University of Virginia Library



[Tell me, hath thy young heart ne'er yearned]

Tell me, hath thy young heart ne'er yearned
Through lengthened hours we've passed apart?
Tell me, hath it ne'er vainly burned
To commune with my heart?
Or, am I a forgotten thing,
A cloud on thy life's sky—
A showery day in thy life's spring—
A perished weed thrown by?
Then, then, farewell! and be thou blessed,
As my scorned heart had striven to make thee:
May life's harsh whirlwinds spare thy breast,
Her arrows fail to overtake thee.


Farewell!—a weary word for death:
Yet, no!—than death far worse!
When lone and sad we draw our breath,
Consciousness is a curse!
Farewell! my soul melts in that word,
My pride forgets its threatened war!
My heart hath lost its master-chord!
My life its leading star!