University of Virginia Library


Hir brouis, tuo bouis of ebane ever bent;
Hir amorous ees the awfull arrouis ar;
The archer, Love, vho shoots so sharpe and far;
My breist, the butt vhairat hir shots ar sent;
My lyf, the wageour, if I win the war;
My patience pleids my proces at the bar;
My bluid, the long expensis I haif spent;
My secrete sighis, solisters for my sute;
My trinkling teirs, the presents I propyne;
My constancie, hir councellours to enclyne:
Bot rigour ryvis the hairt out by the root.
Hope heghts me help, bot feir finds no refuge:
My pairties ar my javellour and my judge.