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A book for boys and girls

or, Country Rhimes for Children. By J. B. [John Bunyan]

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XL. Upon an Instrument of Musick in an unskilful Hand.
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XL. Upon an Instrument of Musick in an unskilful Hand.

Suppose a Viol, Cittern, Lute, or Harp,
Committed unto him that wanteth Skill;
Can he by Strokes, suppose them flat or sharp,
The Ear of him that hears with Musick fill?
No, no, he can do little else then scrape,
Or put all out of tune, or break a string:
Or make thereon a mutt'ring like an Ape,
Or like one which can neither say nor sing.


The unlearn'd Novices in things Divine,
With this unskill'd Musician I compare:
For such, instead of making Truth to shine,
Abuse the Bible, and unsavoury are.