University of Virginia Library


Members of the Board were invited to remain in Fredericksburg for the Alumnae
Association's Golden Anniversary dinner in the evening at which President Darden
was to speak.

Visitors who had participated on March 14th-15th in the Fiftieth Anniversary
Founder's Day exercises, at which Mrs. J. Lindsay Almond was the principal speaker,
and at which Governor Almond and President Darden were among the speakers honoring
the Hon. C. O'Conor Goolrick, praised the manner in which the anniversary had been
observed. It was requested that the official program (containing Mr. Goolrick's
modest historical sketch of the College) be preserved with the minutes of this

The Board adopted the following resolution.

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia that we warmly
approve and concur in the tributes voiced on 14 March 1958 by the Governor and Mrs.
J. Lindsay Almond, President Colgate W. Darden, Jr., Mrs. Peter D. Copes, and Miss
Evelyn Breeden in observance of the Fiftieth Anniversary of Mary Washington
College of the University of Virginia, and in honor of the Founder of the College,
the Honorable Charles O'Conor Goolrick.

We gratefully recognize the indispensable work of Mr. Goolrick in bringing
the College into being, and his devoted service gladly given over the years to the
welfare and growth both of the College and of the University of which it has now
become so important a part. We are proud that Mr. Goolrick has so long served
this Board, as a fellow-Visitor and later as an unofficial advisor. In the name of
the University, which claims his and our united love and service, we hereby record
our obligation to him for his effectual and unselfish labors in her cause.


RESOLVED FURTHER that we view with keen satisfaction the state of the
College in this, its fiftieth anniversary year. The outstanding work of its
present administrators, teachers, students, and alumnae commands our warm approval,
and we therefore look forward to the future of the College with high confidence.

It was ordered that copies of this resolution be sent to Mr. Goolrick, to
Chancellor Simpson, to Dean Alvey, to Mr. Woodward, to Miss Breedon, President of
the Student Government Association, and to Mrs. Copes, President of the Alumnae

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned.

Frank Talbott, Jr.
Francis L. Berkeley