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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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Exultate iusti in Domino. Psal. xxxiij.

Exultate iusti in Domino. Psal. xxxiij.

Ȝe Richteous reioyce and loue the Lord
Iust men to thank thair God dois weil accord
Play on ȝour Lute, & sweitly to it sing
Tak Harpe in hand with mony lustie string
Tyrle on the ten stringit Instrument,
And prais ȝour God with hart and hail intent
Sing na auld thing the quhilk is abrogate
Bot sing sum new plesand perfite ballat
Blaw vp Organis with glaid and heuinly sound
Ioyfull in hart, quhilk all the skyis resound
For Goddis word is treuth and veritie,
And dois all his deidis faithfullie
The Lord lufis iustice and richteousnes,
And all the eird is full of his gudnes
The heuinnis hie wer creat be the Lord,
Thair ornamentis wer dressit be his word
He heipis vp the wateris lyke ane hill.
Syne turnis them in deip quhen that he will.
Dreid ȝe the Lord, all dwelleris on the ground,


And wirschip him all haue ye warld sa round,
Quhat God decretis is done incontinent.
All Creature obeyis his commandement.
The Counsellis of the wickit and deuyse
He perturbis, appeirand euer sa wyse.
He scornis all thair Consolatioun,
And wickit pepillis Imaginatioun,
Bot his counsell sall lest perpetuall,
And sall indure till generations all.
Full happy is the pepill maist and leist.
Quhilk in yair God, & Lord hes all yair traist
And quhome that God do cheis before all aige,
Thaine to posseid in proper heritage.
The Lord lukis furth of his heuinlie sait,
And persauis all men of euerilk stait,
From his tryumphant throne he dois beholde
All Natiounis, and dwellaris on the molde,
For he allone did creat all thair hartis,
And he allone dois knaw all thair warkis,
The King is not saif, be his greit armie,
Nor Iyand saif be strenth of his bodie.
The bardit hors in neid sall men dissaif,
And many thousand hors may na man saif.
The eyis of the Lord thay do aduert
To them that dreidis him with all thair hart
Traisting his godly help with patience.
To saif thair lyfe in tyme of pestilence.
And in the tyme of derth them for to feid.
And be thair only help in all thair neid:
Thairfoir my Saull in God put thy beleif,
Our strenth and targe to saif vs fra mischeif,
Our hart salbe into the Lord ioyous,
Sen we traist in thy Name maist glorious


Assist vs (O Lord) for thy gudnes
Euin as we traist in thy greit gentilnes.