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The Altar

or, Meditations in Verse On The Great Christian Sacrifice By The Author of "The Cathedral," [i.e. Isaac Williams]

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“My sin is ever before me.”

The Rock is smitten, and the water flows,
And ne'er shall cease to flow; but whensoe'er
That warning cock shall reach his wakeful ear,
That Eye again shall meet him 'mid Its woes,
And all that scene anew around him close,—
The midnight hall—the maiden drawing near—
The dread suspense—the agonizing fear—
The scoffer's noise and scorn—and the repose
Of that recalling Eye upon him cast
With tender reminiscence of the past,—
With meek reproving, yet forgiving glance,
Upon him turn'd with speechless utterance,—
Then all afresh, with unabated force,
Open'd the silent flood-gates of remorse.