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Bits Of Wisdom
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Bits Of Wisdom

Dear Sir:

I wish to reply to the
sentiments of Mr. P. Cauchon.

Young man, I am affronted!
As perhaps U.Va.'s most
elderly co-ed, (I admit to being
over thirty) I find it downright
annoying to find people
thumbing rides to classes. To
share a few bits of wisdom
garnered in my extensive years;
(1) it is a blessing to have
functional legs, and (2) any
opportunity to exercise them
should be seized upon "lest we

Walking is also an excellent
way to meet one's friends and
to observe many facets of the
passing scene. Many time I
have arrived books and all, at
Cabell Hall, dripping and
panting from a good trot; and
have managed to survive.

The next time I pass you in
my empty VW (en route to or
from the frontiers of Western
Albemarle Co.) I may "thumb"

Elizabeth C. Gathright
Col 4