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Seuen bookes of Epigrames written by T. B. [i.e. Thomas Bastard]

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Epigr. 10.

A Gentleman, if once decline chance,
Theres meate for peasants, there is dainty fare
One snaps the sides, an other hath the haunch,
One hath the vmbles, euery one a share.
O vile base ende of riott and excesse,
He which had liuing, landes and dignitie;
Is eaten vp of very filthinesse.
Falne among swine, a pray to slauerie,
But see the ende; this sweete and daintie foode,
Turns into finer molde, vpstartes a sonne:
He is a Gentleman of your lands blood.
He buyes your Armes, who could be thus vndone,
First would I sterue my selfe and eate my nayles,
Or these rude chufs should drayle me through their tayles.