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May is blond and Madge is brown,
And 'twixt the two I fly;
One lives in country, one in town,
But yet for both I sigh.


Madge says that I'm in love with May,
And pouts a sweet disdain,
Yet all the while her brown eyes say,
‘I fear no rival's reign.’


May is calm, and like the moon
That sails the summer sky,
Her voice is sweeter than the tune
That scented night-winds sigh;
And underneath her quiet glance
All happily I lie,
And live a dreamy, sweet romance
When her fair form is nigh.


Thus 'twixt the two my heart is thrown,
And shuttle-like I fly;
For blue-eyed May is all my own,
When brown Madge is not by.
But loving each, and loving both,
I know not how to lie,
So here 's to both, however loth,
Good-by, good-by, good-by!