University of Virginia Library


Teachers and Tutor-Counselors
needed for Project Upward
Bound. Interested persons please
meet in Room 444 of Cabell Hall.

1959 Chevy, Va. automatic, good
mechanical shape, clean. Great
for road trips, call after 4:30, 2955690.

Food service has openings for
the following: Dishwasher 5-8
p.m., Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.,
Cashier 4.15-7:30 Sundays. Short
Order Cook 8 a.m. 4:30 Sundays.
Dishwasher 11:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m.
Saturday. Apply 4th floor Newcomb
Hall Monday, Friday 9 a.m.,
4 p.m.

Student for managerial position
of Time, Inc. News-Magazine
agency for 1968-69 sessions.
Contact Rod Herring Office of
Financial Aid Ext 3725 between
2-5 p.m.

Need roommate NOW in 3-man
apartment. One block, $33.61 each.
Call Lu, 293-6721 or ext. 3294.

Secretary for lawn firm, minimum
shorthand 90 wpm, typing
60 wpm, excellent benefit programs.
Call 296-5121 ext. 66.

Typist needed, Must be able to
qualify for work study scholarship.
See Dr. Ozmon. 104 Peabody
Hall Annex, ext. 3739.