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What names does this argosy carry:—the paltry?—the mean?—the unknown?


Or such as the world has already through many vast distances thrown?
It carries a true Peace Apostle, who fought his way up toward the sun,
And, scanning two worlds, conjured marvels in helping the uplift of one;
It carries a capital's idol—a boon to a President's sight—
Because he is not upon one day, but all days, a chivalrous knight;
It carries some makers of fortunes, some rulers of monies and marts,
Who keep their great riches in wide hands, and not in the depths of their hearts;
It carries the pure souls of women whom angels are watching tonight,
And who in the hour when earth darkens, will make even Heaven more bright:
It carries its fugitive hundreds, who in their own homes were oppressed,
But now grand air-castles are building, away in the glittering West;


It carries the day-by-day toiler, who all of his muscle must give,
For prosperous mortals' permission that he and his loved ones may live;
But all are to learn the great lesson—they long should have known, prudence deems—
That man cannot conquer the oceans, except in illusory dreams.