University of Virginia Library

So said; The Lady from whose tender eyes
Some drops did slide, whose heart did sympathize
With both their sorrowes, said; And is their then
Such vnexpected constancy in men?
Most noble Sir;
If the too rash desires of a stranger
May be dispens'd withall, without the danger
Of too great boldnesse, I should make request
To see this noble Lord, in whose rare brest
(By your report) more honour doth reside,
Then in all Greece; nay, all the world beside;
I haue a message to him, and am loath
To doe it, were I not ingag'd by oath.
Whereat, Kalander, not in breath, but action
Applies himselfe to giue a satisfaction
To her propounded wish: protraction wasts
No time; but vp to Argalus he hasts:


Argalus comes downe; and after salutation
Giuen, and receiu'd, she accosts him on this fashion