University of Virginia Library

This favour, you do say, did come
Fragrant and full of all perfume,
Like Eastern Spices (it should seem)
This had done rarely in a Theme.
To the next Column—let us see
How you discourse His MAJESTY.
Where every solemn Epithite
Does look like Grace before you eat,
Which being said, as rudely you
Do take the Boldness to fall to,
With Rhymes most reverently sent
About Pope Clement's Fundament,
And Puns that would provoke the hate
Of any under Graduate.


Peter Non-con (it seems) must pray,
And Judas Church must take the Pay.
Some angry men would call him rude Ass,
That calls the Church of England Judas,
You'l be no Bishop, nor no Curate,
'Tis only Minister that you're at.
Minister! It sounds, methinks,
Like Pastor Clark of Bennet Fynks.
These Favours which the King doth heap
Upon your Head, hath made you leap.
And since y'have found your feet again,
The Gout's got up into your Brain:
If cap'ring be so fine a thing,
Pr'ythee come over for the King.