University of Virginia Library

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"Boarding out"

a tale of domestic life


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The Family Library. Now comprising 173 vols. 18mo.
Abundantly illustrated by Maps, Portraits, and Engravings.
Bound uniformly, but each work sold separately.
$77 05 per set.

A title which, from the valuable and entertaining matter the collection
contains, as well as from the careful style of its execution, it well deserves.
No family, indeed, in which there are children to be brought
up, ought to be without this library, as it furnishes the readiest resources
for that education which ought to accompany or succeed that of the boarding-school
or the academy, and is infinitely more conducive than either
to the cultivation of the intellect.—Monthly Review.

We recommend the whole set of the Family Library as one of the
cheapest means of affording pleasing instruction, and imparting a proper
pride in books, with which we are acquainted.—United States Gazette.