University of Virginia Library

Eugenius IV. 51st King,

Rang the Yeer of Christ 606, fra the begining of the Kingdome 936, and Rang 16 Yeers.

A learned Prince, taught be that holy Sage,
Columba cal'd, the Doctor of these dayes:
A Glorie chief and Honor of his Age,
Adwancer of Divinitie always:
In quietnes, his Kingdome he commands,
And on distrest of anie Neighbour stands.


HIS banish'd Foes, he pleasantlie recepts,
Though they were Hethnish Worshippers of gods:
Taught thame the Trueth, and tenderlie Intreats,
O're Tirrannie, Triumphantlie he trode.
And all his owne State-crosses he conjures,
The common Weell, from Cumber, so secures.