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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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Moses visits his Brethren. Kills an Egyptian.

This Rising Sun attracts the Courtiers Eyes,
Who Wisdom's shar'd at once, and Beauty's Prize,
Yet all their gawdy shows he cou'd despise.
Afflicted Virtue meanly to disown
He thinks too dear a Rate to gain a Throne:
His Hebrew Brethren now no more unknown,
Tho' for their Thraldom he cou'd only grieve,
And mourn the Wrongs he cou'd not yet relieve.
Pharaoh he left, he left the pompous Court,
And to th'afflicted Hebrews did resort:
He found 'em faint beneath their servile load,
The Desart sprinkled with their Tears and Blood.
Compassion in his gen'rous Soul did rise,
And just Resentment sparkled in his Eyes:
Too many miserable Objects there
His Temper try'd, but One he cou'd not bear:
He saw a cruel Master seize his Slave,
Resisting tho' unarm'd, and vainly Brave:
Mov'd by the sacred Sp'rit his Sword he drew,
And to his injur'd Brother's rescue flew:
Deep in th'Invader's Breast the Weapon drives,
And his warm Heart the deadly Point receives:
Cursing he falls, and kicks the Sandy Ground,
And his black Blood and Soul rush mingled thro' the Wound.