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List of Records

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List of Records


This list includes all documents, letters, publications, or other records of the Virginia Company,
or relating to the company between 1616 and 1625, which the Editor has been able to discover, and
also those previous to 1616 which are not published or cited by Alexander Brown in the Genesis of the
United States
. The object in compiling the list has been to give to the student of history the necessary
information concerning each document in as convenient form as possible in order to aid him in finding
or in identifying the papers. The documents have been arranged in chronological order, but with
the provision that whenever the day of the month is uncertain the document has been placed at the
beginning of the month, and when the month is not known it has been placed at the beginning of the
year. Thus, at the first of each year and of each month will be found the undated papers, or those to
which it has been impossible to assign dates. The subject-matter, as well as the title and the name of
the author has been given rather for identification than to serve as a calendar, since it is the aim
of this series to publish all material except that which is purely supplementary. The documents
which it is intended to publish in this series, if the privilege can be secured, have been indicated by
an asterisk. The title has been quoted wherever possible, and the orthography of proper names has
been made to conform to that of the document. The location, indicated by abbreviated forms, and the
reference, following the abbreviation, Ref., of every edition, contemporary copy, or later transcript
has been given, but the description of the document is either in the introduction or will be found in
connection with its publication in the succeeding volumes. Wherever the paper has been published
or calendared the reference has been cited after the abbreviation, Pub. The material has been classi-
fied with regard to source or authorship and the classes have been indicated by Roman numerals,
placed to the left of the "reference." The bibliographies have been included in the index in the
second volume of the series. It has been found necessary either to abbreviate or to use symbols
for the names of the libraries or collections in which documents are found, and those abbreviations
have been placed at the extreme right hand of the page.



  • Fundamental documents, emanating from the Crown.
  • II.

  • The court book of the company.
  • III.

  • Documents issued by the company: instructions, commissions, grants, receipts, official corre-
  • IV.

  • Records of the colony: court book, orders, reports, letters.
  • V.

  • Publications of the company.
  • VI.

  • Private papers of individual adventurers.
  • VII.

  • Supplementary correspondence and records of nonmembers of the company.


Symbols Indicating Location of Documents

ANT.  Society of Antiquaries, London. 
BEL.  Collection of the Earl of Rutland,
Belvoir Castle. 
BM.  British Museum, England. 
BOD.  Bodleian Library, Oxford. 
CAMB.  Cambridge University Library, Eng-
CHILD.  Collection of J. Eliot Hodgkin, Child-
well, Richmond, Surrey. 
DOV.  Borough of Dover, England. 
DROP.  Collection of Hon. G. M. Fortescue,
Dropmore, Maidenhead, England. 
HARV.  Harvard Library, Cambridge, Massa-
HL.  Repository of the House of Lords,
IPS.  Ipswich, England. 
JCB.  John Carter Brown Library, Provi-
dence, R. I. 
KP.  Collection of Lord Sackville, Knole
Park, County Kent. 
LAMB.  Lambeth Palace Library, London. 
LEI.  Leicester, England. 
LC.  Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 
[LC]  Transcript in Library of Congress,
Washington, D. C. 
MC.  Magdalene College, Cambridge, Eng-
MONT.  Montague House, London. 
NEWB.  Library of Ed. E. Ayer in the New-
berry Library, Chicago. 
NY.  New York Public Library. 
[NY]  Transcript in New York Public Li-
P.  Imperial Library, Paris. 
PC.  Privy Council, London. 
PEQ.  Pequot Library, Connecticut. 
PET.  Collection of Lord Leconfield, Petworth
House, County Sussex. 
PRIV.  Private library in New York City. 
PRO.  Public Record Office, London. 
Q.  Queens College, Oxford. 
R.  Archives of Jesus, Rome. 
READ.  Borough of Reading, England 
SHER.  Sherbourne Castle, County Dorset. 
SUF.  Collection of W. W. Molyneux, Suf-
folk County, England. 
SYON.  Collection of Duke of Northumber-
land, Syon House, England. 
VHS.  Virginia Historical Society, Rich-
mond, Virginia. 
WELB.  Collection of Duke of Portland, Wel-
beck Abbey. 
WOD.  Collection of Edmund R. Wodehouse,
esq., England. 
WYC.  Borough of Wycombe, England. 
YAR.  Yarmouth, England. 


A. L. S.  Autograph letter signed. 
Bull.  Bulletin. 
Col.  Collections. 
Com.  Commission. 
Co.  Company. 
D. S.  Document signed. 
Hist.  Historical, History. 
Lib.  Library. 
L. S.  Letter signed. 
Mag.  Magazine. 
MS.  Manuscript. 
Misc.  Miscellaneous. 
Pub.  Public. 
Rec.  Records. 
Rept.  Report. 
Soc.  Society. 

*Document will be published in this series.


    BEFORE 1609


  • Reasons against publishing the King's title to Virginia. A justification for planting Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Tanner MSS., XCIII, fo. 200 (old fo. 352). BOD. [LC]

    1606 (?)


  • "A plaine declaracon, how greatlie the ffarmours of the Tobacco impost have bene endam-
    aged by that ffarme, and what proffitt and benefitt their labour & travell have brought
    to his Matie." BM. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Lansdowne, Caesar Papers, 156, fo. 58.
  • The date is in the index in the writing of the century. The names mentioned in the docu-
    ment prove that it was as early as 1612, the date when tobacco was first planted in Virginia.

    1606/7, FEBRUARY 16–1607/8, FEBRUARY 4


  • Payments for apparel and tobacco for Mr. George Percy sent to him in Virginia. SYON.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Rolls of the Duke of Northumberland.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Sixth Report, 229a.

    1607/8, FEBRUARY 8–1608/9, FEBRUARY 3


  • Payments for Mr. Geo. Percy for necessities for building a house in Virginia and for trinkets.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Rolls of the Duke of Northumberland. SYON.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Sixth Report, 229a.



  • King and Privy Council. Oaths of supremacy and allegiance administered to colonists.
  • I.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. III, pt. i, pp. 20, 20a. LC.
  • 6.[1]

  • ——. Oath of the Secretary of the Colony administered by Governor and Council in Virginia.
  • I.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. III, pt. i, p. 21. LC.



  • Popham con Havercombe. The President and Council of the Virginia Company v. the
    master of the "Guift of God," for not sufficiently providing the passengers. Complaint,
    answer, and judgment. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty, Instance and Prize, Libels 73, Nos. 274, 279.
  • This suit concerns the northern colony for Virginia.

    MAY 28


  • Ralph, Lord Eure. A letter to Sir Robert Harley, stating that Captain Newport has brought
    over Captain Wingfield, accused of some treachery, but not yet tried. WELB.
  • VII.

  • Ref: MSS. of the Duke of Portland.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourteenth Report, pt. 2, p. 5.




  • Virginia Council (?). General instructions to the lieutenant governor of Virginia. Copy of
    the sixth article. BM.
  • III.

  • Ref: MSS. of the Marquis of Lansdowne, Vol. 58.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fifth Report, 226.



  • Virginia Council. "Instrucc̃ons, orders, and constituc̃ons ... to Sr Thomas Gates knight
    Governor of Virginia ... by vs his Maiesties Councell for [Virginia.]" BOD. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ashmolean MSS., 1147, fos. 175–190a.
  • A contemporary copy.

    1609 (?)/10


  • Virginia Council. "Instructions, orders, and constituc̃ons ... to Sr Thomas West knight
    Lo: La Warr, ... by vs his Maties Councell for the Companie of adventurers ...
    [for Virginia]." BOD. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ashmolean MSS., 1147, fos. 191–205a.
  • A contemporary copy.

    1609–12 (?)


  • G[eorge] P[ercy]. "A trew relation of the proceedings and occurents of momente which
    have happened in Virginia from Sr Thomas Gates—1609 to my departure, A. D. 1602
    [1612]." PET.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MSS. of Lord Leconfield, No. 81, 4th to 17th century, vellum, p. 1.
  • Pub: Catalogue: Hist. MSS. Com., Sixth Report, 307.

    1609/10, FEBRUARY 7–1610/11, FEBRUARY 6


  • Payments for tobacco for the Earl and Lord Percy and for George Percy in Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: MSS. of the Duke of Northumberland. SYON.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Sixth Report, 229b.



  • George Yeardley. A letter to Sr Henry Peyton, stating that the country needs only "round
    and free support of men and money." BOD. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Eng. Hist. MSS., c. 4, new No., MS. 29724, fo. 3.

    MARCH 4


  • Town of Ipswich. Order for "adventuring out of the towne treasure one hundred pounds
    ... in the voyage to Virginia." IPS.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Ext. from General Court Books, 4 March, 8 James I.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Ninth Report, pt. 1, p. 256.

    1611 (?)


  • Virginia Council. A letter "to Sr Raphe Winwood, Ambassador," requesting adventurers
    in the Netherlands, and telling of the prosperous condition of the Colony. MONT.
  • III.

  • Ref: Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry MSS., Winwood Papers.
  • Pub: Full calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Report on above, Vol. I (1899), p. 103.




  • Sir Thomas Smythe. A letter to Sr Raphe Winwood, Ambassador, acknowledging £72 from
    above request, and sending the bills of adventure. MONT.
  • III.

  • Ref: Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry MSS., Winwood Papers.
  • Pub: Full calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Report on above, Vol. I (1899), p. 99.

    MARCH 10


  • ——Bruz. A letter to the Earl of Rutland concerning Dale's departure with three hundred
    men at expense of £8,000. BEL.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Earl of Rutland Papers.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Twelfth Report, pt. 4, p. 429.

    APRIL 28


  • Sir John Digby. A letter to W. Trumbull concerning the Spanish attitude toward the
    Virginia plantation, and other letters of similar character. SHER.
  • VII.

  • Ref: George Wingfield Digby MSS., Register of Letters.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS., Com., Tenth Report, pt. 1, pp. 576, 583, 600, 608, 609.



  • Virginia Company. Virginia Company con Sir Thomas Mildmaye, James Bryarley, and
    Matthew de Quester. The bill of complaint addressed to Thos. Lord Ellesmere, Lord
    Chancellor, with regard to the payment of certain sums adventured. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/27.



  • Sir Thomas Mildmaye. The answer of Sir Thomas Mildmaye to the bill of complaint of the
    Virginia Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/27.

    JANUARY 11


  • James Bryarley and Mathewe de Quester. The answer of James Bryarley and Mathewe
    de Quester to the bill of complaint of the Virginia Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/27.

    JANUARY 26


  • John Wheeler. John Wheeler to Sir Raphe Winwood requesting adventures in the lottery
    for himself and others. MONT.
  • III.

  • Ref: Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry MSS., Winwood Papers.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Report on above, Vol. I (1899), pp. 122–123.

    APRIL 28


  • Virginia Company. Virginia Company con Sir H. Neville, Sir Geo. Huntleye, Wm. Hall,
    et al., regarding the payment of sums adventured. The bill of complaint. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 4/17.


    MAY 18


  • Sir George Huntley. The answer of Sir Geo. Huntley to the bill of complaint of the Virginia
    Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 4/17.



  • Virginia Company. Virginia Company con Sir Edmond Boyd, Sir John Sammes, et al.,
    regarding the payment of sums adventured. The bill of complaint. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/69.



  • Sir John Sammes. The answer of Sir John Sammes to the bill of complaint of the Virginia
    Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/69.



  • Virginia Company. Virginia Company con William Leveson, regarding the payment of
    certain sums collected in the lottery and not surrendered. The bill of complaint.
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 2/55. PRO. [LC]



  • William Leveson. The answer of William Leveson to the bill of complaint of the Virginia
    Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, Nos. 2/55.

    [1613, DECEMBER 29]-1614 [JANUARY 8]


  • J. Luntius. Letters to Sir Raphe Winwood, ambassador, concerning the rumor of a Spanish
    attack on the Virginia Colony. MONT.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry MSS. Winwood Papers.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Report on above, Vol. I (1899), pp. 122–123.



  • William Hall, Esq. The answer of William Hall to the bill of complaint of the Virginia
    Company. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Chancery Proceedings, James I, Bundle U, No. 4/17.



  • Privy Council. Order of Privy Council to Lord Howard Effingham, Sir Geo. More, Sir Ed.
    Howard, and others, requesting cooperation in the lottery and sending books for
    adventurers' sums. WOD.
    I. Ref: (1) MSS. of E. R. Wodehouse. (2) MSS. of W. W. Molyneux, Esq.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Thirteenth Report, pt. 4, p. 437.

    MARCH 3


  • Consideration of the "Letters from Lordes of the Counsell concerninge the Lottery for the
    helpe of the Englishe in Virginia." READ.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Corporation of Reading Records, MS. XLVIII, a.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eleventh Report, pt. 7, p. 211.


    APRIL 13


  • Action of the assembly. Every alderman to urge inhabitants to adventure in the Virginia
    lottery. YAR.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Corporation of Great Yarmouth. Records, 40 Elizabeth to 12 James I, Assem-
    bly Book. D (j).
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Ninth Report, pt. 1, p. 319.



  • Certificate for 104 lbs. of midding tobacco from Virginia. KP.
  • III.

  • Ref: MSS. of the Earl De La Warr.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, 314.

    1615/16, MARCH 6–1623, JUNE 9


  • Shareholders in the Virginia Company from 1615–1623. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 33.
  • Pub: Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, IV, 299–310.
  • Transcript in the N.Y. Public Library, Bancroft, I, 203–205.



  • Virginia Company. A letter to the mayor of Salisbury concerning a college for Virginia.
  • III.

  • Pub: New England Historical and Genealogical Register.



  • Virginia Council. A proclamation by His Majesty's Council for Virginia giving license to
    any in Virginia to return, by obtaining permission from the governor. NY.
  • III.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers.
  • Pub: Brown, Genesis of the United States, II, 797–798.

    JUNE 7


  • Governor Argall. A letter and proclamations or edicts as to sale of goods and banishment of
    John Hudson. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.) (2) MS. Coll. Va.
    Hist. Soc., John Randolph MSS., III, 91.
  • Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., IV, 28–29.
  • Cited from "No. 41A Register book during the Goumt. of Saml Argall Esqr admiral, & for ye
    time p'sent, principal Gour. of Virga.," a record not now known to be in existence.

    JUNE 8


  • John Rolfe. Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, giving the story of the journey from Plymouth
    and the good condition of the colony, though in need of clothing. MC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., X, 134–138.
  • A. L. S. Endorsed by Sir Edwin Sandys.


    JULY 13-AUGUST 31


  • Privy Council. Orders for transportation of prisoners, mentioned by name, to Virginia.
    I. Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. III, 91, 121. PC. [NY]
    Pub: Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., ser. 4, Vol. IX, pp. 1–4.
    Transcript in N. Y. Pub. Lib., Barlow Papers, Virginia, Vol. I.

    OCTOBER 20


  • Governor Argall. Pardon to George White for running away to the Indians with arms and
    ammunition; also to Arthur Edwards and to Henry Potter. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.) (2) MS., Coll. Va. Hist.
    Soc., John. Randolph MSS., III, 91.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 43.[1]

  • ——. Commission to trade to north parts of Virginia and for commanders of the several
    hundreds. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 44.[1]

  • ——. Appointment of William Powell, captain of guards belonging to the governor and
    lieutenant-governor and commander of James Town. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 45.[1]

  • ——. Commission to trade in south parts and in the bay. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 46.[1]

  • ——. Commission to Captain Nathaniel Pool to be serjeant major generale.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 47.[1]

  • ——. Commission to Francis West, master of ordinance, during life. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 48.[1]

  • ——. Commission to Nathaniel West, to be captain of the Lord General's company.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to the Puritans.
  • III.

  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 124–125.



  • Governor Argall. Confirmations as to cattle. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.



  • Citizens of Bermuda Hundred. A letter signed by the recorder and nine other citizens
    claiming West and Shirley hundreds as belonging to them. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.




  • Governor Argall. Letter to citizens of Bermuda Hundred that he will not infringe their
    rights but begs that colony servants may remain there this year. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.



  • Privy Council. Order that the Virginia Company should be custom free for goods returned
    from the Colony until expiration of the grant. PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. III, p. 201.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Barlow Papers, Virginia, Vol. I.



  • Lord De La Warr. Lord De La Warr's covenant to Lord Zouch for his adventure to Virginia.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. 36. PC. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 18.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Collection, Virginia Papers, Vol. I, pp.



  • Governor Argall. "Certain Reasons touching ye most convenient times & seasons of ye year
    for ye magazine ship to set forth for Engld towards Virg.a" (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 56.[1]

  • ——. Letter to the Council for Virginia, wishing to be relieved as governor, complaining
    because they have joined the cape merchant with him in equal trust.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • See No. 40. Remarks.
  • 57.[1]

  • ——. Four warrants as to trade and relations with the Indians. (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • IV.

  • Ref: See under No. 40.
  • See No. 40, Remarks.

    [1618 ?]


  • A complete list in alphabetical order of the "Adventurers to Virginia," with the several
    amounts of their holding. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 241.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 33.
  • The date may be 1619. See an order of the Virginia Company Court Book, Dec. 15, 1619, and
    June 23, 1620.
  • 59.[1]

  • Defalcation made to the farmers of the customs for the subsidy of goods from and to Virginia,
    1613–18. KP.
  • III.

  • Ref: MSS. collection of Lord Sackville.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, 251.
  • 60.[1]

  • Abraham Jacob. Receipt of tobacco from Lady-day to Michaelmas; Michaelmas to January
    23. Total of £5,646 18s. 6d. KP.
  • III.

  • Ref: MSS. collection of Lord Sackville.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, 314.


    JANUARY 18


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton concerning the death of Pocahontas.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 40, No. 25. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 18.

    JANUARY 27


  • John Robinson and William Bruster (Puritans). Letter to Sir John Wolstenholme.
  • VI.

  • Pub: Neill, E., Virginia Co. of Lond., 125–126.

    JANUARY 31


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton concerning the departure of Lord
    La Warr for Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 45, No. 27.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 19.



  • Governor Argall. Order addressed to the commander of Kiquotan not to permit landing
    of sailors on arrival of vessels. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.)
  • See No. 40, Remarks.



  • Governor Argall. Commission to William Cradock to be provost marshal of Bermuda City
    and Hundred. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto, pp. 92–93. (Abstract only.)
  • See No. 40, Remarks.

    MARCH 5


  • Privy Council. Letter to Lord De La Ware stating that Henry Sherley, an escaped debtor is
    not to be harbored in Virginia. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. III, p. 295. (2) State Papers, Domes-
    tic, James I, Vol. 46, p. 527.

    MARCH 10


  • Governor Argall. Letter to the Virginia Company describing the ruinous condition in which
    he found the colony and the improvements he had made. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.)
  • See No. 40, Remarks.

    MARCH 16


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning the departure of Lord La
    Warr for Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 45, No. 63.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 19.

    MARCH 20


  • Privy Council. Orders for transportation of prisoners, mentioned by name, to Virginia.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. III, p. 319. PC.


    MARCH 29


  • Virginia Company. A letter to the mayor of Salisbury concerning a college for Virginia.
  • III.

  • Pub: New England Hist. and Geneal. Register.

    MAY 2.


  • Governors of the Virginia Company. Letter to the mayor and aldermen of Leicester,
    soliciting countenance of the lottery for the furtherance of the endeavor of the said
    company. LEI.
  • III.

  • Ref: Corporation of Leicester, 6th vol. of Hall Papers. VIII.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 1, p. 435.

    MAY 3


  • Lord Admiral Nottingham's pass for the "Edwin" of London, returned from Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. XCVII, No. 56. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 538.

    MAY 4


  • John Bargrave and James Brett. John Bargrave, owner, and James Brett, master of
    "Edwin;" bond for £100 to indemnify Lord Zouch for delivering the ship to them.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. XCVII, No. 56. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 538.

