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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by Mrs, Fitzwilliam, at the Adelphi Theatre. Air—Love's young dream.

How sweet my life, each beauty bright,
Lur'd me to rove;
And my song of joy, from morn till night,
Was love, still love!
On all I smiled,
Each heart beguiled
With song, and dance, and play;
I never met a woman's scorn,
They ne'er said nay,
For in leap year 'twas I was born,
On Lady Day!

Air—A lady in Seville's fair city.

I born was in Seville's gay city,
And soon fell in love very deep;
On my Spanish guitar play'd a ditty,
And lull'd the old guardians to sleep,
With hoo tira lira la, &c.

Air—The Bold Dragoon.

There was a charming fair, and she lov'd a bold young man,
Her father was a commandant—her name was Donna Ann—
I saw and loved, the spirit moved,
I stole, at night, with flute and fiddle,
When out the commandant came,
With his long sword, saddle, bridle—
Whack went his truncheon,—
Faith, mine didn't long lay idle;
Whack down I knock'd him dead,
And then away I ran.

Air—All in the Downs.

All in the Downs the fleet lay moor'd,
I for my life flew like the wind—


I hailed a boat, and got on board,
The constables they loudly bawl'd behind.
Tell us, ye jovial sailors, tell us true,
If Don Giovanni sails among your crew.

Air—Bay of Biscay.

Loud roared the dreadful thunder—
The boat on shore was cast—
I saved my life by wonder—
Some sailors' wives sail'd past.
One kiss'd me as I lay—
Her husband came that way,
Whom, with his gun
I kill'd, then run
From the Bay of Biscay, O!

Air—Fanny was in the grove.

Zerlina was in the grove,
Masetto, her boy, was nigh:
They married, but not for love,
So just in the nick popp'd I!
Oh, oh—fondly and warmly I sigh'd—
Oh, oh—you may judge yourself if she denied.

Air—Haydn's Surprise.

Gaily shone the banquet board,
Circled round by beauties rare,
When strait some heavy steps I heard—
Leporello, see who's there.
Grim stalked in the commandant—
‘I've come—(said he)—repent, be wise,
And go with me.’ Said I, ‘I shan't!’
‘I'll take you, then, said he, Don, by surprise

Air—Peas upon a trencher.

I passed my life in wooing,
In watching and pursuing
The light that lies,
In woman's eyes,
And that 'twas proved my ruin.


When priest and parson sought me,
I scorned the heaven they taught me—
My only bliss
Was woman's kiss,
That to the devil brought me!

Air—Newgate Melody.

Which makes me to lament and say,
Pity my fall,
You young women all,
Well-a-day! well-a-day!