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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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TO THE MIGHTIE MONARCH OF MONTZAGO, THE MODELL OF MAGNANIMITY, the map of man-darring Monster-quellers, the thrice three times trebble triple renowned Alphebo, ornamented honorable Knight of Standsalio, Treldedo, Maroua, Fregero, Andalowsia, and the skie-scaling mountaine of Mulletto: Illustrious Pheander, victorious and valorous Champion to Don Phœbus, great Duke of Delphos, and the Oracle of Apollo; Marquesse of Muzetta, and the lake Asse-phaltites: Earle of Utopia; Lord and Dominator of the Promontory of Polipratemost: The vnconquer'd all conquering Mayden Knight, by reuelation, by creation, by procreation, and contentation: the vnmatched Phœnix, and foure-fold Commander of the Jnchanted Ilands, by nomination, by Banner, by warlike atchieuements, by natiuity, by descent and processe, matchlesse and vnparalleld Sir Thomas Parsons, Knight of the Sunne, great cousin Vermin to the seldome seene Queene of Fayries, and hopefull heire apparant to her inuisible Kingdome.