    MAY 10


  • Governor Argall. Proclamations or edicts relating to attendance at church. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.)
  • See No. 40, Remarks.

    MAY 18


  • Governor Argall. Proclamations or edicts regulating acts of colonists as to trade. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Misc. Papers, 1606–1683, quarto. (Abstract only.)
  • See No. 40, Remarks.
  • 76.[1]

  • Sir E. Sandys, H. Timbertake, J. Ferrar. Meeting of a committee for Smythes Hundred to
    provide for transportation and furnishing of 35 men to be sent to the Colony, giving
    method of Hundreds. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Photograph and transcript in Library of Congress. Corrections by Nicholas Ferrar and
    address and notes by J. Ferrar.

    JUNE 11


  • Lord Zouch. Letter to Captain Ward concerning the venture of a pinnace to Virginia with
    John Bargrave. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 44.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 19.

    JUNE 12


  • Governors of the Virginia Company. Letter to the mayor and aldermen of Leicester
    Account of drawings of lottery, June 12, 1618. LEI.
  • III.

  • Ref: See under No. 75.
  • Pub: See under No. 75.


    JUNE 14


  • Privy Council. Order for the transportation of prisoners to Virginia. PC.
    I. Ref: See under No. 41.
  • Pub: See under No. 41.

    AUGUST 22


  • Virginia Company. Letter to Capt. Samuel Argoll sent by the "William and Thomas"
    concerning his abuse of the company's property. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 23.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 31–33.

    AUGUST 23


  • Virginia Company. An extract from a copy of a letter sent to Lord De La Warr, by
    "Wililam and Thomas," touching Capt. Samuel Argoll. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 29.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 33–35.

    OCTOBER (?)


  • Captain Andrews. A letter to Lord Zouch, concerning his intended voyage to Virginia
    with Jacob Braems. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 33.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 19.
    Transcript in N. Y. Public Library, Bancroft Collection, Virginia Papers, I, p. 227–233.

    OCTOBER 14


  • John Chamberlain. A letter announcing the death of Lord La Warr and the shipping of
    100 boys and girls to Virginia by "City." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 33.
  • Pub: Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, James I, 1611–1618, p. 548.

    OCTOBER 19


  • Sir Ed. Hext. A letter from the justice of peace of Somersetshire, to the Privy Council,
    concerning the impressment of maidens to be sent to Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 42.
  • Pub: (1) Va. Mag. of Hist., VI, 228–230. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , 19.

    OCTOBER 25


  • John Pory. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning the appointment of Sir Geo.
    Yeardley as governor of Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 46.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 19–20.



  • Virginia Company. The form of a patent of land.
  • III.

  • Pub: Brown, First Republic, 605–606, note.
  • 87.[1]

  • Virginia Council. Proprietary instructions to George Yeardley, governor of Virginia.
    (1) LC. (2) VHS.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) Misc. Records 1606–1692, pp. 72–83. (2) Randolph MSS., III, 44–160.
  • Pub: Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, II, 154–165.




  • John Pory. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning Pory's appointment as secretary of
    Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 111.
  • Pub: Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, James I, 1611–1618, p. 598.
  • 89.[1]

  • John Chamberlain. A letter stating that Yeardley, "a mean fellow," goes to Virginia as
    governor, knighted by King, and flaunts the same. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIII, No. 110.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 20.



  • Privy Council. A warrant to send James Stringer, a reprieved prisoner, from Newgate to
    Virginia. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, 53.



  • Ferdinando Yate. "The voyage ... to verginia," a story of the journey. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, 13.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I 70–72.
  • Autograph document. The voyage was probably in September, and the account written in
  • 92.[1]

  • Virginia Company. "Anote of the shipping, men, and Provisions, sent to Virginia by the
    Treasurer and Company, in the yeere 1619." Printed: 1619. (1) N.Y. (2) KP.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) Broadside. (2) MSS. in the Collection of Earl De La Warr.
  • Pub: (1) Force, Tracts, III, No. V. (2) Va. Mag. of Hist., VI, 231–2.
  • This broadside is usually included in the Declaration of the State of Virginia, 1620. See
    post, No. 183.



  • [John] Delbridge [Yeardley]. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning Captain Argoll
    and the specific affairs of the colony upon his arrival. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • An indorsement in a later hand gives letter as from Delbridge. Autograph is Sr Geo. Yeard-
    ley's. Written soon after April 29, 1619. [Photographic reproduction of part, and transcript
    in the Library of Congress.]
  • 94.[1]

  • Sir Geo. Yeardley. A letter to [Sir Edwin Sandys] concerning the seating of old settlers,
    Captain Argoll, tobacco sent to Flushing, and relations with Opochancono. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L.
  • 95.[1]

  • Sale of ship "New Year's Gift," to Robert, Earl of Warwick, by Roger Dunster and John
    Thompson. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 248.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 33.



  • Lord Russell. A letter to Sir Clement Edwardes, concerning a prisoner to be sent to Virginia.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CV, No. 75. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar, State Papers, Domestic.

  • 132


  • Indenture between Sir Wm. Throckmorton and the Virginia Company et al., for a plantation
    in Virginia. NY.
  • III.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth 3 (4), pp. 53–58.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., 1899, III, 161–164.
    A contemporary copy.



  • Wm. Ward. A letter to Lord Zouch, warden of Cinque Ports, concerning Mr. Upton as
    captain of a pinnace to Virginia. CHILD.
  • VI.

  • Ref: MS. collection of J. Eliot Hodgkin, esq., F. S. A.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fifteenth Report, pt. 2, p. 279.



  • Lord Zouch. A warrant for John Fenner, captain of "Silver Falcon," and Henry Bacon,
    master, to pass to Virginia, and trade with colony and savages. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. 44.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 21.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, pp. 235–237.



  • Sir Wm. Throckmorton and others. A letter to Sir Geo. Yeardley, concerning a patent for
    their Virginia plantation. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, 4.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., 1899, Vol. III, p. 165; I, p. 187.
  • A contemporary copy.



  • Privy Council. An order concerning the ship "Treasurer," and its offence against Spaniards.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, 433. PC.
  • Pub: Brown: First Republic, 358.



  • Grant to Abraham and John Jacobb, collector of customs or imposts on tobacco imported
    into England and Wales. Yearly fee £150. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Docquet Book, Signet Office.

    APRIL 10


  • Sir Wm. Throckmorton. A letter to John Smyth, concerning the plantation in Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers Smyth, 6. NY.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
  • A. L. S. with seal.

    APRIL 13


  • Richard Berkeley. A letter to John Smyth, of Nibley, concerning the plantation in Vir-
    ginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 5.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
  • A. L. S. with seal.


    APRIL 27


  • Sandys, Harwood, Wolsenhan, Rich, Johnson. Draft of a report of a committee
    describing the "particular duties" of the several officers of the Virginia Company.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 245. PRO.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 301–305. (2) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth
    , pt. 2, p. 33.

    1619, APRIL 28—1624, JUNE 7


  • Virginia Company. The Court Book of the Virginia Company of London; the minutes of
    the extraordinary, preparative, and general quarter courts from 1619, April 28, to 1624,
    June 7, except May 20, and the first part of May 22, 1620, which are missing. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Vols. I, II.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., Vols. I, II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company,
    Vols. I, II. (Extracts.)
  • A contemporary copy, attested by the secretary of the company, Edward Collingwood.

    APRIL 28-JULY 21


  • Notes made from the Court Books [of the Virginia Company] "concerning the manner of
    levying public charges," etc., 1619, April 28-July 21. PRO.
  • II.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 246.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 33.

    MAY 8


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning election of Sir Edwin
    Sandys, treasurer of the Virginia Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CIX, No. 18.
  • Pub: Calendar, State Papers, Domestic, p. 44.

    MAY 28


  • Governor Argoll. An enactment fixing the limits of Jamestown, Virginia. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II, Index. (2) Brock, Virginia Company,
    II, 37.

    JUNE 17, 21


  • Treasurer and Council for Virginia. (1) A commission to Wye. (2) A letter to
    Sir Geo. Yeardley, expressing pleasure at reforms enacted and outlining policy toward
    the Indians.
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 80, No. 123. PRO.
  • In the records of the suit of the Virginia Company with Wye, 1620. See post, No. 148.

    JULY 2


  • Geo. Thorpe. A letter to John Smithe, of Nibley, concerning the expenses of a voyage to
    Virginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 7.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
  • A. L. S. with seal.

    JULY 8


  • "The Counsell of Virginia." Copy of minutes relating to the censure passed on Alderman
    Johnson by a committee of the Council of Virginia. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 250.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 33.

  • 134


  • A short draft of censure against Alderman Johnson abandoned in favor of "the preceding."
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 251. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 34.

    JULY 20


  • Geo. Thorpe. A letter to John Smyth, concerning Partridge's misbehavior. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 8.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
    A. L. S. with seal.
  • 115.[1]

  • Sir Geo. Yeardley. A letter concerning Argoll's letters from Lord Ritch.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.

    JULY 30, 31; AUGUST 2, 3, 4


  • Mr. Pory. "A Reporte of the manner of Proceeding in the General Assembly convented at
    James City." In the autograph of John Pory indorsed by Sir Dudley Carleton.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. I, No. 45. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Wynne and Gilman, Colonial Records of Virginia. (State Senate Document,
    extra) Richmond, 1874, pp. 1–32. (2) New York Hist, Soc., 2d ser., III, 335.
    (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, p. 22.
  • Transcript in N. Y. Public Library, Barlow Papers; Bancroft Papers, I, 251–343.



  • The cost of furnishing the "Margaret." Payment for things bought in London by Mr. Thorpe
    in July, August, and September, 1619. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (13)–(16), pp. 79–93.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 213–223.

    AUGUST 3


  • Sir Ed. Sandys. A letter to Sir George Yeardley, commending to him the care of Berkeley
    Hundred. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth 3 (12), p. 78.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.

    AUGUST 11


  • Gabriel Barbor. A letter to Sir Ed. Sandys, recommending Mr. Newland. MC.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S. written from Exeter.

    AUGUST 16


  • Sir Ed. Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning the factions in the company and
    concerning Smith's Hundred. MC. (LC.)
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.

    AUGUST 18


  • Charter party with Mr. Williams, of Bristol, for the hire of his ship "Margaret." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (17), pp. 94–96.
  • Pub: (1) N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 165–167. (2) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com.,
  • Fifth Report, pt. 1, p. 341.




  • Remembrances for Captain Woodleefe against the return of the ship. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (8), pp. 71–72.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • 123.[1]

  • "A lyst of the men nowe sent for plantacon vnder Captayne Woodleefe governor." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (9), pp. 73–75.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 210–212.



  • Sir Wm. Throckmorton et al. A commission to Capt. John Woodleefe as governor of the
    town of Barkley in Virginia, and to act as chief merchant for them. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (5), pp. 59–60.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • 125.[1]

  • An agreement between Sir Wm. Throckmorton, Richard Berkeley, Geo. Thorpe, John Smyth,
    and Capt. John Woodleaf, giving the terms. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 9, also 3 (7), pp. 64–70.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 167–171.
  • 126.[1]

  • Wm. Throckmorton, Rich. Bearkley, et al. "Ordinances direccions and Instructions to
    Captaine John Woodlefe for the government of or men & servants in the Towne and
    hundered of Bearkley in Virginia." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 10, also 3 (6), pp. 61–63.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 208–210.



  • Indenture between the four adventurers of Berkeley Hundred and Robert Coopy of North
    Nibley. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 11.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
  • Original document with seals affixed.



  • Sir William Throckmorton and his three associates. Letter dated at Bristol to Sir George
    Yeardley, asking him to join in the project. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (11), p. 77.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.



  • The Certificate of John Lwye, the mayor of Bristol, relating to the men shipped under Capt.
    John Woodleefe. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, 3 (10), p. 76.

    1619, SEPTEMBER 16–1620, SEPTEMBER 16


  • Account of A. B. of the expenses of the last voyage, from September 16, 1619, to September
    16, 1620. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (32), pp. 140–141.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.




  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, urging a steadfast policy and the securing of
    warrants. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys (?). A letter to the [Earl of Southampton], concerning plans for planters
    and Yeardley's resignation. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A rough draft in Sandys' autograph.



  • John Pory. A letter to "the Right Honble and my singular good lorde" from James city in
    Virginia, concerning the expedition of Captain Argall to the West Indies; the need of
    the English plough, vines, and cattle in the colony; the success of some of the colonists
    in acquiring wealth. NY.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Barlow Collection, 2270.
  • A. L. S.



  • Gabriel Barbor. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the ease with which money was
    collected for the lottery. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning entries in the Court Book.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]

    OCTOBER 18


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning factions in the company and his own
    finances. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. Hist. and Biog., X, 416–417.
  • A. L. S.



  • Privy Council. A letter to Abraham Jacobs to release the tobacco to the Virginia Company.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p 358. PC.



  • Council in Virginia. "The putting out of the Tenants that came over in the B. N. wth other
    orders of the Councell." MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Indorsement and marginal notes in John Ferrar's handwriting. Photographic reproduction
    and transcript in the Library of Congress.



  • Governor and Council in Virginia. An order appointing tasters of tobacco. MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Photographic reproduction and transcript in the Library of Congress.




  • Sir George Yeardley. Certificate with regard to the arrival of the "Margaret" in Virginia,
    with the names of passengers. NY.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (18), p. 97.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.



  • James I. Printed proclamation to restrain the planting of tobacco in England and Wales.
    (1) PRO. (2) KP. (3) ANT. (4) Q.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Proclamations, James I, No. 74. (2) Earl DeLaWarr Collection. (3) Anti-
    quaries. (4) Collections of proclamations.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, pt. 1, p. 299.

    [1620] (?)


  • Adventurers and Planters. Copy of a petition to the "Lds & rest of the body politic for
    the state of his Maj's Colony in Virginia," from "many of 1″ person, adventurers &
    planters willing and ready to prepare thither." PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 247.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 33.
  • 143.[1]

  • Sir Nathaniel Rich (?). Statement, possibly intended for a speech before Virginia Company
    in defense of the Earl of Warwick. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 279.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 35–36.
  • 144.[1]

  • Rough notes for his defense before the council of the Virginia Company on the charge
    of having altered an order of the council, which he had been requested to draw up.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 280. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 36.
  • 145.[1]

  • Rough draft of proposition affecting the Virginia Company, viz, that matters in dispute
    between them and Captain Argall be referred to arbitration, etc. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 281.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 36.
  • 146.[1]

  • List of names of His Majesty's council for Virginia, given in the three patents and since. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 288.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 37.



  • Governor Nath. Butler. A letter to [Sir Nath. Rich] (?) from the Summer Island colony,
    referring to the "Treasurer." PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 269–270.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 35.



  • Capt. Nath. Butler. History of the Bermudas. BM.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Sloane MSS., 750.
  • Pub: LeFroy, The Historye of the Bermudoes



  • Virginia Company con Wye. Complaint and accompanying documents. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty court, Instance & Prize, Libels 80, Nos. 121–124.
  • See ante No. 110.




  • Banoeil. "Observations to be followed, for the making of fit roomes, to keepe Silk-wormes
    in: as also, for the best manner of planting Mulbery trees to feed them." Printed.
  • V.

  • (1) JCB. (2) NY.
  • Quarto. 21 pages. Imprinted Felix Kingston. Pages 25–27 missing, evidently misnum-
    bered. This work contains post No. 151, pp. 25–28. Reprinted, 1622. See post No. 347.
  • 151.[1]

  • Virginia Company. "A Valuation of the Commodities growing and to be had in Virginia (?)
    rated as they are worth." Printed. (1) PRO. (2) BOD. (3) JCB. (4) NY.
  • V.

  • Ref: (1) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. 24 (MSS.). (2) MSS. No. 50b, 14.
  • Included in the printed book, cited above, No. 150.
  • 152.[1]

  • Virginia Company. "A note of Shipping, Men, and Provisions, sent and Prouided for
    Virginia." Printed. (1) BM. (2) ANT. (3) PRO.
  • V.

  • Ref: (2) Printed broadsides, James I, No. 180. (3) Manchester Papers, No. 291.



  • John Peirse. John Peirse to Sir Edwin Sandys by the "George." MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • John Rolfe. A letter to Sir Ed. Sandys, concerning the first meeting of the Assembly and
    other details of the Colony. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    JANUARY 10


  • Sir Geo. Yeardley. "Sr. Geo: Yardles 1'r 10. Jan: 1619: of the Place assigned for our
    Berkely." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 14.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 72.
  • A. S.

    JANUARY 13


  • John Pory. A letter to [Sir Ed. Sandys] by the "George," concerning Samuel Argall.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • [Photographic reproduction of part and transcript in the Library of Congress.] A. L. S.

    JANUARY 14


  • John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the arrival and location of men. MC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., X, 289–290.
  • [Photograph of beginning and of end, Vol. X, pp. 416–417.] A. L. S.

    JANUARY 16


  • John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning Gov. Yeardley and also various com-
    modities. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • L. S.

    JANUARY 21


  • Council in Virginia. Letter from colony to company concerning tobacco. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 220.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., post, II; (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 116.


    JANUARY 28


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to Sir Robt. Naunton, concerning the poor children to be sent
    to Virginia. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 112, No. 49.
  • Pub: Va. Mag. of Hist., VI, p. 232; Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 23.

    JANUARY 31


  • Privy Council. Order giving authority for 100 children to be sent to Virginia. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p. 400.



  • Charges incurred in obtaining for the plantation new supplies sent with Governor Thorpe.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (19), pp. 98–99. NY.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, p. 186.



  • Sir John Danvers. A letter to the Marquis of Buckingham, concerning a proposition for his
    Majesty's profit. DROP.
  • VII.

  • Ref: MSS. of Hon. G. M. Fortescue.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Second Report, p. 57.



  • Jas. Berblocke. Order to Mr. Ferrar to pay £32 to Thomas Stevens for Smith's Hundred.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • [Photographic reproduction of the end in the Library of Congress.]



  • Privy Council. An order concerning the offence of the "Treasurer" against the Spaniards.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p. 433. PC.
  • Pub: Brown, First Republic, 358.

    MARCH 6


  • Wm. Weldon. A letter to Sir Ed. Sandys, complaining at provisions sent and reporting on
    College Land. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • [Photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    APRIL 5, 10


  • Sir Thomas Rowe, Mr. Leate, Mr. Caning, et al. (1) Petition to the Privy Council for a
    patent for the sole import of tobacco for 7 years. (2) A project for the same.
    (1) PC. (2) BM. [LC].
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p. 475. (2) Lansdowne MSS.,
    162, fo. 159.

    APRIL 10


  • Privy Council. An order allowing the sole importation of tobacco as above. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, p. 475.

    APRIL 15


  • William Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, concerning endeavors for men for the plantation.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 16. NY.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 248.
  • A. L. S.


    MAY (?)


  • Copy of opinion of counsel upon the patents of the [Virginia] Company with special reference
    to the power of removing Sir Thomas Smith from office of treasurer. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 271.

    MAY 1


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning the examination of the acts of the
    Assembly in Virginia and also their accounts. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S. [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    MAY 7


  • Indenture assigning Sir Wm. Throckmorton's share of Berkeley Hundred to Wm. Tracy.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (20), pp. 100–102. NY.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 248–250.

    MAY 16


  • Alderman Johnson. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the sale of tobacco.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S. [Transcirpt and photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]

    MAY 17


  • Treasurer, Council, and Company for Virginia. A Broadside concerning the condition
    of the colony and especially the commodities there produced. Printed. NY.
  • V.

  • Indorsement in autograph of John Smith of Nibley (?).



  • Wm. Tracy. Two letters to John Smyth "at ye blew lion in Chauserilane this," asking aid
    for raising a company. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 19.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 253.
  • A. L. S.
  • 176.[1]

  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, concerning accounts. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 18.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 252.
  • A. L. S.

