servant now,
I wait in humble faith, till Thou
Art in my heart reveal'd:
Then shall I Abba Father cry,
An heir of all in earth and sky,
An heir of glory seal'd.


[What angel can the grace explain!]

The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among, &c. —i. 14.

What angel can the grace explain!
The very God is very man,
By love paternal given!
Begins the uncreated Word,
Born is the everlasting Lord,
Who made both earth and heaven!
Behold Him high above all height,
Him, God of God, and Light of Light,
In a mean earthy shrine;
Jehovah's Glory dwelt with men,
The Person in our flesh is seen,
The Character Divine!
Not with these eyes of flesh and blood;
Yet lo, we still behold the God
Replete with truth and grace:
The truth of holiness we see,
The truth of full felicity
In our Redeemer's face.


Transform'd by the ecstatic sight,
Our souls o'erflow with pure delight,
And every moment own
The Lord our whole perfection is,
The Lord is our immortal bliss,
And Christ and heaven are one.


[Him in whom all fulness dwells]

Of His fulness have all we received, and grace, &c. —i. 16.

Him in whom all fulness dwells,
Every true believer feels,
Every soul by Christ restored,
Shines a copy of his Lord;
Father of His church and Head,
All the heaven-begotten seed
Cry, We have received from Him,
Grace for grace, as limb for limb.
O that with the faithful I
Could Thy fulness testify!
Jesus, is there not in Thee
Grace, sufficient grace, for me?
Let me now with Thee receive
All Thou dost to sinners give;
All Thou hast, and all Thou art,
Dwell for ever in my heart!


[The fiery law by Moses given]

The law was given by Moses, but grace and, &c. —i. 17.

The fiery law by Moses given,
Was thunder'd in a voice from heaven;
In shadowy types and victims slain,
Which could not purge our sinful stain,
It only pointed at the Lamb:
But grace and truth by Jesus came.
He in our mortal flesh reveal'd,
The types substantially fulfill'd,


By one sufficient sacrifice,
For ever smoking through the skies,
He answer'd the demand of God,
And quench'd the wrath with all His blood.


[Thee, Son of the Most-High]

No man hath seen God at any time, &c. —i. 18.

Thee, Son of the Most-High,
Jesus we glorify
In Thy Father's bosom laid,
Thou dost all His secrets know,
Partner of our nature made
Dost declare His name below.
With eyes of faith we see
The' Invisible in Thee,
When Thou dost Thy Sire reveal,
Then I know Thee who Thou art,
Find the great Unsearchable,
God residing in my heart.
Thou dost the Spirit confer,
The heavenly Comforter;
Thus the triune God of love
God of glory we receive,
Antedate the joys above,
Here the life eternal live.


[The saint indeed, the humble man]

He confessed . . . I am not the Christ. —i. 20.

The saint indeed, the humble man
Such as he is delights to' appear,
In words distinct, and strong, and plain
Disowns his Saviour's character,
Renounces man's misplaced esteem
As what belongs to God, not him.


He doth not in their error leave
The men who foolishly extol,
Too highly of his grace conceive,
Him holy, pure, or perfect call;
But all their fond conceits removes,
And still the lowest place he loves.


[In unambiguous words and few]

And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? &c. —i. 21.

In unambiguous words and few,
Which just suffice his mind to' express,
He disavows the praise undue,
The truth they urge him to confess
Simply declares, from falsehood free,
Nor wounds his own humility.
His own advantages of grace
If known yet he regards them not;
The good he truly doth possess
O'erlooks as slighted and forgot:
Yet while he seeks himself to hide
He hates the modest veil of pride.


[More than a prophet sent by God]

He said, I am the voice of one crying in the, &c. —i. 23.

More than a prophet sent by God,
Forerunner of the Lord Most-High,
With all Elijah's spirit endued
Himself he doth not magnify,
But while Messiah he proclaims,
Himself a voice, a nothing, names.
Full of the greatness of his Lord,
Himself he studies to abase,
Let Jesus be alone adored,
Object of universal praise,
Proprietor of all esteem,
Bow all in earth and heaven to Him.



[Did Jesus for the world atone?]

Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away, &c. —i. 29.

