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Canidia, or the Witches

A Rhapsody. In Five Parts

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By this the Court was forward grown,
Almost all Actions overthrown.
A thousand sev'ral Dooms, some Death,
Some Life; but hardly drawn with putrid Breath,
Exhal'd from corrupt Entrals, panting,
Better if such a Life were wanting.
Some languish daily with faint Sweats,
Others consume with extream Heats.
Some clog'd with Swinish Pursiness,
Some feeble, through Bursteness.
Some crackt, fantastick, some deep mad,
Some melancholy, dull and sad.
Some raving desp'rately, some tame,
Sporting at every Toy and Game.
Some trade in Wounds and Purple gore,
Some for Ulcers and Cancers roar.
Others had aches, grypings, throws,
Inward intolerable Woes.
Catarrhs, Cramps, Wheasings, Obstructions,
Coughs, Belching, Issues, Eruptions;
Apoplexies, Gouts, Stranguries,
Green Sicknesses, Love Maladies.


Surfets, Piles, Gangrenes, Dropsies, Tumors,
Pleurisies, sharp and brinish Humors.
Fevers, Convulsions, Scurvies, Strains,
Distorted Sinews, shrunk up Veins.
Lethargies, Palsies dead and shaking,
And all manner of Heart-aking.
Purples, Collick, Gravel and Stone,
The Disease that rots the Bone:
Neapolitan, French, or Indian Pain,
The Modish Flux, the Gentile Strain.
Quinzies, Corns, Tooth-ach, Blisters, Burns,
Scalds, Agues by fits and turns.
Kings Evil, Emeroids and Blastings,
Lungs, Kidneys, Lights and Liver wastings;
Others troubled with the Hastings.
Many a woful Wretch must Rue
For the days work, what will ensue.
For these few hours, for which whole years,
Thousands may justly shed forth Tears.
Thousands may have just cause to roar,
And their most cursed states deplore.
Each had his day, each had his hour,
Even all that came under their power.