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University Notices
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IFC Rush Evaluation meeting 4
p.m. in IFC office. New pledges and
rush chairmen welcome.

MESSIAH Sing-in at 8 p.m.,
Cabell Hall Aud. Don Loach conducting.
Charge fifty cents, refreshments.

OUTING CLUB meeting Informal
Lounge at 7:30 p.m.

GUIDE PARTY at 7 p.m., Rotunda.

THE COMM. for South Asian
Studies Second Interdisciplinary
Seminar on "Higher Education in
South Asia Today" at 3:30 p.m. in
333 Cabell Hall. Interested students
and faculty invited.

ECHOLS MATH Club meeting
at 7:30 p.m., room 248 Cabell Hall.
Topic will be "Differential Equations
and Flows" by Mr. England.


THE USERS' Group of the
Computer Center presents a lecture
on stream procedures given by
Robert Tufty, at 5 p.m., room
B-23, Gilmer Hall.

CIRCLE K meeting at 8 p.m.,
Informal Lounge, Newcomb Hall.

THE VA. PLAYERS will present
two workshop productions,
"George Washington Crossing the
Delaware" and "The Indian wants
the Bronx" at 8 p.m. in Minor Hall.

coffee hour at 5 p.m., Graduate

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
8 p.m., room next to contract
cafeteria. All bridge players invited.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.

CAVE CLUB meeting Thursday
at 7:30 p.m., South Meeting Room,
Newcomb Hall.


A LIST of typists is available at
the Newcomb Hall desk.

FRIDAY, January 10. Biology
Seminar at 4 p.m. in room 150.
Speaker will be James Townsel
speaking on "The Nature of Cardio-inhibition
in Limulus."

ALL THOSE planning to enroll
in the new course MUSIC IN
next semester notify Dr. Dale Craig
of Music Dept. so that the size of
the class can be estimated. Either
call ext. 3052 or come to room A,
Old Cabell. The course is an introduction
to the art musics of India,
China, Indonesia, will meet Tuesdays
and Thursdays 11-12: 15.

VA. COUNCIL on Human Relations
will provide a "vote Yes"
poster to anyone who donates fifty
cents or more to Martin Luther
King Memorial Fund. Send name,
address and donation to Don Fleek,
128 Chancellor St. 296-6484.

TO ALL FIRST and second-year
committeemen who were
selling Strawberry Alarm Clock
tickets: If the tickets are not turned
in to the Director's Office of
Newcomb Hall at 12 NOON Thursday
you will be held responsible for
$2.50 for each ticket not returned.
It is important that we have accurate
records of these transactions.

THE U. UNION announces
plans for a semester break excursion
to San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jan.
26-Feb. 2, with round-trip air transportation
on Pan Am and hotel accommodations
all inclusive. The
price, depending on hotel reservations,
will be approximately $175.
This announcement is only to "let
you plan ahead." The full price will
be announced as soon as possible. If
interested, call ext. 3286 or stop by
U. Union office, 4th floor, Newcomb
Hall for additional info.

THE DEADLINE for the short
Story, poetry, and one-act play
categories of the Fine Arts Contest
has been extended until Jan. 10.
Entries in these categories as well as
the satirical essay, photography,
and art categories are all due on
that date. They may be turned in
any weekday afternoon to the U.
Union office, 4th floor Newcomb

A SECTION of English 58 (Creative
Writing) devoted to poetry
will be established in the spring
semester. The course will meet
Mondays and Wednesdays at 2 p.m.
and will include study of contemporary
poets. Enrollment
limited. Those wishing to take the
course should submit a sample of
their writing to Mr. Morgan, box in
Cabell Hall 528.

THE ALDERMAN Library will
close Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. instead of
11:30 p.m. as previously announced.
The other holiday hours
are: Dec. 21 open 8:30 a.m. 6 p.m.
Dec. 22 closed. Dec. 23 9-5. Dec.
24,25, closed. Dec. 26-28, 9-5. Dec.
29 closed. Dec. 30, 9-5. Dec. 31
and Jan. 1, closed. Jan. 2-4, 9-5.
Jan. 5 regular hours.