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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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Oh Anguish/oh ruful-state and Misery/
Oh blynde

Rom. 1.c. Ephe. 4.b. Apoc. 3.b.

Man, that art so ignorant vtterly:

Now foolishly, dost thou wander astraye!
Thou art growen corrupt, like the Lazer most filthy/
Which art from the Headd,

[illeg.]a. [illeg.].a.

to the Foote-sole ; I saye;

Altogether deformed/thou canst it not denaye:
Ther is suerly in all thy Members, not any sounde part.
Moreouer, thou hast yeelded; to Unregardings Waye/

Esa. 3.b. Ier. 7.c. 11.a 1[illeg.] 18.b.

into Good-thinkings Path, farr entred thou art.

Oh! Playne-and-iust, lyeth vnder now in Smart:
And Good-thinking

Esa. 30.b.

, the-whyles; teacheth Ignorance & Tangling.

I must this Daye lament it, with Wofulnes-of-hart:

Deut. 23. Esa. [illeg.].a.

When shall the Man, becom Understanding?

Oh, Ignorance! how canst thou ouer the Man thus raigne,
That he can nothing-els, vnderstand, learne, nor gayne/
But thatt wherto Good-thinking,

Deu. 12. 29.

doth dayly him direct.

Self-will, doth likewyse, increase in him amayne.
He reioyceth in Self-myndednes, and wil it not reiect.
Enuyousnes and Crueltee, he doth prayse and much respect.
To persecute

Gen. 4.

innocent Blood, hee is also redy and gladd.

He is soone mooued-to-fury, and grinneth ; in effect;
At Another, like a Dogg, thats fierce and raging-madd.
Oh! Wheare is now I pray you, the

Oze. 4.

sweete Loue to be hadd?

When shall Man therby be cured, is now my Demanding?
Who ; without Gods Kingdom; is growen foolish too-too-badd,
Oh! when shall the Man, becom Understanding?