Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Seuerall, mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser |
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Marches abstract.
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Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie | ||
Marches abstract.
Chap. 35.
White peason sowe,scare hūgry crow.
Spare meadow for hay,spare marshes at May.
Keepe sheepe from dog,keepe lambes from hog.
If foxes mowse them,
then watch or howse them.
March drie or wet,hop ground go set.
Yoong rootes well drest,
prooue euer best.
Grant hop great hill,
to growe at will.
From hop long gut,
away go cut.
Here learne the way,hop rootes to lay.
Rootes best to prooue,thus set I looue.
Leaue space and roome,to hillock to coome.
Of hedge and willow,hop makes his pillow.
Good bearing hop,
climes vp to the top.
Keepe hop from sunne,
and hop is vndunne.
Hop tooles procure,that may endure.
Iron crowe like a stake,
deepe hole to make.
A scraper to pare,
the earth about bare.
A hone to raise roote,
like sole of a boote.
Sharpe knife to cut,
superfluous gut.
Who graffing looues,now graffing prooues.
Of euerie suite,
graffe daintie fruite.
Graffe good fruite all,
or graffe not at all.
Graffe soone may be lost,both graffing and cost.
Learne here take heed,
what counsell doth beed.
Sowe barlie that can,too soone ye shall ban.
Let horse keepe his owne,
till barlie be sowne.
Sowe euen thy land,
with plentifull hand.
Sowe ouer and vnder,
in claie is no woonder.
By sowing in wet,is little to get.
Straight folow the plough,and harrow inough.
With sling go throwe,
to scare away crowe.
Rowle after a deaw,when barlie doth sheaw.
More handsom to make it,
to mowe and to rake it.
Learne here ye may,best harrowing way.
Now rowle thy wheat,where clods be too great.
Make readie a plot,for seeds for the pot.
Best searching minds,the best waie finds.
For garden best,is south, southwest.
Good tilth brings seedes,euill tilture, weedes.
For sommer sowe now,for winter see how.
Learne time to knowe,to set or sowe.
Yoong plants soone die,that growes too drie.
In countrie doth rest,what season is best.
Good peason and leekes,makes pottage for creekes.
Haue spoone meat inough,for cart and the plough.
Good poore mans fare,
is poore mans care.
And not to boast,
of sod and roast.
Cause rooke and rauen,to seeke a new hauen.
Thus endeth Marches abstract, agreeing with Marches husbandrie.
Other short remembrances.
Geld lambes now all,
straight as they fall.
Looke twise a day,
least lambes decay.
straight as they fall.
Looke twise a day,
least lambes decay.
Where horse did harrow,
put stones in barrow.
And laie them by,
in heapes on hy.
put stones in barrow.
And laie them by,
in heapes on hy.
Let oxe once fat,
lose nothing of that.
Now hunt with dog,
vnyoked hog.
lose nothing of that.
Now hunt with dog,
vnyoked hog.
Wish Doues good luck,
reare goose and duck.
To spare aright,
spare March his flight.
reare goose and duck.
To spare aright,
spare March his flight.
Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie | ||