University of Virginia Library



HOUSING Comm. meeting at 2
p.m., IFC office. All those who
wish to inspect houses next week,
please attend.

DEPT. of Chemistry presents
Prof. Tamelen, Stanford U., speaking
on "THE Fixation-Reduction of
Molecular Nitrogen under Mild
Conditions" at 4 p.m., room 304
Chemistry Bldg.

400 YEARS of Insanity will be
discussed by Dr. J. Lange in South
Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall at
8 p.m. Free.

MOVIES - "Japanese House"
and "Iolani Place" at 8 p.m., room
160 Architecture School, sponsored
by Society of Architectural Historians.

ACLU meeting at 6:30 in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom. The John
Bassett concert will follow immediately
after meeting.

YR Board meeting at 9 p.m.,
room 4C Newcomb Hall.

MEETING of New Democratic
Coalition at 7 p.m. room 4A
Newcomb Hall. Club elections.


ANNUAL Art Auction and
Exhibit at School of Architecture,
auction starts tomorrow at 7 p.m.,
public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science org. meeting
at 7:30, 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 7:45 in contract cafeteria,
2nd floor Newcomb Hall.

CIRCLE K meeting at 9:30 in
room 4A Newcomb Hall. Installation
of new officers.

SOUTH ASIA Comm. seminar
at 4 p.m. room 141 Wilson, Mr.
Reid will speak on modern Indian

COMPUTER - Advanced Algol
presents "File Declarations and the
Rationale for Mass Storage Files" at
5 p.m., room B-23 Gilmer Hall.

Dozen," morality disappears in
time of stress, 7 and 9:30, Newcomb
Hall, Seventy-five cents.

MEETING of all persons interested
in working on next year's
Corks and Curls photo staff at
p.m. Corks & Curls office, 5th floor
Newcomb Hall.

VA. PROGRESSIVE Party convention
at 8 p.m. South Meeting
Room, Newcomb Hall. Election of
officers and nomination of student
council candidates.


GAMMA NU chapter of Zeta
Tm Alpha announces the pledging
of Donna Ellis, Mary Ackerman,
and Patricia Neel.

are invited to apply to U. Union
assembly for committee work next
year. Previous experience and hours
not necessary. Come to Union
office, 4th floor Newcomb Hall or
call 3286 for info.

who had his film confiscated
by the NAME production staff
because of "equity" rules, please
come to Director's Office, Newcomb
Hall for film reimbursement.

at St. Thomas Church at 7 p.m.
Mandrake , Townes Van
Zandl, Rock Lustre etc. Proceeds
to C. Jordan Scholarship fund.
Tickets $1.

R&U info. on Bobby Scale at Hit.
table, Newcomb Hall, 12-2 daily.

STUDENT Council representatives
will be elected from the
following schools on May 12 and
13: Grad. A&S (2 positions); Law
(1); Nursing (2); College (). All of
these are one-year positions. In
addition the following one-semester
positions are open: Architecture
(1), 25 signature petitions (75 sigs.
in college) must be in before 9 a.m.
Tuesday, May 5. Candidates meet
Friday, May 1 in Council offices at