    JUNE 1


  • John Smyth. "Copy of my lettre to Mr Berkeley. 1. Junii. 1620 about our accompts for the
    Virginia ship then returned". NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 15.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 250–251.
  • Indorsed by John Smyth.

    JUNE 7


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to Marquis of Buckingham, justifying his exposures of Sir Thos.
    Smyth. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, I, No. 51.
  • A. L. S. Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers I, 345–353.
  • 179.[1]

  • Sir Geo. Yeardley. A letter to [Sir Ed. Sandys], complaining at the lack of provisions sent.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S. Indorsed by Sir Ed. Sandys.


    JUNE 12


  • John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, giving an elaborate description concerning the
    condition of the colony. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • L. S. Marginal note in John Ferrar's autograph. Photographic reproduction and transcript
    in the Library of Congress.
  • 181.[1]

  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning letters from Virginia. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.

    JUNE —


  • William Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, "about his dispatch into Virgynia, June 1620."
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 17. NY.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 151–152.
  • A. L. S.

    JUNE 22


  • "Counseil for Virginia". "A Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Vir-
    ginia". Printed. Including also the following:
  • "A Note of the Shipping, 1619";
  • "The Names of the Adventurers" with the sums adventured;
  • A Declaration of the Supplies to be sent, July 18, 1620;
  • "The Orders and Constitutions ... for the better gouerning of the Actions and
    affaires of the [Virginia] Companie";
  • Also in different editions are found A Declaration of the division of land, 1616;
  • And A Declaration of November 15, 1620. (1) BM. (2) CAMB.
    (3) HARV. (4) JCB. (5) LC. (6) NEWB. (7) NY.
  • V.

  • Pub: Force, Tracts, III, Nos. V, VI.
  • For a discussion of the difference between the editions and the different supplementary
  • "Declarations" added after the "Orders and Constitution," see ante, pp. 89–90. See also
  • List of Records, Nos. 92, 220.

    JUNE 29


  • James I. Printed proclamation for the restraint of the disordered trading for tobacco.
  • I.

  • Ref: Proclamations, James I, No. 82. PRO.



  • [Privy Council.] Commission to the Lord Treasurer to contract with Sir Thomas Rowe,
    Abraham Jacob, and Hurdman, Budd, et al. for the importation of tobacco. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Docquet Book, Signet Office.
  • 186.[1]

  • Mr. Russell. "Mr. Russell's proiect touching artificiall wyne in Virginia." NY.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 30.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 255–256.
  • A. S.

    JULY 5


  • William Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, concerning "my cousin barkli". NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 20.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 253.
  • A. L. S.

    JULY 8


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, from London, concerning the election
    of the Earl of Southampton as treasurer of the Virginia Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. CXVI, No. 13.
  • Pub: Calendar: State Papers, Domestic, Vol. CXVI, p. 162.


    JULY 12


  • Virginia Company. "A Commission graunted vnto Willm Tracy Esq for a voyag intended
    to Virginia". NY.
  • III.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (22), p. 123.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 254–255.
  • A copy.

    JULY 14


  • Wm. Tracy. Two letters to John Smyth. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 21, 22.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 253–254.
  • A. L. S.

    JULY 19


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning personal and financial affairs. MC.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. [LC]
  • A. L. S.

    JULY 23


  • Privy Council. Order to the Sollicitor General to prepare a patent for North Colony of
    Virginia. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. IV, 574.



  • Virginia Council. Extract from a letter affecting Capt. Argall. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 272.

    AUGUST 2


  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, concerning Berkeley Hundred. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 23.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 256.
  • A. L. S.

    AUGUST 9


  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth, concerning Berkeley Hundred. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 24.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 257.
  • A. L. S.



  • Throkmorton, Berkeley, Thorpe & Smyth. Revocation of Capt. John Woodleaf's com-
    mission. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (23), p. 124, also 31.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 257–258.
  • 3 (23), copy.
  • 31, "Vera copia ext p. Rob: Maundey."

    AUGUST 25


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning demands from Huddleston.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.

    AUGUST 28


  • "Covenants and agreements between Richard Berkeley of Stoke . . . George Thorpe . . .
    Willm Tracy of Gayles" . . . and . . . "John Smyth of Northimbly" . . . NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3, also 3 (25), pp. 127–129.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 276–278.
  • Copy.

  • 143


  • Commission to George Thorpe & Wm. Tracy as governors of the plantation in Virginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (24), pp. 125–126.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • Copy.

    AUGUST 31


  • Charter party with Wm. Ewins for the ship "Supply" in which Wm. Tracy went to Virginia.
  • III.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (29), pp. 134–136. NY.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • Copy.



  • An account with Ed. Williams for hire of the first ship, and the wages of Toby Felgate, pilot
    in the first voyage. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (33), p. 142.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.
  • 202.[1]

  • The cost of furnishing the "Supply" sent from Bristol. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3, pp. 143–150.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 283–290.



  • Berkeley, Thorpe, Tracy, and Smyth. Agreement to supply Richard Smyth and wife,
    Anthony and Wm., their sons, Robt. Bisaker and wife, and Richard Hopkins with land
    for cultivation in Virginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (27), pp. 132–133.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • 204.[1]

  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth concerning Berkeley Hundred. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 25.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 278.
  • A. L. S.



  • List of Settlers. "A list of men nowe sent for plantac̃on in Virginia." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (31), pp. 138–139.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 290–292.
  • The day of month not given in MSS.



  • Richard Berkeley and John Smyth. Instructions and advice to Geo. Thorpe. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (26), pp. 129–131.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 278–280.



  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth. Personal affairs of the plantation, otherwise unim-
    portant. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 26.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 188.
  • A. L. S.
  • 208.[1]

  • Agreement between Richard Berkeley, George Thorpe et al., and Robert Pawlett to go to
    Virginia as preacher, surgeon, and physician. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (28), p. 133.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.


    1620, SEPTEMBER 18–1622, MICHAELMAS


  • Account of money expended since Wm. Tracie's departure, September 18, 1620, until Michael-
    mas, 1622. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (35), pp. 151–152.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.



  • Thomas Parker. Certificate of the mayor of Bristol to sailing of "Supply," with names of
    passengers. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (30), p. 137.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 186.
  • 211.[1]

  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, urging Mr. Carter to make three catalogues of
    indebted adventurers. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • John Smyth. Account of expenses for Virginia plantation. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 32.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.
  • Autograph of John Smyth.



  • Timothy Gate. A letter to his "cosyn Mr Williã Tracy att Bristol". NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 45.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 281.



  • John Bridges. A letter to John Smyth concerning the incarceration of Tracy. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 29.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 281–282.
  • A. L. S. with seal.



  • Wm. Tracy. A letter to John Smyth concerning the journey. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 27.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 282.
  • A. L. S.



  • William Tracy. A letter to John Smyth concerning his imprisonment. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 28.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 282–283.
  • A. L. S.



  • Indenture between George Thorpe on one part and Robert Oldesworth and John Smyth on
    the other. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 12.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 187.


    OCTOBER 23


  • Capt. Butler. Captain Butler to Nathaniel Rich, stating difference between the 2 earls [South-
    ampton and Warwick]. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 284.
  • 219.[1]

  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, with a reference to Lord Chamberlain.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC].
  • A. L. S.



  • Councell for Virginia. Declaration in addition to that of July 18 of ships and supplies to be
    sent to Virginia, and soliciting planters and money. Printed. NY.
  • V.

  • Ref: In "Declaration of the State of the Colony and Affaires in Virginia."
  • See ante, No. 183; also ante, p. 89–90.



  • Geo. Thorpe. A letter to John Smyth from "Southampton Hundred." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 33.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., III, 292–293.
  • A. L. S.
  • 222.

  • "Greevovs Grones for the Poore," dedicated to the "Company of the Virginian and Sommer
    Iland Plantations." Printed. NEWB.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Collection of Ed. E. Ayer.
  • Printed for Michael Sparke.



  • Virginia Company. "A note of the shipping, men, and prouisions . . . prouided for
    Virginia by . . . Southampton, and the Company ..." Printed.
  • V.

  • Ref: (2) Collection of Broadsides, James I, No. 194. (1) NY. (2) ANT.
  • 224.

  • Henry Fleet. Henry Fleet's Journal of Voyage in the "Warwick" to Virginia. LAMB.
  • IV.

  • Pub: Neill, The English Colonization of America.
  • 225.[1]

  • Virginia Company. "A Comission granted by the Treasuror Counsell and Company for
    Virginia to Sr Thomas Smith for the free fishinge on the coast of America." BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fols. 73–74.
  • 226.[1]

  • Earl of Warwick with Edward Bruster concerning the ships "Treasurer" and "Neptune."
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libel 81, No. 6. PRO. [LC]



  • "Wallons and French." Promise of certain "Wallons and French" to emigrate to
    Virginia. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, I, No. 45.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 498.

    JANUARY 29


  • Sir Geo. Yeardley. Certificate to Council and Company of Virginia of the arrival at Berkeley
    of 50 persons, with list of names. NY.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 34.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull. I, 189.
  • A. S. of George Yeardley and Jo: Pory, Secr. Seal and stamp: double rose.


    JANUARY 21


  • Sir Geo. Yeardley & the Council in Virginia. Copy of a letter to Earl of Southampton
    and Council and Company for Virginia, forwarding a petition of colonists vs. the
    King's proclamation forbidding importation of tobacco. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 290.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 37.
  • Certified by John Pory.



  • House of Lords. Act for repressing odious . . . sin of drunkenness and restraint . . . of
    excess price of beer and ale. ⅓ of penalties to go to the Virginia Company. HL.
  • I.

  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Third Report, p. 18.

    MARCH 4


  • Privy Council. Order upon the complaint of Parliament of great abuse of lotteries for raising
    monies towards the advancement of the plantation in Virginia, & relief of distresses there,
    suspending the same. PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 11. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 201.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 25.
  • Transcript, N. Y. Pub. Lib., Bancroft Papers, I, fo. 357.

    MARCH 6


  • Sir George Yeardley. Grant by Sir Geo. Yeardley, Governor of Virginia. to Geo. Harrison
    ... of 200 acres of land . . . PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. 53.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 25.
  • Original document with autograph signatures, indorsed by John Pory. Transcript. N. Y
    Pub. Lib. Bancroft, I, 361–5.

    MARCH 8


  • James I. Proclamation by the King commanding Virginia Company to forbear license for
    keeping and continuing any lottery. (1) Q. (2) ANT. (3) PRO. (4) JCB.
  • I.

  • Ref: (3) Proclamation. James I, No. 89.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 25.

    MARCH 24


  • Geo. Thorpe. "A note ffor Mr Ffelgate to receaue his ffraight" NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 35.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.
  • D. S.

    MARCH 30


  • A true relation of a sea fight between two great well-appointed Spanish men of war and the
    "Margaret and John."
  • VI.

  • Pub: (1) Purchas, His Pilgrimes, IV, bk. ix, ch. 14. (2) Brown, First Republic,

    APRIL 12


  • Wm. Powell. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys concerning a difference with Yeardley.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]

  • 147


  • House of Lords. Draft of "An Act for the freer liberty of fishing and fishing voyages to be
    made and performed in . . . the sea coasts . . . Virginia, New England . . . and
    parts of America." HL.
  • I.

  • Ref: Commons Journal, I, 578.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Third Report, p. 21.



  • Whittaker. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, by "Bona Nova", concerning reception of new
    men. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S. Outlined in Nicholas Ferrar's Autograph.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    MAY 3


  • Richard Bucke. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, requesting payment of the sums due.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S., with seal.
  • 240.[1]

  • Council of Virginia. Warrant by Council for Lieutenant Saunders to have custody of
    cattle left in Virginia by Captain Martin. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 36, III.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 146.

    MAY 9


  • Geo. Thorpe and Mr. John Pory. A letter to Sir E. Sandys. Complaints against Powell
    and Madison. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    MAY 13


  • Governor and Council of Virginia. Warrant concerning Capt. John Martin.
  • Pub: Brown, First Republic, 414.

    MAY 15 AND 16


  • Geo. Thorpe and John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys concerning Indians, com-
    modities, and perplexities of government. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    MAY 15


  • George Thorpe and John Pory. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the commodities
    and need of clothes, etc. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Autograph letter, with an indorsed summary by John Ferrar.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    MAY 16


  • Sir Geo. Y[eardley (?)]. Copy of a letter to the New Magazine Company by the Bona
    Nova, concerning personals. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • 246.[1]

  • . Copy by John Pory of a letter to Sir Edwin Sandys in answer to that of Nicholas
    Hyde. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

  • 148


  • Sir Geo. Y[eardley. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning his acts in the colony and
    his desire to return home. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., X, 286–289 (photograph of signature).
  • A. L. S. Indorsement by John Ferrar.

    MAY 24


  • Abraham Piersey. Two letters to Sr Edwin Sandys, concerning a fishing voyage to New
    Foundland from James City, and concerning tobacco trade. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., X, 418.
  • A. L. S. With seal.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]

    MAY 27


  • Capt. Nuce. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the commodities and lack of provisions.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • In handwriting of a clerk.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    JUNE 9


  • Francis Smith. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys. Unimportant. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    JUNE 18


  • Privy Council. Order concerning North and South Colonies and their fishing relations.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 58. PC. [LC]

    JUNE 22


  • Richard Bucke. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, complaining that agreements are not kept by
    the company. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.]

    JUNE 27


  • George Thorpe. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning matters of small importance.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.
  • 254.[1]

  • Sir George Yeardley. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, concerning the election of a successor
    and new arrivals in the colony. MC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., X, 288–289, (photograph of signature).
  • A. L. S.



  • John Rowe. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction of a part in the Library of Congress.]

  • 149


  • William Ewens. Covenant on part of Wm. Ewens for 480li to see that the Ship George
    150 tuñ is staunch and strong and fitted out with furniture and with marriners and sea-
    men, to take on passenges and goods and to bring back tobacco from the plantation,
    with forfeit of 1000li. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 78a–79a.
  • 257.[1]

  • Wm. Ewens. Covenant by Wm. Ewens to fit out the Ship Charles, 80 tuñ and take same
    with fraight and passengers to Virginia for certain [blank] sum. Forfeit of 1000li for not
    returning ship with freight. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 80–81.

    JULY 6


  • Nicholas Ferrar and others. Warrant to pay Geo. S[andys] £20, addressed to the Earl of
    Southampton, signed by Nicholas Ferrar, Benett, Blaney, Wyseman. MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Autograph signatures; indorsement by John Ferrar.
  • [Photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]

    JULY 24


  • J. Barnard and others. Warrant to Deputy J[ohn] F[errar] for £6 to Joseph Fitch; signed—
    J. Barnard, N. Rich, Bull, Richard Caswell, John Blande. MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • [Photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]
  • 260.[1]

  • Virginia Company. "Instructions to the Governor for the time being, and Counsell of State
    in Virginia." LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Records, Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 11–14. (2) Instructions, com-
    mic̃ons, and letters, 1606–1683, 1–19.
  • Pub: Outline: Hening, Virginia Statutes at Large, I, p. 114. Outline: Stith, Virginia,
    pp. 194–196.
  • 261.[1]

  • Treasurer and Company. An Ordinance and Constitution of the Treasurer and Company in
    England for Council and Assembly in Virginia. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec., Virginia Co., III. (2) Instructions, commic̃ons, etc., 1606–1683,
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Hist. Coll. of State Papers, I, 131–133. (2) Hening, Virginia Statutes
    at Large
    , I, 110. (3) Stith, Virginia, app. 4. Outline, p. 196.

    JULY 25


  • Treasurer and Company. Letter to Governor and Council in Virginia concerning Wyatt as
    governor. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, ii, 15, 16. (2) Instructions, commic̃ons, etc.,
    1606–1683, pp. 68–75.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 223–233.

    JULY 30


  • Privy Council. Copy of a Council order that Lord Treasurer may make warrants of assist-
    ance for suppressing the importation and sale of tobacco. KP.
  • I.

  • Ref: MSS. of Earl De La Warr.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, 313.

    AUGUST 11


  • Virginia Company. Answer to the request of the Walloons and French to plant in Virginia,
    signed by John Ferrar, deputy. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, No. 55.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 26.
  • Transcript: N. Y. Pub. Lib., Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 369–371.


    AUGUST 12


  • Virginia Company. Letter concerning the sending of maids; Capt. Norton and the Italians,
    making beads; Mr. Gookin; the French men and families to sail. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 17–18a. (2) Instructions, Commic̃ons,
    etc., 1606–1683, pp. 76–83.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 233–239.

    AUGUST 24


  • Virginia Company. "A Coc̃ission graunted by vs the Trer Counsell and Company for Vir-
    ginia vnto our louinge freinds Capt Arthur Guy and Nicholas Norburnes for a Voyage
    intended to Virginia." BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 70–70a.
  • 267.[1]

  • Treasurer and Company of Virginia. Covenant to pay Capt. Arthur Guy, Robert Toakley,
    and John Packesall 300li more for victuall and transportation of said 100 persons.
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 71–71a. BM. [LC]
  • 268.[1]

  • . Covenant to pay to Capt. Arthur Guy et al. 3li for each tun of goods, provisions, and
    commodities here put aboard and there delivered. BM.[LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 72–72a.



  • Virginia Council and Company. Letter to Governor and Council in Virginia, concerning
    the failure of the old magazine and dissatisfaction with the new. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 19–20. (2) Instructions, commic̃ons,
    etc., 1606–1683, pp. 84–92.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 241–250.



  • Ed. Blayney. A letter to Sir Ed. Sandys concerning an East India ship. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, or to N. Ferrar, concerning personal matters.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]

    OCTOBER 24


  • Privy Council. Order that the Virginia Company is not to have a foreign house for importa-
    tion of their goods; tobacco to be first landed in England, with respite for four months.
    (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 173 (new number). (2) Colonial
    Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 201–202.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 26.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 373–375.

    OCTOBER 20


  • John Stratford. "Mr Tho: Dawson note for all my tobacco sold by him, for mee Wth much
    labor at this poare rate." NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 39.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.


    1621, NOVEMBER–1624, APRIL


  • Sir Thomas Smith and Alderman Johnson. Reply of Sir Thomas Smith and Alderman
    Johnson to the petition of John Bargrave. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 12.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., VI, 378–381. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
  • Colonial, p. 60.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning his debts, and also Southampton
    Hundred. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • [Transcript and photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]



  • Virginia Company. Grant to Daniel Gats to be master of "Darling," and a permit to fish
    on the coast of Virginia between 33° and 45° N. lat. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 74a–75.
  • 277.[1]

  • Council and Company for Virginia. "A Coc̃ission Graunted . . . to John Huddleston
    for a Voyadge to Virginia and for a free fishinge on the Coast of America." BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 75a–76a.
  • 278.[1]

  • . "A Comission Granted . . . to Captaine Tho: Jones Mr of the Discouery, for the free
    fishinge on the Coast of America, Tradinge for furs in Virginia." BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 77–78a.



  • Virginia Company. A letter to the governor and council in Virginia, concerning the send-
    ing of maids and the trading for furs. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 20, 20a. (2) Instructions, Com-
    mic̃ons, etc., 1606–1683, pp. 93–95.
  • Pub: Neill, Edward, Virginia Company of London, pp. 263–266.



  • Governor and Council in Virginia. Proclamation warning persons from going aboard
    ships. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 45a.



  • Nicholas Ferrar. Receipt to John Smyth of Nibley of £6 13s 4d for subscription in the
    "Roule" for trade of furs and for the "Roule" for building of boats and houses. NY.
  • III.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 36.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.
  • Signature of Nicholas Farrar.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning his enemies in the Company.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.



  • Virginia Company. Letter to the governor and council in Virginia concerning trade and
    discovery. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 21. (2) Instructions, commic̃ons, etc.,
    1606–1683, pp. 96–101.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 267–273.




