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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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Miserere mei Deus.

Psal. 51.

When Dauid was rebuked by the Prophet Nathan for his great offences, he did not onely acknowledge the same to God, with protestation of his naturall corruption and iniquitie, but also left a memoriall thereof to his posteritie Therefore first he desireth God to forgiue his sinnes, and to renue in him his holy Spirit; with promise that he will not be vnmindfull of those great graces. Finally, fearing left God would punish the whole Church for his fault, he requireth that hee would rather increase his graces toward the same.

Great God of Gods (whose Mercy is as great)
haue mercy on me (wretch) whose Sin exceeds;
Yet after thy compassion so compleate,
wash out the blots of my too foule misdeedes.
O clense me from the filth of mine offence,
that ranckles in my Conscience, all defilde
With all that may depraue both Soule and Sense;
that (purg'd) I may to thee be reconcil'd:
For, I acknowledge mine iniquitie,
sith still my Sinne's the obiect of my sight;
And, by the pow'r of mine impiety,
I wrong thy grace and still impugne thy Sp'rit.


Against thee onely I in sinne abide,
and done what doth condemne me in thy sight;
That in thy Words thou maist be iustifide,
and ouercome when thou art iudg'd vnright.
For, nought but wickednesse prepar'd the way
to my conception; which to worse did passe:
Then, ere I was, I stood at sinfull stay;
and, when I fell to Being, worser was.
This (Lord) is true; confessing which, doth moue
thy Grace to me thy Wisedome (hid) to show:
Then sprinckle me with Isop, in thy Loue;
and so, I shall be whiter farre; than Snow.
Vnto mine Eares (invred but to heare
what Eares corrupts) thou shalt but Ioy obiect:
So shall the bones, which by thee broken were,
reioyce; and, sinne, wherein it ioy'd, reiect.
O then from my foule sinnes thy Face auert;
and wash me from the filth they cast on me;
In me create an vndefiled Heart,
with such a spirit as may be iust to thee.
And cast me not, ô cast me not away
out of the Way still brightned by thy beames;
Nor, from me take thy Spirit, my Guide and Stay,
in hardest passages of all Extreames.


Restore to me the gladnesse of thy blisse;
and, with thy chiefest Spirit, still strengthen me;
Then those Ile teach that now thy wayes doe misse:
so, Sinners shall conuerted be to thee.
Saue me from bloud, that vengeance doth implore;
so shall my Tongue thy Iustice highly raise:
But more thy Mercy, sith it glads me more.
Then, ope my Lips, and they shall shew thy praise.
Had'st thou desired Sacrifice, I had
offer'd it to thee; but, thou tak'st delight
In no burnt Offrings; but, art euer glad
to take the Offer of a contrite Spirit.
A Broken Heart, with sorrow but for Sinne,
thou wilt, nor canst thou, for thy Word, despise;
Then, let mine, broken so, thy Mercy win;
and, from it still auert thine Angers Eyes.
With Sion, ô deale gently; that the Wals
of raz'd Ierusalem rebuilt may be;
And still withstand Hels fiery darts, and Bals,
to keepe thy Foes out, onely but for thee.
Then shalt thou take the Sacrifice in gree,
of Iustice in thy Mercy; then, shall they
Offer Oblations still in flames to thee;
and Calues vpon thine holy Alter lay.


To God the Father, praise and glory be;
and to the Sonne, and to their blessed Sp'rit;
(A Trinitie in strictest Vnitie)
as it was, is, and shall be infinite.