Did Jesus for the world atone?
“Yes; for the world of the elect:”
Love could not die for some alone,
And all the wretched rest reject:
For the whole helpless world that lay
In desperate wickedness, He died,
And all who dare believe it, may
With me be freely justified.
Charged with the universal load,
The sins of every soul, and mine,
By faith I see the Lamb of God,
The bleeding Sacrifice Divine!
My sins, transferr'd from me to Him,
Shall never be by justice found,
All carried down that purple stream,
All in that open fountain drown'd!


[The heart to creature-love inclined]

The heart to creature-love inclined,
The sin of all our fallen kind,
Cannot the Lamb of God remove,
And cast it out by purer love?
Didst Thou not bear it on the tree,
To bear it far away from me,
And pour the fountain of Thy blood,
To wash out all my inbred load?
The sin that cleaves to Adam's race,
Our burden, plague and dire disgrace,
The beastly, and the devilish sin,
The lust, and pride that works within,
Thou, Lord, on whom in faith I call,
Wilt conquer, and destroy it all,


Wilt take both root and branch away,
And unbelief for ever slay.
Thee I behold with steadfast eye,
And wait till Thou Thy blood apply,
Its purifying power impart,
And throughly wash my sprinkled heart:
Then shall I make Thy mercy known,
And love my loving God alone;
Answer Thy passion's whole design,
And die, and live for ever Thine.


[Spotless, meek and holy Lamb]

I saw the Spirit descending from heaven, &c. —i. 32.

Spotless, meek and holy Lamb,
Why didst Thou the Spirit receive?
From Thy throne on Thee He came,
That Thou might'st to sinners give,
Might'st communicate to me
The Divine, pacific Dove,
Fill my heart with purity,
Innocence, and faithful love.
Let Him, Lord, my heart inspire,
All Thy gracious mind reveal,
Kindle the baptismal fire,
Now the heir of glory seal;
Let the Comforter come down,
Take possession of my breast,
Make Thy heavenly nature known,
On my soul for ever rest.


[By this celestial sign]

Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, &c. —i. 33.

By this celestial sign
We the Baptizer know,
And all baptized with love Divine
The self-same token show:


On them the Spirit of grace
Descends, and still abides,
And fills with fruits of righteousness,
And to His glory guides.


[God supreme, who diedst for me]

Behold the Lamb of God! —i. 36.

God supreme, who diedst for me
In that atoning Lamb,
Weary of not loving Thee
Grieved at my heart, I am:
Thee I never yet beheld
In bleeding majesty Divine,
Never felt Thy love reveal'd,
Or that had kindled mine.
Suffering in the sinner's place,
Transfix'd on Calvary,
Give me eyes Thy mournful face,
Thy mangled form, to see;
Lovely in Thy garments dyed,
Crush'd with the universal load,
Show me now Thy hands and side,
And conquer by Thy blood.
Help, O help my unbelief,
Or Thou hast died in vain;
Come and heal my sin and grief,
And purge my nature's stain;
Saviour of the world, bestow
The precious gift of faith Divine,
Then my Ransomer I know,
I feel that Thou art mine.


[Naked is my heart to Thee]

They followed Jesus. —i. 37.

Naked is my heart to Thee:
Would I not Thy follower be?


Tread the path which Thou hast trod,
Track Thee, Saviour, by Thy blood,
Meekly Thine afflictions share,
Every day Thy burden bear,
Drink Thy passion's second cup,
Fill the mournful measure up?
Thou didst once for sin atone,
Tread the winepress quite alone,
Yet I may Thy grief partake,
Suffer for my Master's sake,
Through the strength Thy cross supplies
Mingle with Thy sacrifice,
Bow my head on yonder tree,
Die for One who died for me.


[The law points out the Victim slain]

Master, where dwellest Thou? —i. 38.

The law points out the Victim slain,
And toward Him a few steps we go,
But never can to Christ attain
Till He the power of faith bestow,
Turning to us, Himself impart,
And speak in mercy to the heart.
Master, (as such Thyself I own,)
My Master and Director be,
Instruct me in the way unknown,
Which leads to happiness and Thee,
And by the lessons of Thy love
Conduct me to Thy house above.


