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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire. 51.
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Satire. 51.

[The pampred Horse at Mares ne're neigheth more]

The pampred Horse at Mares ne're neigheth more,
Then Lustus at all times doth at a ---
And as the lustfull Stallion striues to be
With ev'rie beast (of's kinde) his Eye doth see.
Soe likewise Lustus doth : but Lord 'tis straunge,
That man should out of reasons boundes soe raunge.
The Horse is yong, and full of strength his vaines,
A beaste: hee has noe reason to guide's raines.
But hee's a man (hee should be soe at leaste)
(And rul'd with reason, deff'rent from a beaste)
An aged man, a man gray-hair'd & olde.

Whose withered-shrinking Vaines must needes be colde,
Whose partched bodie's from all moisture drie;
Yet sildom times he sees a Wench passe by,
But hee with (badd intent) goe to hir must,
To quench (what should hee quench?) a diuelsh Lust.
Oh beastelie man: the beastli'st beast wee finde,
(Jf quencht in Corpes) ne're thirsteth in his minde.