  • Privy Council. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, ambassador at States of United Province,
    against Dutch settling in North Colony of Virginia (called New England). PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 209.
  • 285.[1]

  • Peter Arundell. A letter to Sir Edwin Sandys, complaining at the neglect of the Company, but promising to hide defects. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar papers.
  • A. L. S. Transcript and photographic reproduction of part in the Library of Congress.



  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by the governor and captain-general of Virginia to
    Dan'l Tucker to trade with the Indians. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 36.



  • Draft of a letter to see that grant of the King to the Company of the importation of tobacco
    for seven years from Virginia and Bermuda is consigned to them. KP.
  • VI.

  • Ref: MSS. of Lord Sackville.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Seventh Report, p. 259b.
  • 288.[1]

  • Mr. Wroth. Notes from lists showing total number of emigrants to Virginia, and making
    total loss 3,000 and survivors 1,700, 1619–1622. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 298.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.
  • 289.[1]

  • Patrick Copland. A Declaration how the monies viz., 70£ 8s 6d were disposed, which were
    gathered by Mr. Patrick Copland, towards the building of a free schoole in Virginia.
    Printed. PR.
  • V.

  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Third Report, p. 66.
  • 290.

  • Bermuda Company. Laws of Bermuda Company on the selection and settlement of "Land
    in Virginia." XXX, in "Orders and Constitutions" for the Summer Islands. Printed.
    (1) LC. (2) NY.
  • V.

  • Pub: Le Froy, Memorial of the Bermudas, I, 228.
  • An order of court, Feb. 6, 1621/2. Imprint, Felix Kingston.
  • 291.

  • John Brinsley. "A Consolation for ovr Grammar Schooles: more especially for all those of
    an inferiovr sort, and all ruder countries and places, namely . . . Virginia with the
    Sommer Ilands." Printed. (1) JCB. (2) NY.
  • V.

  • 84 pages, quarto. Printed by Richard Field for Thomas Man. 1622.
  • 292.[1]

  • [Virginia Company.] "The Inconveinencies that have happened to some Persons which
    have transported themselves from England to Virginia, without prouisions necessary to
    sustaine themselves: For Preuention of like disorders hereafter,—is published this short
    declaration—of necessaries—." Printed. (1) NY. (2) ANT. (3) JCB.
  • V.

  • Ref: (2) Collection of Broadsides, James I, No. 195.
  • Pub: Reprinted in Purchas, His Pilgrimes, IV, Bk. IX, ch. 15, sec. IV.
  • Imprinted by Felix Kingston. Broadside. For discussion of edition, see ante, p. 91.
  • 293.[1]

  • Edward Waterhouse. "Declaration of the state of the Colony of Virginia with the Relation of the Massacre" and the names of those massacred.
  • V.

  • (1) LC. (2) JCB. (3) HARV. (4) NEWB. (5) PRIV.
  • Copies (1) and (2) include "The Inconveniences." See ante No.292.


    1622 (?)


  • Francis West, Wm. Claiborne et al. Petition to the King on behalf of the distressed
    subjects, relating chiefly to tobacco. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 15.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., VI, 233. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, p. 35.



  • Virginia Council. Letter to Virginia Company of London, describing the conditions and
    needs of the colony in detail. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 1–2a.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 274–286.
  • 296.[1]

  • Peter Arundle. Fragment of a letter to John Smyth of Nibley concerning opportunities of
    Virginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 37.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.
  • A.L.

    JANUARY 14


  • Virginia Council. Settlement of the wages of tradesmen in Virginia. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 46.

    JANUARY 16


  • "A Commission granted by vs the Trer̃ Counsell and Companies for Virginia vnto our louinge
    frend Theodore Wadsworth for a Voyage intended to Virginia." BM. [LC.]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 69–69a.

    JANUARY 30


  • Virginia Company. The forme of a Patent to such Aduenrs whose shares exceedinge 50aor:
    are exempted from payinge any Rent to ye Company for the persons they transporte.
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS. 14285, fos. 58–64a. BM. (LC)

    1622, FEBRUARY 4 AND 1623, DECEMBER 11 TO 1624, NOVEMBER 27


  • Council in Virginia. The Courte Booke. The original minutes of the Courts of the Council
    in Virginia, held about once a month, to decide controversies, to hold trials of accused
    persons, to hear petitions, and to pass orders concerning the affairs of the Colony.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Colony. LC.



  • Mayor of Plymouth. Request to Lord Treasurer of the fulfilment of the promise that they
    be not interrupted in a fishing voyage for Virginia as threatened by Sir Ferdinand
    Gorges. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. cxxvii, No. 92.
  • Pub: Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James I, 1619–1623, p. 344.


    FEBRUARY 19 (?)


  • State of case and decision between John Bargrave, plaintiff, and Sir Thomas Smythe et al.,
    defendants, with reference to losses of Bargrave by being prohibited free trade in Vir-
    ginia, according to his patent. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 4, II.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 29.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I. Fos. 437–453.



  • Somers Islands Company. Court for Somers Islands. Committee to consider planting land
    granted by Virginia Company has not met, and is commanded to meet hereafter: also
    names of committee. MC. [LC]
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • [Photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.]

    MARCH 6


  • Somers Islands Company. Court for Somers Islands: To investigate the government and
    laws for Somers Islands touching the sending of youths to Virginia. MC. [LC]
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • [Photographic reproductions in the Library of Congress.]

    MARCH [AFTER 25]


  • Virginia Company con. Wye. Defense of Wye. PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 81, No. 216.



  • Colony in Virginia. Letter to Virginia Company of London, describing the massacre and
    the needs of the Colony. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 3, 3a.

    APRIL 9


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A brief letter to John Ferrar requesting frequent letters. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    APRIL 12 (?)


  • John Bargrave. Charges against the former government of Virginia. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 4, I.
  • Pub: (1) Va. Mag. of Hist., VI, 225–228. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, p. 28.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 465–475.
  • 309.[1]

  • . Petition to the Privy Council, complaining against the company and asking that his
    new plan of government be considered. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 4.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 28–29.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 425–427.

    APRIL 13


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by Governor and Captain-General of Virginia to Capt.
    Roger Smith to command Charles City. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37.

    APRIL 15


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Capt.
    Ralph Hamer for trading. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37.


    APRIL 18


  • Platrick Copland. "Virginia's God be Thanked, or a Sermon of Thanksgiving for the Happie
    success of the affayres in Virginia this last yeare." Printed by order of the company.
    (1)JCB (2)NY (3)NEWB. (4)PRIV.
  • V.

  • Pub: Neill, E., Memoir of Rev. Patrick Copland, Ch. III.
  • Dedicated May 22. Printed by J. D. for William Shefford and John Bellmie.

    APRIL 19


  • Governor in Virginia. Order "By the Governor and Captaine generall of Virginia" to
    Ralph Hamor to bring the people from Wariscoyack. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 50a.

    APRIL 20


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by the governor and captain-general of Virginia to
    Captain Smith to remove the people of Henrico Ileand and Coxendale. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37.

    APRIL 22


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, alleging that petitions to the King emanate
    from Sir Thos. Smith, and discussing Spanish accusations. MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    APRIL 25


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar concerning value of Peirse in the factional
    differences. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.

    APRIL 30


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, urging use of "form" in State affairs and
    approving Capt. Each's proposition with regard to fortifications. MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.



  • Sir Francis Wiat. Letter from Sir Francis Wiat, governor of Virginia, describing the
  • IV.

  • Pub. Outline: Purchas, His Piligrimes, Vol. IV, Bk. IX, Ch. 15, Sec. III.
  • 319.[1]

  • "Accompt of the charge of the .4. servants sent into Virginia in the Ship furtherance," NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (36), p. 153.

    MAY 2


  • Privy Council. Daniell Frank, William and John Ireland, prisoners . . . to be delivered to
    the "Governor of the Company of Virginia." PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 342.

    MAY 7


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Capt.
    Ralph Hamer for trade. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37a.

    MAY 18


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to captain
    Smith to command "Pasbehay." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37.


    MAY 20


  • Virginia Company. "The Forme of a Patent for such as are Aduenturers by payinge money
    into the Treasury of ye Company vndertaking to transp: and plant 100: persons."
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 49–53. BM. [LC]
  • 324.[1]

  • . "The forme of a Patent for a Planter only." An indenture between the Virginia Com-
    pany and Sir Bowyer Worsly. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 54–57.
  • 325.[1]

  • . A grant for a private Plantation to Johnn Bounall, a Frenchman. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 14285, fos. 65–68.

    MAY 30


  • Capt. John Bargrave. The answer of Capt. John Bargrave to his own aspersions against
    the present management. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 7, I.
  • Pub: Sainsbury Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 30.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos, 429–433.

    JUNE (?)


  • Capt. John Bargrave. Petition to Privy Council, declaring he had stated the present govern-
    ment good because pressed by the Council for Virginia to do so. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 8.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 30.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 461–463.

    JUNE 10


  • Virginia Company. Letter to Governor and Council in Virginia, desiring some commodities
    sent, and especially silk for the King. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 22, 23.

    JUNE 15


  • John Pountis. Petitions "To Sr Francis Wyate Knight Governor and Captaine Generall. of Virginia and to the rest of his Maties Counsell in Virginia." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58.

    JUNE 17


  • The King. "A copy of the King's letter to the 11s. touching the mainteining of the decree in
    Chãcery for Sr Tho. Smith against Mr. Bargrave." BM. PRO. [LC]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Additional MSS., 12496, fo. 450. Caesar Papers. (2) State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 131, No. 38.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 31–32.
  • 331.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain general of Virginia to Captain
    Maddison to assist the Potomacks in war. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 37a, 38.

    JUNE 19


  • John Martin, Robert Haswell. Petition to King to take certain forest land in Virginia into
    his own hands. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 20.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.
  • Court of this date.

  • 157


  • Virginia Company. Answer of the counsell and company to the petition of John Martin
    and Hassell. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 21.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 21.
  • (3) Neill, E., Virginia Company of London, 312–313.
  • 334.

  • Adam Dixon. Petition to King concerning the possession of land in Virginia. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 22.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 188–189.
  • Court of this date.
  • 335.

  • Virginia Company. Answer of the Virginia Company to the petition of Adam Dixon. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 23.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 189.
  • 336.

  • William Kemp. The grievances of the inhabitants of Kikatan (Elizabeth City) by the testi-
    mony of William Kemp. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 23.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 190–191.
    Court of this date.
  • 337.

  • Virginia Company. Answer of the Virginia Company to the grievances of William Kemp.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 23. LC.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 191.
  • 338.

  • Capt. Mathew Somers. Petition in the Kings Bench to the King concerning the discovery
    and right to the Somers Islands. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, p. 24.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 192–193.
    Court of this date.
  • 339.

  • Virginia Company. Answer of the Virginia Company to the petition of Mathew Somers.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 25. LC.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 193–195.
  • 340.[1]

  • . Letter to Captain Argoll. LC
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 27–28.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.

    JUNE 20


  • Sir Francis Wyatt. Commission to Sir George Yardley to command on an expedition upon
    the coasts from 33o to 40o to make new discoveries for another settlement. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref:, MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 38.

    JUNE 21


  • . Proclamation against drunkenness, swearing, stealing boats. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 46a.

    JUNE 27


  • Robert Newland. A letter to Nicholas Ferrar, concerning preparation to sail for Virginia.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • A. L. S.

    JUNE 29


  • Virginia Company. Propositions to the lord high treasurer concerning the tobacco con-
    tract. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 31.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 196–198.


    JULY 3


  • Virginia Company. Propositions to the lord high treasurer concerning the tobacco con-
    tract. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 50–51.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, I, 215–218.

    JULY 10


  • Mo(u)rninge Virginia. Printed. (Mentioned in Register of London Company of Stationers,
  • V.

  • Pub: Cited: Report of Amer. Hist. Assoc., 1896, Vol. I, pp. 1251–1261.

    JULY 9 OR 11


  • John Bonoeil. Reprint of the treatise on the culture of silk worms, including:
  • (1) The King. Letter to treasurer, deputy, and others of the Virginia Company, recommend-
    ing the setting up of silk works.
  • (2) Virginia Council and Company. Letter to the governor and council in Virginia, endors-
    ing the King's letter. Printed. (1) HARV. (2) JCB. (3) NY. (4) PRIV.
  • V.

  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 31, 41 (King's letter).
  • Imprinted Felix Kingston. King's letter is mentioned in Docquet Book, James I. See ante,
    No. 150.

    JULY 11


  • Privy Council. Order concerning the Spanish vessel wrecked on coast of Bermudas, of which
    Virginia Company had made restitution.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 431. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 202.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State, Papers, Colonial, p. 31.

    JULY 13


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning a ship arrived from Vir-
    vinia with news that savages have by surprise slain 350 (circum) of the English. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 132, No. 38.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 31.

    JULY 14


  • Sir Thomas Wilson. Indians have killed in Virginia 300–400 English, and but for accident
    man, mother, and child had all been slain. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 132, No. 41.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 31.

    JULY 16


  • Privy Council. Order for a report on petition of John Bargrave against Sir Thomas Smythe,
    Alderman Johnson, and others for unjust practices and miscarriage of government of
    the Virginia plantation. PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 439.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 31.
    Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft, I, fo. 477.
  • 352.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. Commission from governor and captain-general of Virginia to Daniel
    Tucker to command a plantation. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 36a.

    JULY 17


  • Note of articles ready or to be provided for exportation by Virginia Company. BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Cotton MSS., Otho, E. X., fo. 121.


    JULY 17 (?)


  • Note of arms in the Tower for which the Virginia Company are suitors. To be delivered to
    them. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 9.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 32.

    JULY 29


  • Privy Council. Order of Privy Council that old cast arms in Tower, unfit for modern use,
    be delivered to Virginia Company for use against Indians. (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 449. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 202.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 32.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 481–483.

    AUGUST 1


  • Treasurer and Council for Virginia. Letter to governor and council in Virginia, concern-
    ing protection from Indians and sole importation of tobacco. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 23a–25. (2) Instructions, Commis-
    sions, and Letters, 1606–1683, pp. 102–107.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 322–333.
  • 357.[1]

  • John Smyth. A list of servants remaining in Virginia. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth 3 (37), pp. 153–154.
  • Pub: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., Vol. III, pp. 293–294. Catalogue: Ibid., I, p. 187.
  • Autograph of John Smith.

    AUGUST 12


  • Privy Council. A warrant staying the execution of Jas. Wharton and an order sending him to
    Virginia. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 465.



  • John Carter. Petition to the Privy Council of a poor distressed prisoner to be recommended
    for transportation to Virginia. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 12. State Papers, Domestic, James
    I, Vol. 133, No. 10.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 33.
  • 360.[1]

  • "A warrant to the lord Trẽr, to give order . . . for . . . delivery vnto the Company for the
    Virginia Plantac̃on of 1000. browne bills." PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Docquet Book, Signet Office, Vol. 7.
  • 361.[1]

  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to Mr. John Ferrar, concerning the discouragements in the Vir-
    ginia business, the ill effects of the bad news from Lady Wyatt, and his plans for Virginia.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., X, 417–418.
  • A. L.



  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Sir
    George Yeardley to make war on the Indians; also for his voyage to Pamunkey. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 38a, 39.




  • "The Late Massacre in Virginia." "A Poem." PRO
  • V.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers.
  • Pub: Cited: Amer. Hist. Assoc. Rpt., 1896, I, pp. 1251–1261.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. Letter to John Ferrar, concerning books and letters to be sent to
    Colony by "Abigail." MC. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.



  • Thomasin Woodshawe. Petition to the governor of Virginia. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58.
  • 366.[1]

  • Richard Pace. Petition to governor and council in Virginia. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58.



  • Virginia Company. A letter to the governor and council in Virginia, concerning further
    advice about destroying the Indians. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 25a–27.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 347–359.

    OCTOBER 13


  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning "Ferrar's remembrances." Grieves
    at desperate condition of Colony. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S.

    OCTOBER 18


  • Thomas Hamour. Petition to governor and council in Virginia. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58.

    OCTOBER 23


  • Governor of Virginia. Commission to Capt. Ralph Hamer to force a trade with the Indians
    for provisions for the Colony. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 39.

    OCTOBER 24


  • Governor of Virginia. Commission to Capt. William Eden, alias Sampson, to trade for
    corn, etc., between the lat. 33° and 40°. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 39a.

    OCTOBER 31


  • Privy Council. Order that, on Thursday A. M., Nov. 14 [1622], the parties on both sides
    bring witnesses before the L̃ɫds, and the Cape Merchant of the Virginia Company be
    present. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 509.




  • George Sandis. Petition to governor and council in Virginia concerning the transfer of
    servants of William Nuce, lately deceased, to his estates in lieu of £50 indebtedness.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 39. LC.



  • Governor of Virginia. Commission to Captain Issak Maddison and Robert Bennet to trade
    for corn between the lat. 33° and 40°. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 39a.



  • John Donne. A sermon preached to the Honorable Companie of the Virginia Plantacon by
    John Dun (i. e. Donne) deane of St. Pauls, London. Printed.
  • V.

  • (1) JCB. (2) NY. (3) PR IV. (4) MHS. (5) NEWB.
  • Imprinted London: A. Neat: for Thomas Jones, 1622.



  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton concerning the sermon by the Dean of
    Pauls. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 134, No. 15.
  • Pub: Calendar: State Papers, Domestic, Vol. 134.



  • Privy Council. A warrant to deliver John Carter to Lord Sackville to be sent to Virginia.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 516. PC.



  • Privy Council. Order to Capt. John Bargrave vs. Sir Thomas Smyth to deliver his complaint
    in writing. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 518.



  • Henry Marten. Decree in case of the Virginia Company with Wye, absolving Wye.
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 81, No. 216. PRO.[LC]
  • 380.[1]

  • Younge vs. Roberts, on ground that Wye, master of ship Garland, expelled Younge on asper-
    sions of Roberts. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 81, No. 256.



  • Doctor Donne. A letter to Sir Thos. Roe, giving particulars concerning his sermon before
    the King and Virginia Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 134, No. 59.



  • John Marten. "The Requests of my brother John Marten to the Virginia Cõpany: his offer
    touch. that Cõpany." BM. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 12496, fo. 452. (Caesar Papers.)



  • Governor and Council in Virginia. Proclamation of governor and council in Virginia
    against engrossing commodities. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 47.




  • Jhõ. [John] Martin. "The manner howe to bringe the Indians into subiection wthout
    makinge an utter extirpation of them together wth the reasons." BM. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 12496, fos. 459–460. (Caesar Papers.)
  • 385.[1]

  • "The manner howe Virginia may be made a Royall plantation—." BM. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 12496, fos. 456–457. (Caesar Papers.)



  • Council for New England. Letter to be written to the treasurer of Virginia Company
    against Jones for robbing natives of New England of their furs and taking some prisoners.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, pp. 24–25. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 35.



  • Sir Thomas Coventry. Sir Thomas Coventry (attorney general) to the Earl of Middlesex,
    returning the Proclamation for Tobacco, corrected. KP.
  • VII.

  • Ref: MSS. of Earl De La Warr.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, p. 315.



  • Captain Butler. Captain Butler's Dismasking of Virginia. (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 271–2. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. II, No. 20.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 171–
    173. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, p. 39.



  • Governor and Council of Virginia. Petition to the King for the grant of the sole importa-
    tion of tobacco to them and to Somers Island. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. I, p 5.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, p. 56.



  • Paper touching the discussion of salaries in the Summer Islands company. PRO.
  • II.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 300.
  • Pub: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.

    1623 (?)


  • Proportion of the charge to furnish and transport six men to Virginia, estimated at £114 19a. 6d.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 54. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 56.
  • Transcript New York Public Library, Bancroft, II, fos. 5–7.



