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Anus speakis to Galathea.

My nichbour me incallis, as you may heir,
I will hir speik, and sine returne richt snell,
For grittumlie forsoth, I dreid and feir,
That to my hous, sche sall cum in hir sell:
I do draw neir, quhat gars you cry so fell,
I steik the dures, that I may fordwart fure,
Nane heir remains, the truth to you I tell,
Except the hous it selfe, I you assure.
The turns me stops, quhilk I am subiect to,
Tell quhat ye wald, thocht it be richt or wrang,
Sic bissines and turns, I haife ado,

Far gait with you, indeid I may not gang.