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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG LXX. Saint Barnabas Day.
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SONG LXX. Saint Barnabas Day.


Sing this as the 44 Song.


Thy gifts and graces manifold,
To many men thou, LORD, hast lent,
Both now, and in the daies of old,
To teach them Faith, and to repent:
Thy Prophets thou didst first ordaine,
And they as Legats did appeare;
Then cam'st thy Selfe, and in thy Traine
Apostles for attendants were.


For Legier, when thou went'st away,
The Holy-Ghost thou didst appoint;
And here Successione till this day,


Remaine of those he did annoint;
Yea, thou hast likewise so ordain'd,
That to make good what those haue taught,
An Armie-Royall was maintain'd
Of Martyres, who thy Battels fought.


For those, and Him, for whom we thus
Are met, to praise thy Name to day,
We giue thee thanks, as they for vs,
That should come after them, did pray;
And by this duty we declare,
Our Faith assures, that they and we,
(In Times diuided though we are)
Haue one Communion still with Thee.