  • Petition for a warrant by the late Undertakers for the importation of Tobacco. At council it
    was agreed that the Undertakers should receive 3 d. per pound on 28000 pounds.
  • III.

  • Ref: MSS. of Earl De La Warr. KP.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Comm., Fourth Report, p. 283.

  • 163

    1623 (?) OR 1617


  • The King. Order to Archbishops of Canterbury and York, requiring them to arrange for the
    collection of liberal contributions, so that the Undertakers of the Virginia plantation
    may erect churches and schools. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 37.
  • Pub: (1) Anderson, History of the Church of England in the Colonies, pp. 315–316. (2)
    Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 49.
  • Date in Sainsbury, 1623, but given by Alexander Brown, 1617.

    1623 (?)


  • Mr. Gibbs. To Sir E. Sa[nd]. Notes of proceedings before Lords Commissioners concerning
    Captain Butler's unmasking of Virginia, Thomas Smith's records, the "black box," etc.
  • I.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • Indorsement in the autograph of John Ferrar. Photographic reproduction in the Library of
  • 395.[1]

  • Alderman Johnson. "Alderman Johnsons Declaratione of the Prosperous estate of the
    Colony duringe Sr Th. Smiths tyme of Gouerment." (1) LC. (2) PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. 1, p. 4. (2) Manchester Papers, Nos. 344–346.
  • The Manchester paper gives the conclusion.

    1622/3 (?)


  • Statement of advantages to Virginia and Summer Island companies of a contract in force
    compared with a previous period from 1619. PRO.
  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 311.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.
  • Autograph of Edward Collingwood (?).



  • John Robinson's son. Petition to Governor Wyatt. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58.a



  • Governor in Virginia. Instructions by governor and captain general of Virginia to Tucker
    concerning trade. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 36.



  • Charles Harmoun. Petition to Governor Wyatt. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 38.

    JANUARY 20


  • Virginia Council. Letter from Council in Virginia to Virginia Company of London,
    acknowledging arms sent, and defending colonists for acts in massacre. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 4–5.a
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 363–376.

  • 164

    JANUARY 22


  • Privy Council. Order that John Bargrave forbear troubling Sir Thomas Smith. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I. Vol. V, p. 564.

    JANUARY 24


  • George Harrison. Letter to his brother, John Harrison. Accounts with Mr. Bennett. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 17.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 36.



  • The Governor, Council, and Assembly of Virginia to the King, representing Capt. Nathan
    Butler's information entitled "The Unmasking of Virginia." PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 20.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 38.
  • A. S. Transcript. New York Public Library. Bancroft Papers, I, Fos. 497–527.
  • 404.[1]

  • [Sir Nathan. Rich.] Rough notes touching the affairs of the Virginia and Summer Island
    Companies, especially the salary. (fragment). PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 304.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.



  • Papers touching discussion of salaries in the Summer Island Company, on Feb. 17, 1622/3,
    June 10, 1618. PRO.
  • II.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 309.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.



  • Privy Council. Order for a contract between the Lord Treasurer on behalf of King and the
    Virginia Company touching the importation of tobacco. (1) PC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 583. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 203.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 37.



  • Mr. Wrote. Mr. Wrote's Project concerning salaries. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 136.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.
  • 408.

  • Objections against the salaries. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 168–169.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.



  • Governor of Virginia. Order or warrant demanding sassafras, 60,000 pounds, to be sent
    home. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 51a.



  • Proposition agreed on by the Lord High Treasurer of England and the Company of Virginia
    and the Summer Islands touching the sole importation of tobacco. KP.
  • III.

  • Ref: Duke of Dorset Collection.
  • Pub: Peckard, Memoirs of Nicholas Ferrar.

  • 165



  • [Sir Nathan. Rich.] First Rough Draft of a proposition for the advancement of His Majesty's
    profit, and the good of Virginia and the Summer Islands by settling the trade of tobacco. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 312, 313.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.
  • 412.

  • Paper touching the discussion of salaries in the Summer Islands Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 310.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.

    1622/3, MARCH, TO 1624, JULY


  • Rough notes of an estimate of the value to the King for a year of the proposed preemption of
    tobacco and pepper. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 314.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 38.



  • [Sir Nathan. Rich.] Notes on the Tobacco Contract. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 316.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.



  • G. S. [andys]? A letter to Mr. Farrer by the "Hopewell." PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 318.
  • Pub: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.
  • A. L. S. Photograph of autograph in the Library of Congress.

    MARCH 4


  • Privy Council. Order concerning the importation of goods from colony to enforce order of
    October 21, 1621. (1) LC. (2) PRO. (3) PC. [NY]
  • II.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 232–233. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol.
    79, p. 203. (3) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 618.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,
    126–127. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 40.
  • 417.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. Order of the governor and captain-general of Virginia to keep the
    22d of March holy, forever after. Date of the massacre. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 51a.

    MARCH 5


  • Virginia Colony. Petition to King concerning the tobacco trade. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 221.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 221.

    MARCH 5


  • Frethorne. Copy of a letter from Frethorne to Bateman, describing the distress of the colony
    due to the massacre. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 317.

    MARCH 7


  • Virginia Company. Answer to Privy Council, concerning importation of goods and tobacco
    from colony. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 236–237.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 130–131.

  • 166


  • Order of court for Virginia and Summer Island, concerning Lord Cavendish's ommission of a
    part of Lord Treasurer's Speech at Counsell Table touching Alderman Johnson. MC. [LC]
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Photographic reproduction in Library of Congress.
  • Signed by Ed. Collingwood. Indorsed in autograph of Collingwood.
  • 422.[1]

  • A rough draft of above. MC. LC.
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Indorsed in Collingwood's and John Ferrar's writing.
  • Holograph of Ed. Collingwood.

    MARCH 17


  • Extraordinary court of Sumer Island, concerning the grievances of inhabitants of Summer
    Island. Part of the blurred book (?). MC. [LC]
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Photographic reproduction and transcript in the Library of Congress.
  • Marginal entries in autograph of John Ferrar.

    MARCH 20


  • Reasons offered to Privy Council against Sir Edwin Sandys's contract and joint stock for the
    Virginia and Summer Island tobacco, and against monopoly of tobacco. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 10.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 59.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 413–429.
  • Date in Sainsbury, March 20, 1623/4. On MS. in contemporary writing, March 20, 1622/3.

    MARCH 24


  • Virginia Company. Petition to the Privy Council concerning importation of tobacco. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 244–248.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,

    MARCH 27


  • [Lord Treasurer Middlesex.] Copy of a letter to officers and farmers of customs, and to
    Abraham and John Jacob, the collectors who had delayed the passing of the tobacco
    in a ship from the Bermudas. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 293.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 37.

    MARCH 28


  • George Sandys. Letter from George Sandys to Samuel Wrote. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 319.
  • Pub: Neill, E., Virginia Vetusta, pp. 122–127. Calendar: Hist., MSS. Com., Eighth
    , pt. 2, p. 39.
  • Holograph.
  • 428.

  • Samuel Matthews. A letter concerning the property of Thomas Sheffield, and his son, who
    was tongue-tied. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Admiralty Court, Instance and Prize, Libels 80, No. 118.


    MARCH 30


  • George Sandys. A letter to his brother, Sir Samuel Sandys, imputing the cause of "theyr
    ill proceedings to ye directions from hence." PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 320.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.
  • 430.[1]

  • A letter to his brother, Sir Miles Sandys, complaining that the colony would have
    been strong had they settled close together. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 321.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.
  • 431.[1]

  • Virginia Council. Virginia Council to Lord Treasurer Mandeville, concerning tobacco.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 21. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 41.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, folios 9–13.

    MARCH 31


  • William Capp. A letter to John Ferrar complaining of George Sandys, approving the gov-
    ernor, and censuring the company. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 322.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.

    [MARCH OR APRIL (?)]


  • William Capps. A letter to Dr. Wynston, censuring the council. A friend of Captain Butler.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 323. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 39.



  • [Nathan. Rich] Bargrave's charge against Sir Thomas Smyth, with answers in rough draft
    by [Nathan. Rich.] PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 351.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.



  • Nathan. Butler. A letter to Nathaniel Rich. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 355.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 43–44.
  • 436.[1]

  • List of names of persons fit to be Governor and Deputy Governor of Virginia and Summer
    Island Companies. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 356, 357, 358, 359.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 44.



  • [Nathan. Rich] Notes of the "lres from Virginia; all but Frethorne's, wch must be added
    out of the Coppy at large." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 340.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 42.



  • [N. Rich] Rough notes of heads and references to prove charges of mismanagement against
    the Sandys faction of the Virginia Company. PRO. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 342.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 42.

  • 168



  • Adventurers and Planters. Complaint from adventurers and planters to His Majesty's
    commissioners against Sir Ed. Sandys et al. in the last four years of the government.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 343. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 42.
  • 440.[1]

  • [Alderman Johnson] Part of a draft of a statement (under heads numbered 10–39) touching
    the miserable condition of Virginia and its causes. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 347, 348.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 42–43.
  • 441.[1]

  • Statement "from attestation of divers sufficient understanding sea men" as to the bad condi
    tion in Virginia. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 349.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.
  • 442.[1]

  • [N. Rich] Beginning of rough draft of a certificate affirming the truth of statements of
    Captain Butler. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 350.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.
  • 443.[1]

  • Note of the men sent to Virginia in Sir Thomas Smythe's time, over 600 "confessed," with
    names of ships conveying them. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 352.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.



  • Answer of Adventurers and Planters in Virginia and Summer Islands to a petition exhibited
    to His Majesty by Lord Cavendish et al. in name of Companies. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 353.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.



  • Alderman Jonnson. Petition of Adventurers and Planters to the King, praying the appoint-
    ment of a commission to investigate the abuses of the Virginia affairs and propound a
    reform. (1) PRO. (2) LC.
  • VI.

  • Ref: (1) Manchester Papers, No. 328. (2) MS. Court Book of the Virginia Company,
    II, 270–271.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., II. (2) Neill, Virginia Company of Lon-
    , pp. 387–389. (3) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 169–170.
  • The indorsement gives Alderman Johnson as the author. The autograph is quite different
    from Johnson's. This is recorded in the Court Book under the date of April 18.
  • 446.[1]

  • "Names of Adventurers that dislike ye present proceedings of business in ye Virginia and
    Somers Islands Companies." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 327.
  • Pub: Brown, Genesis, II, 982.
  • Indorsement in autograph of N. Rich.



  • "Articles of Inquirie for the Councrs of Virginia" etc. Addressed to Nath. Rich. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 331, 332, 333.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 40.
  • Autograph similar to George Sandys's.

  • 169



  • Alderman Johnson. "Alderman Johnson's rough draught to a Com̃ission & the petic̃on to
    his Maty." PRO. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 329.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 40.
  • Photograph of part in Library of Congress.
  • 449.[1]

  • Heads of inquiries in Virginia by commissioners there. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 334.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 40–41.
  • Autograph similar to John Harvey's.
  • 450.[1]

  • P. Arundle. Extract from letter of P. Arundle, recounting how Spilman was cut off by
    Indians, and attributing treachery to the example of Europeans. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 341.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 42.
  • 451.[1]

  • Account of a small supply sent to Virginia in the "Bonny Bess," April, 1623. NY.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 3 (38), p. 155.
  • Pub: Catalogue: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 157.
  • In John Smith's autograph.



  • Samuel Moll. Petition to Governor Wyatt to sell and return to England. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59a.
  • 453.[1]

  • Thomas Passmore. Petition to Governor Wyatt concerning service of indentured servant.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59. LC.
  • 454.[1]

  • Petition to Governor Wyatt by "Margaret and John's" Company, asking freedom from bond
    to Mr. Douglas. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59.

    APRIL 2 AND 3


  • Richard Frethorne. A copy of a letter to his father and mother, concerning suffering from
    want. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 325.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 40.



  • Council in Virginia. Letter from the Council in Virginia to the Virginia Company in
    London, telling of the recovery of the colony. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 7.

    APRIL 4


  • Council in Virginia. Letter to Virginia Company of London, describing attempts for sassa-
    fras & silke-grass; return of planters to different houses, etc., and treaty with Indians.
    (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 6, 6a. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. II, No. 22.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 41–42.

    APRIL 12


  • Virginia Company. Petition to the King concerning Alderman Johnson's petition. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 263–264.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 164.

  • 170

    APRIL 7


  • Sir Francis Wyatt. A letter to John Ferrar, giving particulars of rebuilding of colony and
    advising extinction of the Indians and martial law. PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 26.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 42.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 33–41.

    APRIL 8


  • George Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, relating the distressed condition of the colony.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, Nos. 27, 35. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 42.
  • No. 35 is an autograph letter and is indorsed Sandys to the Company. Transcript, New York
    Public Library. Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 45–59.

    APRIL 11


  • George Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 326.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 40.

    APRIL 12


  • Virginia Company. A relation to the King concerning the proceedings of colonies.
    (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 255–263. (2) Manchester Papers, No. 360.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 152–162.
    (3) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 44.
  • 463.

  • — A declaration of the present state of Virginia presented to the King. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 253.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 148–151.

    APRIL 14


  • Christopher Davison. A letter to John Ferrar concerning the arrival of the "Margaret and
    John" in distress from an attack by the Spanish. PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 28.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., VI, 243–244. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 43.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 61–65.
  • 465.[1]

  • [Nathan. Rich.] Draft of instructions to the commissioners to investigate the Virginia affairs.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 330. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 40.

    APRIL 15


  • Captain Kendall. A letter from the Summer Islands to Sir Ed. Sandys telling of the blowing
    up of the "Seaflower," bound for Virginia. MC. [LC]
  • IV.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • A. L. S. Photographic reproduction of part and transcript in the Library of Congress.

    APRIL 17


  • Privy Council. An order that, upon hearing Lord Cavendish and others, representatives, a
    commission be appointed to inquire into the true state of Virginia and Somers Island
    plantations. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, pp. 668–669.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 289–290. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 44.

  • 171

    APRIL 18


  • Lord Treasurer Middlesex. A letter to Secretary Conway, concerning proceedings in Privy
    Council for the King's information respecting the differences of the two companies of
    Virginia and Somers Islands. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Addenda, Vol. 43.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 290–291. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 44.

    APRIL 19


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton concerning the great faction in the
    Virginia Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 143, No. 22.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 44.

    APRIL 21


  • "Coppie of the Courte books deliuered by order of the Lords of his Maties Counsell to the
    Secretary." A Receipt for Court Books from Jan. 28, 1606, to April 2, 1623.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • Photographic Reproduction in the Library of Congress.
  • 471.[1]

  • "A Memoriall of some things wch it may please the lls to insert in their Lo, letters to Vir-
    ginia and the Summer Islands." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 335.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 41.
  • Indorsed in Autograph of N. Rich: "deliv. by me to the L. Treas."

    APRIL 23, 25


  • John Wright. A petition to Governor Wyatt demanding that Mr. Douglas deliver certain
    goods to him which he had had in partnership with Mr. Langley, deceased, master of ship.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59. LC.

    APRIL 24 AND MAY 3


  • Petition to Governor Wyatt and Council in Virginia by passengers in the Margaret and John
    complaining of evil treatment. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 58a.

    APRIL 24


  • Lord Treas. Middlesex. Lord Treas. Middlesex to Secretary Conway, stating that the draft
    of the Ireland and Virginia commissioners is ready. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 143, No. 60.
  • Pub: Calendar: State Papers, Domestic, Vol. 143.

    APRIL 26 AND MAY 3


  • John Loyde. Petition to Governor and Council in Virginia demanding freedom from appren-
    ticement to Langley. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii., p. 59.

    APRIL 28


  • Privy Council. Order disallowing the letters of the Virginia Company to the colony and dis-
    solving the tobacco contract. (1) PC. (2) & (3) LC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 674. (2) MS. Rec. Virginia
    Co., III, pt. i, p. la. (3) Instructions, Commission, and Letters, 1606–1683, pp.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 293–294. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 45.

  • 172


  • Privy Council. Letter to "Governor, Council and Colony in Virginia," urging care of forti-
    fications, provisions, and habitations. (1) & (3) LC. (2) PRO. (4) PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 1. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79,
    p. 205. (3) Instructions, Commissions, Letters, 1606–1683, pp. 59–60. (4) Privy
    Council Register, James I, Vol. V, p. 675.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 45.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 93–95.
  • 478.[1]

  • Letter to the "Councell in Virginia," announcing Act of Court in London concerning
    Tobacco. LC. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 204. (2) Privy Council Register, James I,
    Vol. V, p. 674.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 45.
  • 479.[1]

  • Copy of a letter to the Governor of Virginia, sent by "Bonny Bess." MC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • 480.

  • Planters. Answer of Planters to Captain Butler's "Unmasked face of Virginia" as it was
    written in 1622. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 275–277.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Neill, Virginia Company of London,
    pp. 395–404. (3) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 175–183.

    APRIL 29


  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation calling for labor on the fort at Wariscoyack. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 50a.

    [MAY ?]


  • Nicholas Ferrar. Nicholas Ferrar's computation by which he would prove that to pay but
    9d per pound for Planters' tobacco and bring all in is worse than before to pay 12d and
    be at liberty to bring in what we will. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref. Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 74, p. 204. Manchester Papers, No. 354.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 43.
  • Indorsed in autograph of Nath. Rich.
  • 483.[1]

  • "A Briefe Answere to a declarac̃on made and delivered to his Matie" in Easter week, con-
    cerning accusations against the colony. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 361, 362.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 44, 45.
  • No. 361 is in Nathaniel Rich's autograph. No. 362 is in that of Alderman Johnson.
  • 484.[1]

  • [Nicholas] Farrar. "The names of divers Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of Lower House of
    Commons that are Adventurers and Free of Virginia Compagny and yet have not
    followed the bussiness for sundry yeares." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 371.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.
  • Autograph of Nicholas Ferrar. Indorsed in autograph of N. Rich as "by Mr. Farrar."



  • [Nath. Rich?] Heads of two letters to be written to Virginia Company by Mr. Secretary,
    declaring His Majesty's pleasure respecting restraint of factious persons, and suggesting
    limitation of adventurers. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 372, 373.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.

  • 173


  • The Petition and the heads of suggested answer to an intended petition of the Virginia Com-
    pany to the King to reconsider his letter respecting constitution of their courts. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 374, 375.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.
  • 487.[1]

  • Alderman Johnson. Draft of Mr. Johnson's observations on the mode of interpreting his
    Majesty's letter, adopted by some members of the [Virginia] court. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 377.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.
  • 488.[1]

  • Adventurers and Planters. Petition to the Privy Council by sundry adventurers and planters
    of the Virginia and Summer Islands Companies, concerning unjust accusations, read by
    Nicholas Ferrar on April 30. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 363.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 45.

    MAY 2


  • Virginia Company. Letter to the Governor and Council in Virginia, concerning commodities
    and the tobacco contract. Revised by the Privy Council. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 27.a Instructions, Commissions and Let-
    ters, 1606–1683, pp. 110–112.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 391–394.

    MAY 4


  • Anthony Hilton. A letter to his mother, concerning the colony. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 364.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 45.

    MAY 7


  • Virginia Company. True answer to Captain Butler's "The Unmasked face of our colonie
    in Virginia." (1) LC. (2) BM. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 286–287. (2) Sloane, 1039, fo. 92 (part
    of the document).
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 191–194.
  • 492.

  • Virginia Council. Declaration to his Majesty by the Counsell for Virginia [in London], con-
    cerning dissentions in the companies. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 288–298.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 195–205.
  • 493.

  • Planters and Adventurers. The answer of planters and adventurers to Alderman Johnson's
    petition. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 283–285.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 186–191.
  • 494.

  • Virginia and Summer Islands Companies. Petition to King requesting thorough investi-
    gation of Virginia affairs and the return of their records, sequestered 14 days since. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 299.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 205–207.

