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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[O vainest hopes, Alas, how many Daies]
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[O vainest hopes, Alas, how many Daies]

O vainest hopes, Alas, how many Daies
Haue I beene bondslaue to a braue Deceite?
And how, in vaine, haue these two wearied Eies
With show'rs of teares watred this pleasant Vale?
Appaid I am of cruell Loue, and Fortune,
And knowe not yet whereof I doe Complaine.
No small harmes I must passe, since I Complaine,
For, to endure, framed are all my Daies,
The traunces, and deceites of Loue and Fortune:
But whence Complaine I, of a braue Deceite,
Of such a Shepherdesse within this Vale,
On whom (to my great harme) I cast mine Eies?
Yet am I much beholding to my Eies,
(Although with greefe of them I doe Complaine)


Since by their meanes I sawe within this Vale
The fairest thing, which neuer in my Daies
I thought to see, And this is no Deceite;
In proofe whereof, aske it of Loue and Fortune.
Though on the other side, in stable Fortune,
And time, occasion, and my dolefull Eies,
And not suspecting this most braue Deceite,
Caus'd all the ill, whereof I doe Complaine:
And so I thinke to end my wofull Daies,
Counting my greefes, and passions to this Vale.
If that the riuer, hill, the meade, and Vale.
Earth, heauen, and fate, and cruell Loue, and Fortune,
The howers, and the moments, yeeres, and Daies,
My soule, my hart, and these two wearied Eies,
Doe aggrauate my greefe when I Complaine,
Who then can say, I liue by fond Deceite?
Deceiu'd I was, but this was no Deceite,
For, that I haue beheld within this Vale
So rare perfection, I doe not Complaine,
But to behold, how Loue and cruell Fortune
Would signifie vnto these wearied Eies,
That there should come a helpe after some Daies.
And now the yeeres are past, the months, and Daies,
Vpon this confidence, and cleere Deceite:
Wearie with weeping are my watrie Eies:
Wearie to heare me is the hill, and Vale.
And in the end thus answered of false Fortune,
Iesting at that, whereof I doe Complaine.
But wofull man, whereof doe I Complaine,
But of the length of my prolonged Daies?
Perhaps, a slaue to me is cruell Fortune,
That for my fault she must pay this Deceite?
Went he not free, exempted in this Vale,
Who did command me to lift vp mine Eies?
But who againe can tame his greedie Eies,
Or can I liue, if I doe not Complaine
Of th' ill, which Loue hath done me in this Vale.
Curst be that ill, that lastes so many Daies:
But death cannot (if this be no Deceite)
Stay long to giue an end vnto my Fortune.
Calmes wonted are to come after hard Fortune,
But neuer shall be viewed of mine Eies.


(Nor yet I thinke to fall in this Deceite)
O well, let the first suffice, which I Complaine,
And will (faire Shepherdesse) as many Daies,
As the remembrance lasteth of this Vale.
If (Shepherdesse) that day, when in this Vale
I did behold thee (to my hardest Fortune
The finall end had come of all my Daies,
Or I had lesse beheld those coyest Eies,
The cause should cease, whereof I doe Complaine,
And I would fall no more into Deceite.
But purposing to worke me this Deceite,
When by and by thou sawest me in this Vale,
Milde thou didst seeme: See then if I Complaine
Vniustly of false Loue, and cruell Fortune?
And now I knowe not, why thou turn'st thine Eies
Away, vnlesse thou greeuest at my Daies.
My song of Loue and Fortune I Complaine,
And since a braue Deceite so many Daies
Did last, water mine Eies this hill and Vale.