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Boþe Meir and Baylifs wiþ folk i-fere
To þe Iewes houene ben gon.
As sone as þei þider come were,
Þe Meir Comaundet: “doþ doun þe ston.”
Þer eueri Mon wel mihte i-seo
Þe houene-Roof, þat was so round,
Hou hit was Blasyng al of bleo
As glouwyng glos, from Roof to grount.


Þe child sat þere boþe hol and sound,
Ne nouht I-harmet, hond ny her,
A-Midde þe gledes of þe ground,
As he seete in Cool Erber.
Þe childes Moder, whon heo þat seih,
Hire þouhte heo nas neuer er so glad;
In to þe houene heo sturte him neih,
Þus sone wiþ hire him out heo had.
And al þe peple þere present
Wondred on þat selly siht,
And heried god wiþ good entent,
ffor Miracle is more þen Monnes miht.
Hou he haþ non harmes hent
Among þe brondes þat brenneþ so briht,
Þei asken of him bi on assent.
Þe child onswered a-non-riht:
“Of alle þe Murþes þat I haue had
In al my lyf ȝit hider-to
Ne was I neuere of gleo so glad
As aftur I was In þe houene I-do!
Boþe Brondes and Gledes, trustily,
Þat weren bi-neþen vndur my fote,
As feire floures, feiþfully,
As special spices me þhouȝte hem swote;
Þe Blisful Qwen, þat Maiden Milde,
Þat sitteþ in Chirche in hih Chayer
Wiþ þat comely kyng, hire childe,
Þat Blisful Babe, on Barm heo ber,
ffrom alle þe schydes þei cunne me schilde,
ffrom gledes and brondes þat brende so cler,
ffrom alle þe flaumes þat flowen so wilde,
Þat neuer non mihte neihȝe me ner.”
Boþe Men and wymmen, al þat þer wore,
Þei herieden God hertily,
Boþe luytel and muche, lasse and more,
Of þis Miracle, witerly.