    MAY [BETWEEN 7 AND 13]


  • Adventurers and Planters. Petition of "sundry adventurers and planters of the Virginia
    and Summer Islands Companies to Privy Council to command Lord Cavendish, Sr E.
    Sandys, Mr. John and Nicholas Farrar to appear with certain writings of May 7."
    PRO. [LC]
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester papers, No. 366.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 45.

  • 174

    MAY 8


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Sir Ed. Sackville, from Theobalds, concerning the petition
    on behalf of Virginia. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 214.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 45.
  • 497.[1]

  • . A letter to Secretary Calvert, from Theobalds, to hasten the passing of the commis-
    sion concerning Virginia.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 214.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 45.



  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation of the governor and captain-general of Virginia to be
    careful of the savage treachery. LC.
  • Ref: MS. Records, Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 47a.

    MAY 9


  • Privy Council. Commission to Sir William Jones, Sir Nicholas Fortescue, Sir Thomas Gofton,
    Sir Richard Sutton, Sir William Pitt, Sir Henry Bourchier, and Sir Henry Spiller to
    investigate the conditions of disputes in Virginia, and report method of procedure. (1) BM. (2) PRO. (3) LC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Additional MSS., 29975, fos. 63–64. (2) Docquet Book, Signet Office, Vol. 7;
    Patent Roll 21, James I, 19th part. (3) Virginia Misc. Records (Bland copy),
    pp. 126–132.
  • 500.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation by the governor and captain-general of Virginia for
    planting sufficient corn. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p.

    MAY 11


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Captain
    Smith to build a fort at Warosquayak. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 40.

    MAY 12


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Gilbert
    Peppet to trade with ye Indians. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 40.
  • 503.[1]

  • . Commission by governor of Virginia to Capt. Ralph Tucker to go against the
    Indians. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 50a.

    MAY 13


  • Governor in Virginia. Warrant of governor in Virginia for sending every twentieth man
    to work on the fort at Wariscayack. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 51a.
  • 505.[1]

  • Privy Council. Order demanding that John and Nicholas Ferrar, of the Virginia Company,
    be confined to houses till further order, as guilty of contempt of Order of Council Table.
    (1) PRO. (2) PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 205–206. (2) Privy Council Register, James
    I, Vol. V, p. 699.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 526. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , pp. 45–46.

  • 175

    MAY 14


  • Secretary Calvert. A letter to the Earl of Southampton, notifying the Virginia Company
    not to proceed with election of officers until the pleasure of King be known.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 29. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 46.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 101–2.
  • 507.[1]

  • Secretary Sir George Calvert. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating that election of officers
    of Virginia Company is ordered postponed by King in Council till next court.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 144, No. 45. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 46.

    MAY 16


  • [Nathan Rich.] "Note which I presently took of Captain John Bargrave's discourse to me
    concerning Sir Edwin Sandys." PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 368.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 45.

    MAY 18


  • The King. Letter to the Virginia Company concerning the appointment of Commissioners.
  • I.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 317–318. LC.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 217.

    MAY 18, 21


  • Privy Council. Orders releasing Lord Cavendish, Sir Edwin Sandys, and John and Nicholas
    Ferrar. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. I, p. 709.

    [AFTER MAY 18]


  • Virginia Company. Reasons alleged to persuade the King to reconsider his letter of May 18
    not permitting members of Company to meet unless having planters in Virginia.
  • III.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 376. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.
  • For the petition formulated, see ante No. 482.

    MAY 20


  • The King. Copy of a letter to Governor and Company of Summer Islands to keep meetings
    and place distinct from Virginia Company, and concerning choice of officers. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 369.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 45.

    MAY 22


  • Privy Council. Order demanding that all records of Virginia and Somers Islands Companies
    be delivered to the Commissioners, and that packets from the Colonies be opened by
    the Commissioners hereafter and be disposed of at will. (1) PRO. (2) PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 206–207. (2) Privy Council Register,
    James I, Vol. V, p. 714.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, A., First Republic, pp. 532–533. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 46.

    MAY 29


  • Governor in Virginia. Commission by governor and captain-general of Virginia to Captain
    Pierce to be captain of ye guard. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 40a.




  • Draft of a preliminary report of the commissioners on the condition of the colony of Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 382. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.



  • [N. Rich.] Rough draft of a project for the better government of the colony and company.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 381. PRO. [LC]
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.

    JUNE (?)


  • Virginia Council. Treasurer and council for Virginia to the Privy Council concerning Capt.
    John Bargrave's Petition. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 7.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 30.



  • List of 72 patents granted to several persons named, all of whom have divers partners "whose
    names and several shares we do not know." PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 33.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, pp. 628–630. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 47.
  • 519.[1]

  • List of shareholders in Virginia Company, with the number of shares and reason for allot-
    ment—by purchase or otherwise, March, 1616–June, 1623. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 33.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist, IV, 299–310. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 47.

    JUNE 4


  • The King. Letter to the Virginia Company. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 319. (2) Manchester Papers, No. 378.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 218–219.
    (3) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.
  • The document in Manchester papers is indorsed "Vera Copia" and bears the autograph
    signature of Ed: Collingwood, Secre.
  • 521.[1]

  • Examination of Captain Isaac and Mary Madison and Serjeant John Harris, taken before Sir
    Francis Wyatt, Governor, and the Council of Virginia, and Christopher Davison,
    Secretary, touching supposed contract of marriage three or four days after husband's
    death; since she has disavowed said contract and formed a new one with William
    Ferrar. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 30.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 563–565. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 46.
  • Signed: "Extract," Ed. Sharpless, Cler.

    JUNE 14


  • Colony in Virginia. Letter to Virginia Company, concerning a settlement about the fort,
    Martin's Hundred, and the seizing of Dutch and French Traders as prizes. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 348.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 238–9.

  • 177

    JUNE 19


  • "Notes Taken out of ɫres wch came from Virginia in the Abigail and were deɫ the Com̃rs"
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 338, 339. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 41–42.

    JUNE 23


  • [Sir Nathaniel Rich]. Draft of a proposition, delivered to the Lord Treasurer, for resettling
    the estate of Virginia. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 379.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.

    JUNE 24


  • James I. Letter to Virginia Company, to forbear election of officers. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 329. (2) Manchester Papers, No. 380.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 220–221.
    (3) Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 46.

    JUNE 25


  • A quarter court held for Virginia. MC.
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.
  • Original of the entry in the MS. Court Book; see date.

    JUNE 30


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Secretary Sir George Calvert, concerning desire of King that
    the Lords of the Privy Council attend promptly to the business of the Virginia Company
    until concluded. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 147, No. 88.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 47.

    [JULY ?]


  • Draft of an answer or notes for an answer to the proposition made by Lord Chichester for
    the better settling of the Plantation in Virginia. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 387.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 47.
  • 529.[1]

  • Captain Baily. I. Project that the King should make a plantation in Virginia or New Eng-
    land by transportation of poor.
  • II.

  • Project concerning Virginia. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 189, Nos. 36, 53.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 50, 56.

    JULY 2


  • Virginia Company. Answer to the Privy Council stating that they have taken consideration
    as to a supply, and asking until Friday to advise. (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 333. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. II, No. 34.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,
    226. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 47.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft papers, Vol. II, fos. 113–115.

  • 178


  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to Secretary Conway stating that the Virginia Com-
    pany have taken measures for the relief of misery in colony, and are considering rules
    for better government. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 35.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 47.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft papers, Vol. II, fos. 109–111.
  • 532.[1]

  • Delphebus Canne. A letter from Virginia to John Delbridge, concerning want in the colony
    and the hope for a good harvest. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 36.
  • Pub: Calendar: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., 373–374. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 48.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft papers, Vol. II, fos. 117–123.
  • 533.[1]

  • Privy Council. Rules set down for the better government in Virginia. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 35.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 543. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colo-
    , p. 48.

    JULY 3


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Lord Treasurer Middlesex, concerning the refusal of the
    Virginia Company to comply with the King's request; to be referred to the Attorney-
    General. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 148, No. 19.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 48.

    JULY 4


  • Privy Council. Order on a representation of Lord Cavendish and others of the Virginia
    Company, concerning relief to Virginia planters in danger of famine by a general
    contribution of the whole company. (1) PRO. (2) PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 207. (2) Privy Council Register, James I,
    Vol. VI, p. 55.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 539. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 49.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 129–131.

    JULY [4]


  • List of names of those who will adventure, and amounts subscribed for victuals and provisions
    to be sent to relief of colony and to particular friends. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 38.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 49.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 135–149.

    JULY 4


  • Privy Council. Order to restore Samuel Wrot to his place of counsellor for Virginia and to
    have session and free vote in courts, notwithstanding deprivation from counsell and
    suspension from courts. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 57.
  • 538.[1]

  • List of names who will adventure and amounts to be paid to Richard Caswell, chosen treasurer
    for the present magazine, for necessary provisions for Virginia. Total, £727.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 39. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 49.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 125–127.

  • 179


  • "At a Court held for Virginia on Friday in ye Forenoone ye 4th of July, 1623." MC.
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.
  • Original of the entry in the MS. Court Book, see date.

    JULY 5


  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to Secretary Conway, concerning the measures taken
    by the Virginia Company for the relief of the colony. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 40.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 49.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 133–137.

    JULY 9


  • Virginia Court. "Mr Deputy acquaynted ye Comp̃a that according to ye direcc̃on of ye Last
    Court he presented to ye LLs, of his Mats privy Counsell a short Declarac̃on that was
    then ordered to be drawne vp, wherein (among other things) was signifyed of ye Com-
    panies intent to send a speedy supply to Virginia." MC.
  • II.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II.
  • Original of the entry in the MS. Court Book, see date.

    JULY 12


  • [N. Rich.] Rough draft of heads of charges against governors of Virginia Company presented
    to the commissioners. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 386.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 47.

    JULY 15


  • Record of a meeting of the grand committee to answer to the 15 articles prepared against the
    company at a meeting of the commissioners. MC.
  • III.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.

    JULY 17, 23


  • Governor Wyatt. Commission to Capt. Pierce to burn ye Indians' Corn; with a minute of
    the other commissions of that sort and the time when they fell upon the Indians.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec., Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 41. LC.

    JULY 19


  • Privy Council. Order giving allowance of pay to officers attending on the commissioners to
    examine the Virginia business. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 207. (2) Privy Council Register, James I,
    Vol. VI, p. 72.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 50.

    JULY 21


  • [Secretary Conway.] A letter to Sir Thomas Smythe et al., asking their opinion on Captain
    Baily's proposition. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 149, No. 16.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 50.

  • 180

    JULY 22


  • Privy Council. Order appointing Lords Grandison, Carew, and Chichester to take notes
    hereto adjoined into consideration, and to frame therefrom such orders as are most fit
    for regulating the government of Virginia. (1) PRO. (2) PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 194. (2) Privy Council Register, James I,
    Vol. VI, p. 76.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 50.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fo. 141.

    JULY 23


  • An account of sums subscribed and supplies sent since April last for the relief of Virginia,
    with the names of vessels. £3,300. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 42.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 50.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 157–161.

    JULY 26


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning the strife between the
    factions of the Earl of Warwick and of Lord Cavendish. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 149, No. 48.
  • Pub: (1) Le Froy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 322–323. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 51.

    JULY 28


  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating that the Attorney-
    General is to pass upon the power of the King to issue another patent to the Virginia
    Company. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 149, No. 76.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 51.

    JULY 31


  • Attorney-General Goventry and Solicitor-General Heath. A letter to the King, giving
    an opinion concerning the resuming of the patent of the Virginia Company.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 43. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 547–548. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 51.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 165–171.
  • 552.[1]

  • Note of victuals and provision sent by private persons to Virginia in the "George," which is
    to go to Gravesend on Monday next. [Total, £536.] PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 43. I, II.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 51.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 153–155. [Gives date
    July 23.]



  • Protection to Captain John Bargrave. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Docquet Book. Signet Office.

    AUGUST 6


  • Virginia Company. Letter to the governor and council in Virginia, concerning the letter
    of Lords Council in regard to a change in government. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 28–30. (2) Instructions, Commissions,
    and Letters, 1606–1683, pp. 113–124.

  • 181

    AUGUST 12


  • Lord Chichester. A letter to the Countess of Warwick touching the projected duel between
    the Earl of Warwick and Lord Cavendish. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 160.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 29.

    AUGUST 31


  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation settling the rates of commodities. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 48a.
  • 557.[1]

  • Proclamation about the payment of debts. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 49.



  • Stephen Gingby and others. Petition to governor of Virginia by Stephen Gingby and the
    rest of the company belonging to the "Everett" of Midleborough. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60.
  • 559.[1]

  • William Crakeplace. Petition to the governor in Virginia, demanding that the contract
    with Mr. Langley be fulfilled by Mr. Douglas, his successor as master of the "Margaret
    and John." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59a.

    SEPTEMBER 4, 8


  • John Penreis. Petition to governor and council in Virginia in regard to rights of trading.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 59a. LC.



  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation about trading with Indians for corn in the bay. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 49.



  • Invoice of goods sent to Virginia by John Harrison in "Marmaduke," John Dennis, master,
    for use of George Harrison. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 44.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.



  • Governor in Virginia. Proclamation about stealing of birds and beasts of domestical and
    tame nature. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 49.



  • Michael Wilcocks. Petition to Governor Wyatt, demanding that at the end of his year's
    service William Candy pay him 180 pounds of tobacco and build a house, as agreed.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60a. LC.



  • Carsten Berksam. Petition to governor and council, requesting to be sent home because of
    the death of his father. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60.

  • 182



  • Thomas Pasmore. Petition to governor of Virginia, concerning payment by Valentine Osserly
    of money due. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60.
  • 567.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. Warrant for the levy of taxes. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 52, 52a.
  • 568.[1]

  • . Order reducing the fine for nonpayment of a tax of 66 pounds of sassafras on each
    man from 10 pounds on each 100 pounds of sassafras to 4 pounds of tobacco. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., pt. ii, pp. 52-52a.



  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to [Secretary Conway], dispatching a messenger after
    the deputy of Virginia Company, as none of the company will take anything upon
    themselves in the absence of the governor. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 153, No. 14.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.



  • Privy Council. A letter to the governor and council in Virginia, announcing the intention
    of the King to change the government of the Colony. Their Lorp. first Order.
    (1)-(3) LC (4) PRO [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 2a. (2) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co.,
    II, 338–339. (3) Instructions, Commissions and Letters, 1606–1683 (Vellum Book),
    pp. 63–64. [18th century copy.] (4) State Papers, Colonial, II, No. 45; Colonial
    Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 195–196.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,
    229–230. (3) Brown, First Republic, 550–551. (4) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 177–181.
  • 571.[1]

  • —. Order for Sr William Jones et al., the commissioners, to examine into the state of Vir-
    ginia and the Summer Islands, to continue inquiry and report to the board at convenient
    time. (1) PRO. (2) PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 195. (2) Privy Council Register, James I
    Vol. VI, p. 123.
  • Pub: (1) Brown, First Republic, 550–552. (2) Le Froy, Memorials of the Bermudas,
    I, 323–324. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol, II, fo. 173.

    OCTOBER 11


  • George Jemison and Mr. Undergod. "To the right Worli Sr Francis Wyatt Knight
    Gouernor and Captaine Generall of Virginia. The humble Petĩon of George Jemison"
    and Mr. Undergod of the ship "Everett." LC
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60.

    OCTOBER 15


  • Privy Council. Order dispensing with attendance of Justice Sir William Jones because of his
    other employments; also ordering commission to appoint certain days for meeting so as
    to be expeditious. (1) PC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 125. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 196.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.

  • 183


  • Virginia Company. Answer to an order of the Privy Council of October 8, 1623, begging
    respite until November 9. (1) PRO. (2) LC. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 340. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James
    I, Vol. II, No. 46.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 231–2.
    (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 52.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 185–187. [Date given
    Nov. 19.]

    OCTOBER 17


  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to Secretary Conway, concerning an alteration in the
    frame of government. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 153, No. 67.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 53.
  • 576.

  • Privy Council. An order to the Virginia Company. Second order in council. Copy.
    (1)-(3) LC. (4) PRO [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 34. (2) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co.,
    II, 341–342. (3) Instructions, Commissions, and Letters, 1606–1683 (Vellum
    Book), p. 65. (4) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 197–198.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,
    238. (3) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist. VI, 382. (4) Sainsbury, Calendar
    of State Papers, Colonial
    , pp. 52–53.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 189–191.

    OCTOBER 20


  • Virginia Company. Answer to an order of the Privy Council of October 17, 1623.
    (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 342. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. II, No. 47.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock,Virginia Company, II, 234.
    (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 53.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fo. 201. [Ends with "were of
    a contrary opinion."]

    OCTOBER 20, 24


  • Privy Council. Privy Council to the Virginia Company, urging the speedy sending of the
    ship to Virginia and that the orders should be published in Virginia.
    (1), (2) & (4) LC. (3) PRO. (5) PC. (6) MC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 3a. (2) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co.,
    II, 343. (3) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 199–200. (4) Instructions, Commis-
    sions and Letters, 1606–1683 (vellum book), pp.66–67. (5) Privy Council Register,
    James I, Vol. VI, p. 131. (6) Ferrar Papers.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock,Virginia Company, II,
    234–235. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 53.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 193–195. [Oct. 20.]

    OCTOBER 20


  • Schedule of names of those present at an extraordinary court of the Virginia Company by
    appointment of Lords, touching the surrender of the charters, distinguishing those who
    were for from those against. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 48.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 53.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 197–199.

  • 184


  • Governor in Virginia. "A Warrant to Capt. Madison to bring 40 souldiers for ye March."
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Records Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 52, 52a. LC.

    OCTOBER 22


  • Robert Byng. A letter to Nicholas Ferrar, concerning the appointment to a position.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers. MC. [LC]
  • Photographic reproduction and transcript in the Library of Congress.

    OCTOBER 24


  • Privy Council. Order to John Harvey to investigate the conditions of Virginia—plantations,
    fortifications, provisions, boats, public works, and relations with the Indians. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 137.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, Vol. II, fos. 205–207.
  • 583.[1]

  • Privy Council. A letter to the Governor and Council in Virginia, instructing Council to assist
    Commissioners appointed to investigate the Colony. (1) LC. (4) PRO [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 2. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79,
    p. 200. (3) Instructions, comissions, and letters, 1606–1683 (vellum book), p. 62.
    [18th century copy.] (4) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 200.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 54.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fo. 209.



  • Sir Thomas Smythe and others. A letter to Secretary Conway, concerning Captain Baily's
    project. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 51.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 54.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 221–223.

    1623, NOVEMBER 4 TO 1624, MAY 24


  • Quo Warranto and Proceedings, by which the Virginia Company was dissolved.
    (1) PRO. (2) MC. [LC]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Coram Rege Roll, James I, 21 year, Michaelmas Term. Roll No. 1528, mem-
    branes, 39–63. (2) Ferrar Papers (writ only).
  • Photographic reproduction in the Library of Congress.



  • Commissioners for Virginia. Warrant concerning sundry petitions referred to them for
    examination. They require a trunk of writings locked up under custody of clerks of
    Privy Council to be delivered to the bearer. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 49.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 54.



  • Governor in Virginia. A Commission to the Council of State in the Governor's absence.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 41. LC.



  • Note of shipping, men, and provisions sent and provided for Virginia by the Right Honorable
    Earl of Southampton and the Company since May, 1623, to this 19th November, 1623.
  • III.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II. LC.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., post, II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II,
    p. 245.

  • 185



  • Governor in Virginia. Order to Captain Maddison and other officers to collect sassafras and
    tobacco. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 52, 52a.
  • 590.[1]

  • . Warrant to Captain Pierse to levy 300 lbs. of tobacco for the fort at Wariscoyack.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 52. LC.
  • 591.[1]

  • . Order to Captain Pierse to levy the tax of October, 1623. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 52, 52a.
  • 592.[1]

  • . A warrant for Mr. Benet for his meanes. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pp. 53, 53a.



