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Nerua imperator. Adrianus Imperator. Antoninus Imperator.

Vor he worrede cristendom as þe luþer nero
& let martri seint denis & moni oþere al so
Nerua was þo emperour a ȝer & somdel more
Traian com after him mon of grete lore
Nientene ȝer & an half emperour he was
Þe nobloste þat miȝte be bote þat he cristine nas
So riȝtuol he was þat þo he adde an dede him sulf ydo
Þat aȝen is lawes was & is sone al so
Vor woch dede a man ssolde þat is adde iwroȝt
Lese is on eye & he him sulf ne sparde him sulue noȝt


Ac let pulte out is owe eye & is sones al so
Vol vewe kinges me sucþ þat it wolde do
Þer uore seint gregori þo he alonde was
More þan vif hundred ȝer after þis riȝtuol cas
Þat a such mon ssolde in helle be he carede in is þoȝte
Þe soule þoru godes grace out of helle he broȝte
& to is bodi is ioinede & ȝef him cristendom
Ware wiþ as he worþe was to þe ioye of heuene com
A drian com þo next & tuenti ȝer & on
After him emperour he was of gywes ne louede he non
Þe boru of ierusalem he let somdel aȝen rere
Þat vaspasyan velde adoun þo he slou þe gywes þere
Ac he nolde þe gywes leue ȝiue uor no þing þat hii miȝte
Þat hii moste of þe boru enes abbe an siȝte


He dude hom ssame ynou & temprede hom vol wel
& made hom sone milde ynou þo hii were rebel
Antoyn was þo emperour & tuenti ȝer & tuo
& after him tueye breþeren in þe aumperye were ydo
Marcus & aurelius nientene ȝer hii were
Cristendom by hor daye me gan vaste lere
Vor eleutherie a god mon was þo pope of rome
Þoru wan verst cristenmen to engelond come
Icholle ȝou sone telle hou as ich vnder stonde
& telle after þis emperours of kinges of þis londe
After king aruirag of wan we abbeþ itold
Marin is sone was king quoyntemon & bold
& is sone was after him coyl was is name
Boþe it were quoyntemen & of noble fame
& hor truage dude to rome as hom þouȝte hii aȝte do
Vor þer nas non so noble prince þat ne dude al so


Lucie colyes sone after him king was
Vor as me may to soþe segge biuore him no betere nas
Vor he hurde ofte telle of miracles þat Come
Þoru cristen men wide aboute as wel as at rome
He wilnede and in is herte to auonge cristendom
Þer vore is messagers mid gode herte he nom
Þat to þe pope Eleuthery hasteliche hii wende
Þat he quic in to is lond cristendom him sende
Þat he miȝte serui god almiȝti vor he willede moche þer to
& he ne ssolde noȝt be glad ar þe dede were ido
Þe pope was her of glad & tweie holi men him sende
Fagan & diman is soule vor to amende
Þat riȝte bileue him teiȝte & ȝeue him cristendom
Þat folc vaste aboute wide þer to com
Þis was an hundred ȝer & sixti ȝer & tuo
After þat god was ibore þat þis dede was ido


Þus com lo verst here in to þis lond cristendom
Bote it were eny holi mon þat stilleliche arst it nom
Þer were arst in engelond hor false lawes to lere
Eiȝte & twenti chef studes bissopriches as it were