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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 43.

[Heav'ns glorious Embassador]

Mal. 3. 1. The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come up into his Temple, even the Messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in, &c.

[The First Part.]

Heav'ns glorious Embassador
Is come, is come, be glad,
Who blessed news brings from afar,
How can ye more be sad?
He represents the person clear
Of the most mighty King;
And blessed news he does declare,
And tydings with him bring.
His Commission great has sealed been,
His journey long has took:
He's come, he's come we say agen,
Him for whom you did look.
And terms of peace poor Sinners now
May have, which easie be;
Before the dreadful God then bow,
And leave iniquity.
The white Flag of Mercy is out,
The Banner is display'd;
Come Sinners now and look about,
And longer been't afraid.


Gods wrath is o're in Jesus Christ,
If to him you do flye,
You shall not bear eternal wrath,
O then on him rely.
Among the gods, O Lord, is none
With thee to be compar'd,
Thou peace extends, O holy One,
The like hath not been heard.

The second Part.

Nay more than this, Christ comes to treat
About a Marriage too:
His love to Sinners, O 'tis great,
For he makes known to you
That glorious, high and bless'd design
Of the Great God above,
Which is to take that soul of thine
Into contract of love.
Behold the mighty Prince of Peace,
Whose glories does excell;
He looks on you, and loves you so,
That he with you would dwell.
O cast your eyes on him with speed,
Come Virgins fall in love,
Don't take another in his stead,
Whose 'ffections in him move


Towards such souls as yours, alas,
Though ne're so vile within;
If once this thing does come to pass,
He'll take away your sin.
Then look to him by Faith and Prayer,
O cast a single eye,
And close with him this very day,
He with you will comply.
Now let's sing and praise the Lord,
VVho did Christ Jesus send,
To proclaim peace, and love afford,
Praise him world without end.

The Third Part.

Hark, hark, the Trumpet sounds, look out,
The Embassador of Heav'n
Proclaims a peace, without all doubt
Attendance must be given.
Lay down your arms, his terms are good,
O cease this wicked war;
You have too long, alas, withstood
Heav'ns bless'd Embassador.
He will not wait on you always,
If you do not comply,
You will e're long see bloody days,
For all of you must die.


VVhilst you oppose such mercy great,
VVhat wretches are you all;
You summon'd are to th'Judgment Seat,
O great will be your fall,
If quickly now you don't submit,
He's ready to be gone:
O loath your selves, lye at his feet,
From all your folly turn.
The bloody Flag you soon shall see
Put forth in dreadful wrath;
If still his call rejected be,
No place for you on Earth,
But you to Hell with vengeance must
Be turned every one;
And from God's presence be accurst,
Ah this now think upon;
And say you have a gracious call,
And happy you may be,
If you lay hold on Gospel-terms,
A pardon you shall see.