  • Privy Council. Order for delivering the Virginia Company's books and writings to the Vir-
    ginia Company, against whom a quo warranto has been issued, and for keeping inventory
    of the same. PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 208.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 54.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 225–227.
  • 594.[1]

  • Virginia and Somers Islands Companies. Petition to the King, that a commission
    granted on request of Alderman Johnson et al. proceed; that books sequestered 14 days
    be restored, and that they be preserved in rights. (1) PRO. (2) KP. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. II, No. 50. (2) De La Warr's collec-
    tion of MSS.
  • Pub: (1) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 54. (2) Hist, MSS.Com.,
    Fourth Report, p. 283.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 245–247.
  • 595.[1]

  • Governor in Virginia. "A Warrant graunted to Mr. Bolton for his meanes." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, fo. 53.



  • Sir Edwin Sandys. A letter to John Ferrar, concerning personal debts, assuring him that
    no one will lose by him. MC. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.



  • Governor in Virginia. A warrant to Captain William Tucker to collect 10 pounds of tobacco
    for each 1,000 plants at Elizabeth City. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 53.



  • Council in Virginia. Order for preparation of list of all who perished in massacre, as per
    order of the company. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, fo. 53.



  • Privy Council. Order touching the costs of a quo warranto affecting the charter of the
    Virginia Company. (1) PC. (2) & (3) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 188. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 209. (3) Manchester Papers, No 394.
  • Pub: (1) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 55. (2) Calendar: Hist,
    MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 47.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fo. 229.

  • 186


  • Privy Council. Order of December 8, 1623. (1) LC. (2) PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 361. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 209.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 249–250.
    (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 55.
  • 601.[1]

  • Order directing the attorney-general to report on a petition of Nicholas Ferrar, deputy
    of Virginia Company, who affirms that commission for examining Virginia Company
    and Summer Islands Company had not set course for paying debts of the companies,
    which was referred unto them by board. (1) PC. (2) & (3) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 188. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, pp. 209–210. (3) Manchester Papers, No. 393.
  • Pub: (1) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 55. (2) Calendar: Hist.
    MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 47.
  • 602.[1]

  • Order directing the attorney-general to report upon a complaint of William Cannyn
    [Canning] vs. Thomas Keightly for arresting him on action of £500.
    (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 187. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p, 209.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 55.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 233–235.
  • 603.[1]

  • Council in Virginia. Order concerning every 20th man to work on the fort of Wariscoyack.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 53. LC.
  • 604.[1]

  • Mr. Captain Bargrave. "Mr. Captain Bargrave's Project touching Virginea." A copy of a
    letter to the Lord Treasurer. (1) BM. (2) PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: (1) Additional MSS., 12496, fo. 454. (Caesar Papers.) (2) Manchester papers,
    No. 402.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 47–48.

    DECEMBER 11 (?)


  • Council in Virginia. Action concerning release of a bond of George Yeardley to Mr. South-
    ern; concerning goods sent home on the "Temperance." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.



  • Privy Council. A letter to the governor and council in Virginia concerning Captain Martin.
    (1) LC. (2) PRO. (3) PC. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 70a. (2) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79,
    p. 210. (3) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 199.
  • Pub: (1) Va. Mag. of Hist., VII, pp. 272–273. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 55.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 237–239.



  • Governor in Virginia. Letter to "Capt. Wm. Tucker" concerning his expedition. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt, ii, fo. 53.



  • Privy Council. A letter to the deputy governor of the Virginia Company to bring to them
    unopened all letters arrived in a ship lately from Virginia.
    (1) LC. (2) MC. (3) PC. (4) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 358. (2) Ferrar Papers. (3) Privy Council
    Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 215. (4) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 210.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 246.
    (3) Va. Mag. of Hist., X, 132–134. (4) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial,
    p. 55.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fo. 241.

  • 187



  • Council in Virginia. Proclamation concerning Tuckeer's collection of tax on tobacco. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., London, III, pt. ii, fo. 53.



  • Council in Virginia. Controversy between Thomas Sufram and Clarke and the successors
    of Capt. William Perse and Capt. William Power concerning an agreement for wages
    of a voyage in "Furtherance." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 611.

  • Brief motives to maintain King's right to River Amazon and coast of Guiana. Note added in
    another hand to point out prejudice to the plantations should King make agreement
    with Virginia and Bermudas companies for tobacco from those places only.
  • 612.

  • Council in Virginia. Controversy between George Mynitie for Thomas Hamor and Thomas
    Gibbs concerning a bargain between them. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.



  • Attorney-General Coventry. A letter to the Privy Council concerning the case between
    William Canning and Thomas Kightley. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 158, No. 12.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 56.



  • Council in Virginia. I. Controversy between Daniel Gookin, through Richard Kensan,
    master of ship "Mary," and Robert Roberts of Bristo, for delivery of commodities.
  • II.

  • Controversy between John Chew and William Douglas for goods used on the
    "Margaret." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 615.

  • —. Controversy between Weston and James Carter concerning the transportation of goods.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony. LC.

    JANUARY 14


  • Adventurers and Planters in Virginia and others. Petition to the Privy Council that
    those who oppose the surrender of the charter shall bear the expense of the suit. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 362.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 250–251.

    JANUARY 19


  • Governor in Virginia. A Comission to Captain Hamor given aboard the "Wilɫm and
    John" for trading. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 41.

    JANUARY 22


  • Governor in Virginia. A commission to Sr George Yeardley for punishing of swearing and
    drunkenness. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 40.

  • 188

    JANUARY 26


  • Governor in Virginia. Warrants for holding elections and summoning the general assembly.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, fo. 53. LC.

    JANUARY 30


  • Council in Virginia. A letter to the Virginia Company of London, describing revenge on
    Indians. (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, pp. 7–8. (2) State Papers, Domestic,
    James I, Vol. 156, No. 1.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia, Mag. of Hist., VI, 374–377. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar
    of State Papers, Colonial
    , pp. 56–57.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 249–269.



  • General Assembly in Virginia. The Answer to Capt. Butler's vnmasking of Virginia, by
    the General Assembly February, 1623. Directed to the King's most Sacred Matie. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, pp. 9–11.
  • Pub: Neill, Virginia Company of London, 406–407.
  • 622.[1]

  • Robert Poole. Petition "To the Right Wor:ɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt Knight," asking for payments
    due. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, fo. 60.



  • Virginia Council. Letter to governor and council in Virginia, concerning the complaints of
    Capt. John Martin. LC.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 71. (2) MS. Court Book Virginia Co.,
    II, 366.
  • Pub: Kingsbury, Records Virginia Co., Vol. II.

    FEBRUARY 4, 13


  • John Barnett. Petition "To the right Worɫɫ: Sr Francis Wyatt Knight Gouernor," for sums
    due from the agent of Mr. Gookin. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60a.



  • William Paney. Petition "To the right Worɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt Knight" for a claim from
    Captain Nuce. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 60a.



  • [Davison?]. A letter to [J. Ferrar?] giving a list of names of the living and dead in Virginia.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 2. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Wynne and Gilman, Colonial Records of Virginia, 37–60; 61–66. (2) Sains-
    bury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial p. 57.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, pp. 277–327. Secretary Davison
    died before this date.

    FEBRUARY 16 (?)


  • List of 13 letters and papers, including one book received from and sent to Virginia.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 3. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 57.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, pp. 273–275.

  • 189



  • General Assembly in Virginia. "The answere of the generall Assembly in Virginia to a
    Declaratione of the State of the Colonie in the 12 years of Sr Thomas Smith's Goverment
    exhibited by Alderman Johnsone and others." (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i; p. 4a. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. II, No. 20.
  • Pub: (1) Neill, Virginia Company of London, pp. 407–411. (2) Sainsbury Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , pp. 39–40.
    D. S.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, pp. 349–361.



  • Governor, Council, and Assembly in Virginia. Letter "To ye right Honoble our very good
    Lor: the Lors: of his Maties most Honoble Privie Counsell," requesting the liberty of their
    general assemblies and defending the Sandys administration.
    (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 5. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James
    I, Vol. III, No. 4 (vera copia).
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 58.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, pp. 365–371. [Date Feb. 29.]



  • Ballad concerning the massacre, "Good News from Virginia." "To the Tune of All those
    that be good fellowes." Praises the men of the colony. PRO.
  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 324.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. ii, pp. 39, 40.



  • John Haruey. "To the right Worɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt &c and to the Counsell of Estate."
    Petition concerning disobedience to his orders. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 62a.
  • 632.[1]

  • . "To the right Worɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt Knight &c and to the Counsell of Estate the
    second complaint and peticion of John Haruey Esqr." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 62.
  • 633.[1]

  • Robert Guyer and John White. "To the Hono:ble Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c and ye right
    Worɫɫ the Counsell of State. The Answer to ye Complaint and Petition of Capt John
    Haruey Esquiere." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 62.
  • 634.[1]

  • . "To the hono:ble Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c and the right worɫɫ the rest of the Coun-
    sell of State. The answer to ye Second Complaint and peticion of Capt John Haruey
    Esqr." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 62a.

    [MARCH] 2


  • Haruey and others, commissioners of the King. A letter to Sir Francis Wyatt, governor,
    and to the assembly. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 6 (second paper).

    MARCH 2


  • Haruey and others. Form of subscription presented to the general assembly, agreeing to a
    revocation of the letters patent. PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 6 (third paper).
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, pp. 397–399.

  • 190


  • General Assembly in Virginia. A letter to Haruey demanding a commission or an oath as
    to his authority. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 6 (fifth paper).
  • 638.[1]

  • General Assembly in Virginia. "The generall assemblies answere to those fower Proposi-
    tions made by the commissioners to be presented to the Lors: of his Maties most honorble
    privie counsell." (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 6a. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James
    I, Vol. III, No. 7.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 58.
  • (1) D. S. in Public Record Office. (2) Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers,
    II, pp. 381–389.
  • 639.[1]

  • Governor, Council, and General Assembly in Virginia. "The Answere of Gounor, and
    Counsell and Generall Assembly to the Letter and wrightinge of Captain John Haruey,"
    expressing submissive attitude toward King. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 7a. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. III, No. 6 (fourth paper).
  • Document in State Papers, Colonial, in the autograph of Ed. Sharpless, and certified by him.

    [MARCH 2]


  • Commissioners in Virginia. "A briefe declaratione to the Assemblie" (by John Harvy,
    John Porey, Abraham Peirsey, and Samuel Mathews.) with a list of four enquiries as to
    the state of the colony. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 6. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. III, No. 6 (first paper).
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 58.
  • Document in State Papers, Colonial, in autograph of Ed. Sharpless, and certified by him.

    MARCH 3.


  • John Haruey and others. A letter to Governor Wyatt and the assembly, answering a demand
    for authority and acknowledging that they had none to move them to conform to sub-
    scription. PRO. [L. C.]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., Vol. III, pt. i, p. 7a. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. III, No. 6 (sixth paper).
  • Document in the State Papers, Colonial, in the autograph of Ed. Sharpless. Photograph in
    the Library of Congress.

    MARCH 5


  • Governor and Council and Assembly in Virginia. Laws and Orders of the Assembly in
    Virginia, by the Governor, Council and 2 burgesses elected out of every plantation by
    major parts of voices, February 16, 1623/4. (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, fo. 8. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. III, No. 9.
  • Pub: (1) Hening, Statutes, I, 122f. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial,
    p. 59.
  • Document in State Paper Office in autograph of Ed. Sharpless. Transcript: New York Public
    Library, Bancroft Papers, II, fos. 329–345.
  • 643.[1]

  • Governor, Council, and Assembly in Virginia. Order concerning a levy of tobacco. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 9.

    MARCH 7


  • Council in Virginia. Action concerning a claim against the company. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

  • 191

    1623/4 TO MARCH 7, 1624/5


  • Court in Virginia. Transcripts from court records in Virginia, in quarter courts at James-
    town, of points relating to the debts of George Thorpe, by Benjamin Harrison. NY.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Smyth of Nibley Papers, Smyth, 38.
  • Pub: Calendar: N. Y. Pub. Lib. Bull., I, 189.

    MARCH 9


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia, concerning a case between Mr.
    Horne and Mr. Procter, concerning service. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 647.[1]

  • Henry [Horner]. "To the right Worɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt Knight &c and Counsell of Estate
    here Assembled," demanding goods due from Procter. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61.

    MARCH 11


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia, concerning degradation of
    Richard Quaile from captain to carpenter. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 649.[1]

  • Richard Quaile. "The Humble Petition of Richard Quaile to the honoble the Gouernor
    with the right Worɫɫ the Assistant in Counsell," requesting to be released. [Examined
    September 9, 1623.] LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61.

    MARCH 12


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia, concerning a controversy
    between Dr. Pott and Capt. William Holmes for payment of three chests of physic. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 651.

  • [Edward Nicholas.] A letter to [John Nicholas] concerning the arrival of ships this week
    from Virginia and the Somers Islands, certifying the welfare of the people in Virginia
    still in enmity with the natives. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 160, No. 70.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 59.

    MARCH 16


  • Governor in Virginia. A commission to Rawleigh Crashaw to trade with the Indians. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 41.a

    MARCH 23, 24, 25


  • John Haruey. "To the right wor:ɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c and to ye Counsell of Estate
    the third petition of John Haruey, Esqr," concerning his admiralty of New England.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 63. LC.
  • 654.[1]

  • Robert Guyar and John White. "To the right hono:ble Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c the
    right Worɫɫ ye Counsell of State." The Humble Petition against Captain Haruey.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 63. LC.

    MARCH 30


  • Jane Dickenson. "To the honoɫ right Worɫɫ &c the Gouernor and Counsell of Estate in
    Virginia." Petition to be relieved from service. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61.

  • 192

    [APRIL ?]


  • [Sir Nathaniel Rich.] Heads of a speech in the House of Commons on a petition presented
    by the Virginia Company. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 410.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 48.

    APRIL 8


  • Planters in Virginia. Petition to the King, requesting to be relieved of the impost on
    tobacco for a time. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 373–374.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 257–259.

    APRIL 8, 14


  • Privy Council. Answers granting the above petition. LC.
  • Ref: MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 374.
  • Pub: (1) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II. (2) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 259.

    APRIL 12, 19


  • John Hall. "To the right Worɫɫ Sr Francis Wyatt Knight &c" concerning a claim against
    John Hall. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61.

    APRIL 17


  • Council in Virginia. Letter "to the right Honorbɫ Henry Earle of Suthampton with the
    Lords and others of the Counsell and Compenie of Virginia," concerning acts of the
    Assembly sent by John Pountis, and the needs of the colony. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 8a.

    [APRIL 22]


  • Sir Thomas Smythe. A letter to Secretary Conway entreating him to attend the Grand Com-
    mission of Grievances to-morrow in order to help to stop John Bargrave vs. Smythe.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 163, No. 28. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 60.
  • 662.[1]

  • Capt. John Bargrave. A letter to the House of Commons on behalf of himself, absent
    planters in Virginia, and adventurers against Sir Thomas Smythe. PRO.
  • III.

  • Ref: (1) Manchester Papers, No. 401. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III,
    No. 11. (3) State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 163, No. 28.
  • Pub: (1) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 60. (2) Calendar: Hist.
    MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 47.
  • Document in the Colonial State Papers signed by Bargrave. The date is uncertain.

    APRIL 24


  • John Harvey. A letter to Sir Nathaniel Rich, sending the reply of the Assembly to Capt.
    Butler's and Alderman Johnson's accusations. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 400.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. ii, p. 47.
  • Autograph document.

  • 193

    APRIL 26, 29


  • House of Commons. "A petition for Virginia read" in the House of Commons, and also a
    letter from the King. (1) LC. (2) & (3) HL. (4) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Court Book, Virginia Co., II, 377–379. (2) House of Lords, Supple-
    mentary Calendar, C. J., II, 691, 694. (3) Journals of Commons, I. (4) State
    Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 12.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 336. (2) Calendar: Hist. MSS.
    Com., Fourth Report, pt. 1, p. 122. (3) Brock, Virginia Company, II, 263–266.
    (4) Kingsbury, Rec. Virginia Co., II.

    APRIL 28


  • James I. A letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons not to trouble with the petition,
    as it would renew the factions of the company, which were in settlement by the King.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 163, No. 71. PRO.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 336–337. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 60.
  • 666.[1]

  • George Menefie. A letter to John Harrison, telling of the death of his brother George, of
    his will, and of an inventory of his estate, and asking for instructions. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 15.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 61.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 473–475.

    APRIL 29


  • Sir Issac Wake. A letter to Secretary Conway, telling that King's letter was received with
    universal applause and had quieted the great schism caused by the Virginians. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Savoy Correspondence, 1624, April 29.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 60.

    APRIL 30


  • John Chamberlain. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton concerning the King's letter to Lower
    House yesterday touching Virginia, and reserving the matter likely to have bred
    dissension. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 163, No. 74.
  • Pub: (1) LeFroy, Memorials of the Bermudas, I, 337. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 61.



  • [Nicholas Ferrar.] A rough draft and a copy of a petition to the Commons concerning the
    loss to England by allowing the importation of tobacco from Spain. MC. [LC.]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • Rough draft in Nicholas Ferrar's autograph and a copy in Ed. Collingwood's writing.

    MAY 4


  • House of Lords. Matters brought from the House of Commons, but no further proceedings.
  • I.

  • Ref: Lords Journal, III, 340. HL.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Fourth Report, p. 123.

    MAY 5


  • Richard Barnes. "To the honoble Sr Francis Wyatt Knight Governor and Capt. generall of
    Virginia The Humble Petition" requesting a reinvestigation of censure. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61a.

  • 194

    MAY 6


  • Sir Francis Nethersole. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning the discussion of Vir-
    ginia affairs in the House of Commons. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 164, No. 46.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VI, 382–384. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 62.

    MAY 10


  • Council in Virginia. Action concerning the charge against Edward Sharples, clark to the
    council of state, of betraying counsels . . . to the King and Lords of the Privy Council
    and some of the commissioners for reward. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.
  • 674.

  • —. Action concerning the censure of Richard Barnes for speaking ill of the governor.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony. LC.

    MAY 12


  • Council in Virginia. Letter "to the Right Honoble Henry Earle of Suthampton wth the
    Lo: and others of the Counsell and Compenie of Virginia." Complaint concerning
    Mr. Pory. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 9.

    MAY 20


  • Robert Heath. A letter to Sir Robert Harley requesting him to take opinion on a bill pro-
    posed in Parliament on the importation of Spanish tobacco. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, Vol. CLXV, No. 5.
  • Pub: Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, James I, 1623–1625, p. 250.

    MAY 28


  • Sir Robert Heath. "Severall greiuances presented to King James by Sr Robert Heath (then
    Sollicitor geñall) vpon Friday the 28th of May in the name of the Lower House of Par-
    liament in the Banquetting House at Whitehall 1624—concerning Trade" and tobacco.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Harleian MSS., 2244, fo. 15. BM.

    MAY 30


  • Ralph Hamour. "To the honoble Sr Francis Wyatt knight &c and the rest of Counsell of
    Estate in Virginia. The Humble Petition" concerning the destruction of his patent in
    the massacre. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61.

    JUNE (?)


  • Henry, Earl of Southampton, and certain other Lords appointed a Council for Virginia.
  • I.

  • Ref: Minutes, Colonial Correspondence, 1609, p. 1. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 63.
  • 680.

  • [Nathaniel Rich(?).] An act concerning tobacco. [Proposed bill by Parliament.] PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 406.
  • 681.

  • Rough draft of a suggestion for preemption of tobacco, and prohibition of planters in England,
    Ireland, and Wales, and importation of any except from Virginia and Summer Islands.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, Nos. 365, 404, 407. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, pp. 45, 48.
  • 682.

