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The works of Lord Byron

A new, revised and enlarged edition, with illustrations. Edited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge and R. E. Prothero

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Scene I.

—An Antechamber in the Ducal Palace.
Pietro speaks, in entering, to Battista.
Is not the messenger returned?

Not yet;
I have sent frequently, as you commanded,
But still the Signory is deep in council,
And long debate on Steno's accusation.

Too long—at least so thinks the Doge.

How bears he
These moments of suspense?

With struggling patience.
Placed at the Ducal table, covered o'er
With all the apparel of the state—petitions,
Despatches, judgments, acts, reprieves, reports,—
He sits as rapt in duty; but whene'er


He hears the jarring of a distant door,
Or aught that intimates a coming step,
Or murmur of a voice, his quick eye wanders,
And he will start up from his chair, then pause,
And seat himself again, and fix his gaze
Upon some edict; but I have observed
For the last hour he has not turned a leaf.

'Tis said he is much moved,—and doubtless 'twas
Foul scorn in Steno to offend so grossly.

Aye, if a poor man: Steno's a patrician,
Young, galliard, gay, and haughty.

Then you think
He will not be judged hardly?

'Twere enough
He be judged justly; but 'tis not for us
To anticipate the sentence of the Forty.

And here it comes.—What news, Vincenzo?

Enter Vincenzo.
Decided; but as yet his doom's unknown:
I saw the President in act to seal
The parchment which will bear the Forty's judgment
Unto the Doge, and hasten to inform him.
