University of Virginia Library


Invest where returns are phenomenal
— wanted, couple to be
parents and directors for 4 to 6
foster boys. Contact Sydnor

One bedroom apt. furnished for
4th year married couple. Sept. '70
to Feb. 71, 296-8522.

Wanted: Summer sublet starting
June 1, 2 bedrooms, air con. at
1800 Jefferson Park, Call

Female roommate to share
apartment with 2 girls in Univ. area,
$50 mo., 295-1253 after 5.

For next year — one male
roommate house in country, 2
fireplaces. A.C., 6 rooms, furnished.

Female roommate to share
house. Call 296-2055.

Men needed now for public
relations work in Ch'ville. 3 to 4
evenings per week, No sales. Excellent
pay, must have sharp appearance
and car, Call Richmond
358-6719 before 5 p.m.