[Inspired with faith we come and see]

He saith unto them, Come and see. —i. 39.

Inspired with faith we come and see,
The place of Thy abode we know,
And tarry in Thy house with Thee;
Where two or three are met below


Thee, Jesus, in the midst we meet,
Whose presence makes the church complete.
Come all, and see our Saviour here!
He still doth in His house abide,
Assembled with His church appear
Diffused through earth, and scatter'd wide:
And here we all with Christ may sup
Till to His throne He takes us up.


[The man who hath his Saviour found]

He first findeth his own brother, . . . and saith, &c. —i. 41.

The man who hath his Saviour found,
And knows where He vouchsafes to dwell,
Should never bury in the ground
His treasure, or his faith conceal,
But testify the gospel-word,
And others urge to seek their Lord.


['Tis not enough to speak for God]

And he brought him to Jesus. —i. 42.

'Tis not enough to speak for God:
If God our faithful labours speed,
We minister the grace bestow'd,
And precious souls to Jesus lead;
Point them to the Messiah nigh,
And place beneath His pitying eye.


[O the riches of Thy grace!]

Jesus . . . findeth Philip, and saith unto him, &c. —i. 43.

O the riches of Thy grace!
Grace surpassing all our thought,
Grace transcending all our praise,
Finding those who sought Thee not!
Grace doth more than sin abound,
For a world of sinners free:
Me, their guilty chief, it found,
Drew my heart to follow Thee.


Master of my heart and will,
Both are in Thy gracious hand,
Seek, and call, and draw me still
Subject to Thy mild command.
Then I after Thee shall run
On the wings of faith and love,
Find Thee, Saviour, on Thy throne,
Glorify Thy grace above.


[While all His holy angels]

Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto, &c. —i. 45.

While all His holy angels
With hymns of praise surround Him,
We sing below
Who Jesus know,
And in our hearts have found Him.
Whom Moses and the prophets
Foretold by inspiration,
We now embrace,
Our Lord confess
Our Saviour, and Salvation:
To all our guilty brethren
We the good news discover,
Believe, and you
Shall find Him too,
The universal Lover.
Receive the true Messias
Whom God to man hath given,
And when you see
And know 'tis He,
You know the joys of heaven.


[An Israelite indeed]

Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? —i. 46.

An Israelite indeed,
A foe to worldly art


May be by prejudice misled,
Yet never err in heart:
God will not leave him long
Without distincter light,
Or let a soul continue wrong
Whose life is in the right.


[Me, I know Thine eye beheld]

When thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. —i. 48.

Me, I know Thine eye beheld
From the eye of man conceal'd,
Where I ignorantly pray'd
In the solitary shade,
Conscious of my nakedness
Cover'd with my leafy dress,
There I heard Thy secret call,
There began to feel my fall.
Drawn I was, and taught by Thee
From my earliest infancy,
In the lessons of Thy grace
I my heavenly Master trace:
Searcher of my simple heart,
God's omniscient Son Thou art,
Israel's King I worship Thee;
Come and fix Thy throne in me.


[Yes, my gracious God and Lord]

Thou shalt see greater things than these. —i. 50.

Yes, my gracious God and Lord,
If I believe in Thee,
I shall prove Thine utmost word
And greater wonders see;
I shall in Thy will delight,
And comprehend with saints above
All the length and breadth and height
And depth of perfect love.



[Greater things Nathanael view'd]

Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the, &c. —i. 51.

Greater things Nathanael view'd
When heaven he saw thrown wide,
Saw the Son of man and God
On wings of cherubs ride,
Israel's car and steeds of fire
For Israel's glorious King sent down,
Christ with all the' angelic choir
Returning to His throne.
These the greater things which I
Even I expect to see;
Christ descending from the sky
In beauteous majesty,
With His bright angelic train
While all His saints behold Him near,
I shall see my Lord again,
And in His sight appear.
Israel spiritually renew'd
In love, and pure in heart,
We shall meet and clasp our God,
And never never part;
'Midst the' acclaiming hosts ascend,
With all the clarions of the sky,
Rapt to bliss which cannot end,
To life which cannot die.