  • House of Commons. Petition to the King for exclusion of all tobacco not grown in his
    Majesty's Dominion. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 405.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 48.

  • 195

    JUNE 14


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Sir Thomas Merry stating that the King desired letters and
    papers relating to affairs of Virginia in possession of his late cousin, employed in that
    business, to be preserved, and any other papers on the business. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 167, No. 60.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 62.

    JUNE 15 (?)


  • Governor Sir Francis Wyatt, Council, and Assembly in Virginia. Petition to the King,
    expressing fear that the petition sent by John Pountis was not delivered and complain-
    ing of the desperate state of the colony. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 42.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 74.
  • D. S. Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft, II, 585–590.

    JUNE 22


  • Petition concerning Virginia intended for delivery to the King, claiming a desire for revision
    of affairs only. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 403.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 48.

    JUNE 24


  • Assembly in Virginia. Law against unlawful implied contracts of marriage.
  • VI.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 49. LC.
  • 687.[1]

  • Privy Council Order appointing Lord President Mandeville, Lord Paget, Lord Chichester, and
    others, Commissioners to resolve on the well settling of the colony, to give order there-
    fore, to certify proceedings to the King, and to receive further directions. King deter-
    mined to give new charter. (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, p. 210. (2) Privy Council Register, James I,
    Vol. VI, p. 342.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 62.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 477–479.

    JUNE 26


  • Commissioners and Adventurers of Virginia Company. Petition to Privy Council that
    Captain John Bargrave's protection be not renewed till course be taken for the payment
    of £800 bond for debt of £500. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 16.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 62.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 485–487.
  • 689.[1]

  • Privy Council. Order for Mr. Ferrar, Deputy, to bring to the Council Chamber all patents,
    books of account, and invoices of the late corporation and lists of people in the Colony,
    to be retained by the Keeper of the Council Chest till further order.
    (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 344. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 277.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 62.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 481.
  • 690.[1]

  • Order to the Commissioners for the Virginia business concerning the stock, etc., of the
    Virginia Company. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James 1, Vol. VI, p. 345.

  • 196

    JULY (P)


  • Reasons alleged on behalf of King's Farmers of the custom and impost on tobacco, for redress
    of grievances. PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 22.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 68–69.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 573–583.
  • 692.[1]

  • Brief answer to a proposition touching tobacco lately delivered by the King's Farmers of
    Customs. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 23.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 69.
  • 693.[1]

  • Request to [Privy Council ?] that as King is concluding a contract with divers persons for his
    own use, orders should be given to the Governor in Virginia not to suffer trade with the
    Hollanders who are now freighting ships for that purpose, since their produce is not
    needed there. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 169, No. 7.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 63.
  • 694.[1]

  • "A Briefe Declaration of the plantation of Virginia during the first twelve years when Sr
    Thomas Smyth was Governor of the Companie [1606–1619] and downe to the present
    tyme [1624] by the Ancient Planters now remaining alive in Virginia."
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, p. 21. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Wynne and Gilman, Colonial Records of Virginia (State Senate Document,
    Extra, 1874). (2) Brown, First Republic, 572–574. (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , pp. 66–68.
  • Transcript, New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, I, fos. 529–609.
  • 695.

  • [Solicitor-General Heath.] Statement as to a contract ordered by King on July 2/24 as to
    tobacco. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 169, No. 6.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 63.

    JULY 2


  • James I. A letter to Solicitor-General Heath, concerning a petition of House of Commons
    against the importation of foreign tobacco, and a petition of planters and adventurers for
    a reasonable price. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 169, No. 5.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 63.

    JULY 3


  • Nethersole. A letter to Sir Dudley Carleton, concerning the overthrow of the Virginia patent
    by the quo warranto. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 169, No. 14.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 39. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 63.
  • 698.[1]

  • Governor, Council, and Colony in Virginia. To the Kings moste Excelent Matia. "The
    Humble Petitione of the Gournor Counsell and Colony of Virginia in theire generall
    Assemblie," praying for a continuation of the present government. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Records, Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 5a. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. III, No. 21.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 45. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 65.
  • D. S. in the State Papers, Colonial.
  • Date uncertain.

  • 197

    JULY 12


  • David Sandis. "To the Honoble the Governor wth the rest the worɫɫ Counsellors of Estate."
    Petition for justice because of defamations by one, Alnut. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Records, Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 61a.
  • 700.

  • Council in Virginia. Order that persons remaining at home shall give day's work in place
    of those on the march; ordering a commission to be granted to council at home for
    dispatch of business until governor's return; also concerning fining Thomas Alnet for
    defamation of character of Minister Sandis. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    JULY 15


  • James I. Commission to certain of the Lords of the Privy Council and others for settling a
    government in Virginia. (1) BM. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Additional MSS., 12496, fos. 464–473. (Caesar Papers.) (2) Patent Roll, 22
    James I, pt. 1, No. 4; Chancery Privy Seal, 22 James I, July, 1624.
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 183. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVII, 609–613.
  • 702.[1]

  • Commissioners for Virginia. Orders set down at a meeting, July 16, 1624, appointing H.
    Fotherby to be in charge of charters, seals, and writings of the company, and providing
    for an investigation of the colony. PRO. [LC]
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 17, I.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 44–45. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 64.
  • Transcript: Library of Congress, Bancroft Papers, II, 489–495.

    JULY (16)


  • Lord President Mandeville. A letter to Secretary Conway, giving a brief of the proceedings
    of the Commissioners for Virginia, with regard to the free importation of tobacco.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 17. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 43–44. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 64.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 513–515.

    JULY 18


  • Privy Council. An order for the allowance of £150 to [John] Pory, employed in Virginia
    about His Majesty's especial business. (1) PC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 376. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 277.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 64.

    JULY 19


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Lord President Mandeville, stating that the King approves
    the proceedings in the Virginia business, and that the restraint as to tobacco is to be
    considered. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Minute. Conway's Letter Book, 136.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 64.
  • 706.

  • —. A letter to Lord Coventry, concerning putting Mr. Bing in the Commission for Vir-
    ginia, if there is no cause to the contrary. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Minute. Conway's Letter Book, 137.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 64.

  • 198

    JULY 20


  • Warrant to pay John Pory £150 in payment of expenditure of £100, and for services in Vir-
    ginia on King's business. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Sign Manual, James I, Vol. 16, No. 50.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 65.

    JULY 25


  • Lord Coventry. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating why Mr. Bing was willingly forgotten
    from the Commission for Virginia. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 18.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 65.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 501–503.

    JULY 26


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Lord President Mandeville, concerning John Bargrave.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 170, No. 65. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 65.

    JULY 81


  • Solicitor-General Heath. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating that the Commission deems
    it best that the commission from the King be sent to the principal men in Virginia for
    the present government of the Colony. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 19.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 45. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 65.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 505–507.
  • 711.

  • Sir Thomas Smythe. A letter to Secretary Conway, stating that the Virginia Company hoped
    that John Bargrave would pay £500 due before his protection was renewed, and enclos-
    ing a petition to the King. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 20.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 65.
  • A. S. Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 509, 511.

    AUGUST 2


  • Solicitor-General Heath. A letter to the Duke of Buckingham, entreating his assistance in
    settling the contract for Virginia tobacco. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 171, No. 7.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial p. 69.

    AUGUST 5


  • Sir Thomas Smythe. A letter to Lord President Mandeville, requesting him to hinder or
    defer Captain Bargrave's protection, as he hopes to procure a countermand from the
    King. PRO. [NY]
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 24.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 69.
  • A. S. Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 517–519.

  • 199

    AUGUST 9


  • Robert, Earl of Warwick. A letter to Secretary Conway, sending Mr. Pory with the com-
    mission [for Virginia], to desire him to put out Mr. Pott's name, who was a poisoner of
    savages there and hence unfit for State business; and asking him to remind the King
    to write Mr. Attorney to put Mr. Bing on the Commission according to promise.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 25. PRO. [NY]
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 51. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 69.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 521.

    AUGUST 13


  • Secretary Conway. A letter to Attorney-General Coventry, concerning conferring with Sir
    Thos. Smythe and the Earl of Warwick about putting Mr. Bing on the Commission.
  • VII.

  • Ref: Minute, Conway's Letter Book. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 69.
  • 716.

  • — A letter to Solicitor-General Heath concerning the returns of the Commission for a Council
    in Virginia. PRO
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 171, No. 47.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 69.

    AUGUST 16


  • John Harrison. Power of attorney from John Harrison, of London, to John Carter, master
    of "Anne." PRO. [NY]
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, Nos. 26, 27.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 69.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 525–529.
  • 718.

  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning the complaint of
    Ensign John Ulie (?) against Tyler for slander. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    AUGUST 23


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning the sentence of
    William Tyler for slander. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    AUGUST 26


  • James I. Commission to Sir Francis Wyatt as governor and to the Council in Virginia. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Patent Roll, 22 James I, pt. 17, No. 2. (2) Chancery Privy Seal, 22 James
    I, August.
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection of State Papers, I, 189–192. (2) Rymer, Foedera,
    XVIII, 618.

    SEPTEMBER 5, 12


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia: list of persons coming to
    James City, Virginia, in the "Bonny Bess," who took the oath of supremacy.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony. LC.

    SEPTEMBER 18 OR 15 (P)


  • James I. Commission as governor to Sir George Yeardley in the absence of Sir Francis
    Wyatt. (1) PRO. (2) LC.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Docquet Book, Domestic, James I. (2) Misc. Records, 1606–1692. (Bland
    Copy), 122–125.
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 235. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers,
    , p. 69.

  • 200



  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning the fining several
    offenders, 20 nobles, toward the repair of the church, for drinking. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.



  • Privy Council. An order for an exact account of John Puntis's property to be sent to Thos.
    Merry (1) PC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 449.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 533–535.



  • James I. Proclamation restraining the importation of tobacco except from Virginia and the
    Summer Islands. Printed. JCB.
  • I.

  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 193–198. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVII, 621.



  • Capt. John Bargrave. A letter to—, concerning a remodelled project, the only safe and
    profitable way to plant Virginia. PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 173, Nos. 120, 121.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calander of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.



  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning Sybill Royall's will. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    OCTOBER 10


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning: I. Accusations
    against Captain John Martin for slanderous sayings. II. Claim that Company had
    right to appoint ministers. III. Difference as to division of parishes, payment of work-
    man's wages for church. IV. Complaints of Elizabeth Abbot's servant—having been
    beaten by Mr. Procter, her master. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    OCTOBER 18


  • [Privy Council.] Warrant to prepare a bill for Edward Dichfield and five others on the
    recommendation of Virginia Commission, appointing them officers for searching and
    sealing tobacco. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 173, No. 55.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 71.

    OCTOBER 19


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the council in Virginia, granting several leases to persons
    on governor's and college land for a term of five years from date. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    OCTOBER 22


  • Privy Council. Warrant to Lord Carew, Master of Ordinance, to deliver to the Virginia Com-
    missioner one last of powder. (1) PC. (2) PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: (1) Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 474. (2) Colonial Entry Book,
    Vol. 79, p. 278.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.

  • 201

    OCTOBER 25


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the council in Virginia, concerning the complaint of
    Capt. John Martyn against the master of ship for nine weeks' detention in New Eng-
    land. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

    OCTOBER 28


  • "Att the same tyme there was a newe offer made by dyuers honest Men for the good of the
    Plantation and presented to Mr. Soliciter the :28th of October 1624." BM. [LC]
  • VI.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 12496, fo. 447. (Caesar Papers.)



  • [Sir Nathaniel Rich.] Rough notes in criticism of Captain John Bargrave's proposition.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Manchester Papers, No. 409. PRO.
  • Pub: Calendar: Hist. MSS. Com., Eighth Report, pt. 2, p. 48.



  • Meeting of the adventurers of Martin's Hundred, concerning the land for the East India
    School. MC.
  • VI.

  • Ref: Ferrar Papers.
  • 736.

  • Council in Virginia. Action concerning a will, a complaint, and use of arms by the
    Indians. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.



  • The King. "Proclamation of a concession to Edward Dichfield and others" concerning
  • I.

  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 198–202. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVII, 633.



  • Sirs Thomas Smythe and others. Sirs Thomas Smythe and others, of the council for
    Virginia, to the Earl of Warwick. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 28.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 541–543.



  • Privy Council. A letter to Commissioners for Virginia, to investigate the claims of Lady
    Wyatt on behalf of her late husband vs. the Virginia Company. PC.
  • I.

  • Ref: Privy Council Register, James I, Vol. VI, p. 496.



  • [Secretary Conway.] A letter to Solicitor General Heath, stating that the King desires him
    to prepare grant of denization to Beaumont. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Domestic, James I, Vol. 164, No. 85.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.

    NOVEMBER 23, 25


  • Council in Virginia. Court Book of the Council in Virginia concerning: I. Oath in regard
    to Captain John Martyn; II. Petition of Alice Boyle, concerning slander of herself by
    Johane Wilson. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Court Book of the Colony.

  • 202



  • James I. A letter to the Commission and Company of Virginia, recommending James Stuart
    for fit employment. PRO. [NY]
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 29.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 70.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 545.



  • Council in Virginia. Letter "To the right Honobll͠ Henry Earle of Suthamptone, with the
    Lordes and others of the counsell & compeny of Virginia," concerning the victory over
    the Indians. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, p. 11a. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James I,
    Vol. III, No. 30.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 130–131. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar
    of State Papers, Colonial
    , pp. 70–71.
  • D. S.



  • Commissioners for Virginia. A letter to the King, concerning tobacco.
  • I.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 31. PRO.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 71.
  • D. S. and with seal. 1624 (?).

    1624 (?)


  • Colonists in Virginia. A letter concerning the intolerable rates for commodities.
  • IV.

  • Pub: Purchas, His. Pilgrimes.



  • Council in Virginia. Orders on the demands of Captain Martin. PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 36, II.
  • Pub: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 145–146.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 565–571. Series attested by Secre-
    tary Southerne.



  • Grant to Beaumont of denization, confirming lands and liberty in Virginia as granted by the
    Commission for Virginia. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Docquet Book, Domestic, James I.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 71.



  • "Considerations Touching the New Contract for Tobacco. As the same Hath beene pro-
    pounded by Maister Ditchfield, and other vndertakers." Printed. (1) BM. (2) PRO.
  • VI.

  • Ref: (1) Additional MSS., 12496, fos. 440–446 (Caesar Papers). (2) State Papers,
    Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 32.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 71.

  • 203



  • Solicitor-General Heath. Motion for release of "Elizabeth of London," Richard Page,
    Master, bound to Virginia. PRO.
  • VII.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 33.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 71.

    JANUARY 10


  • Sir Francis Wyatt, Governor, and Council in Virginia. A letter to the Earl of South-
    ampton and the Company of Virginia. PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 34.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, pp. 71–72.
  • (1) Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, III, 141–143.
    (2) D. S. with a seal.



  • Census of 1624. (1) PRO. [LC] [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 35.
  • Pub: (1) Neill, in New England Hist. and Geneal. Register, Vol. 31, pp. 147, 265, 393.
    (2) Brown, First Republic, 611–627. (3) Summary: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII,
  • (1) Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II, 601–617.
  • (2) Document in State Papers, Colonial, in the autograph of Ed. Sharpless.



  • John Harvey. "A Briefe Declaration of the state of Virginia at my cominge from thence in
    February 1624." [NY]
  • IV.

  • Pub: Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, fourth series, IX, 60–73.
  • Transcript: New York Public Library, Barlow Papers, Virginia, I, No. 27.



  • Sir George Yeardley. Answer of defendant to the demand of Capt. John Martin, requiring
    recompense for wrongs done, and touching his right to cattle left in charge of Lieut.
    Edmund Saunders. PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 36.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 136–144. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State
    Papers, Colonial
    , p. 72.
  • (1) Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, III, 145–147.
  • (2) Autograph of Edward Sharpless, attested by John Southerne.
  • 754.[1]

  • Examination of witnesses concerning the demands of Capt. John Martin. PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 36.
  • Attested by Southerne.
  • 755.[1]

  • Council in Virginia. Letter from council in Virginia to the Virginia Company of London
    concerning Capt. John Martin. (1) LC. (2) PRO. [NY]
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, p. 12. (2) State Papers, Colonial, James
    I, Vol. III, No. 36.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 131–132. (2) Sainsbury Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 72.
  • (1) Transcript: New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, II. 549–555. (2) Photograph in the
    Library of Congress.

  • 204

    MARCH 2


  • James I. Proclamation for the utter prohibition of the importation and use of all tobacco,
    which is not of the proper growth of the colonies of Virginia and the Sommer Islands
    or one of them. BM.
  • I.

  • Ref: Additional MSS., 12496, fo. 461. (Caesar Papers.)
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 224–230. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVII, 668–

    MARCH 4


  • Privy Council. Commission to George Yeardley to exercise government as fully as any gov-
    ernor in the past five years. PRO.
  • I

  • Ref: Colonial Entry Book, Vol. 79, pp. 248–256.
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 230–234. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVIII, 311.
    (3) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 77.

    APRIL (P)


  • Virginia Company. "Discourse of the Old Company." Answer to the Privy Council,
    requesting a new patent with the old privileges and liberties, and reviewing the history
    since 1606. PRO. [NY]
  • III.

  • Ref: State Papers, Colonial, James I, Vol. III, No. 40.
  • Pub: (1) Virginia Mag. of Hist., I, 155–167; 287–309. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of
    State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 73.
  • Transcript New York Public Library, Bancroft Papers, III, 1–133.



  • "Extracte of all ye titles & estates of land" sent home by Sr Francis Wyatt (when he returned
    for England) vnto the Ls of his Priuy Councell according vnto their Order in their letter
    dated at Salsbury. W. Claibourne." (1) & (2) LC
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 71–75. (2) Virginia Records, 1606–1692,
    pp. 84–91.

    MAY 13


  • Charles I. A proclamation settling the plantation of Virginia. PRO.
  • I.

  • Ref: Proclamation, Charles I, No. 10.
  • Pub: (1) Hazard, Historical Collection, I, 203–205. (2) Rymer, Foedera, XVIII, 72.

    JUNE 15


  • Council in Virginia. Letter to the "Right Honorble the Lord of his Maties moste Honorble
    Priuy Councell," concerning property of John Pountis, punishment of Edward Sharples,
    and the sole importation of tobacco. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. 1, pp. 14, 14a. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. III, No. 41.
  • Pub: (1) Calendar: Virginia Mag. of Hist., VII, 134–136. (2) Sainsbury, Calendar
    of State Papers, Colonial
    , p. 74.
  • 762.[1]

  • . Letter to "the right Honobll͠, the Lords and other his Maties Commissioners for ye
    affayers of Virginia," concerning the establishment of a new government and the con-
    dition of the Colony, defending it from evil reports. LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. i, pp. 12–13a.

  • 205



  • Governor and Council in Virginia. Letter to the Royal Commissioners for the affairs of
    Virginia. (1) LC. (2) PRO.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 68, 69. (2) State Papers, Colonial,
    James I, Vol. IV, No. 1.
  • Pub: Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 77.

    APRIL 6


  • Governor and Council in Virginia. Letter to "the right Honorble the Lor̃s of his Maties most
    Honorabɫ Priuy Counsell." LC.
  • IV.

  • Ref: (1) MS. Rec. Virginia Co., III, pt. ii, pp. 69–70. (2) State Papers, Colonial
    James I, Vol. IV, No. 9.
  • Pub: (1) Massachusetts Historical Society Collection, fourth series, IX, 74–81.
    (2) Sainsbury, Calendar of State Papers, Colonial, p. 79.
  • D. S.

Reproduced in the present publication.
[LC] Transcript in the Library of Congress.
I, II, III, etc., represent the class of document.