University of Virginia Library


Want to buy Old Comics. Disneys
especially. Bring 'em back from
home! For information call
823-5739 after 6. *(3915)

Ride wanted to Florida during
spring break. Call Nll 296-9042.

Grad student interested in playing
"A" League softball. Anyone w/
room on team roster. Please call
977-0932. After 6 p.m. *(3924)

Publicity coordinator, with some
experience in photography,
journalism, radio-television
communications, and group
speaking. Relatively independent
position in small office which
requires creativity and ability to
communicate with and coordinate
group action. Full time beginning
August. Send resume: P.O. Box
129, Ivy Virginia. *(3925)

Male roommate wanted now at
University Heights. A/C, Pool. Rent
$42.50. Call Bob 973-5679.

Female roommate wanted to share
two bedroom apt. Hayes Gardens
Rent $87. Call 293-5043. *(3843)

Wanted – experienced carpet layer
– moonlight one job, you pick the
time – Help available. Call
977-6877. *(st)