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Group 5: Palgrave's Golden Treasury (First Series), Books II and
with special attention to Dryden, Collins, Gray, Cowper, and Burns;
Palgrave's Golden Treasury (First Series), Book IV, with special attention
to Wordsworth, Keats, and Shelley (if not chosen for study under B);
Goldsmith's The Traveller and The Deserted Village; Pope's The Rape of
the Lock;
a collection of English and Scottish Ballads, as, for example,
some Robin Hood ballads, The Battle of Otterburn, King Estmere, Young
Beichan, Bewick, and Grahame, Sir Patrick Spens,
and a selection from
later ballads; Coleridge's The Ancient Mariner, Christabel, and Kubla
Byron's Childe Harold, Canto III or IV, and The Prisoner of Chillon;
Scott's The Lady of the Lake, or Marmion; Macaulay's The Lays of
Ancient Rome, The Battle of Naseby, The Armada, Ivry;
Tennyson's The
or Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, and Passing of
Browning's Cavalier Tunes, The Lost Leader, How They Brought
the Good News from Ghent to Aix, Home Thoughts from Abroad, Home
Thoughts from the Sea, Incident of the French Camp, Hervé Riel, Pheidippides,
My Last Duchess, Up at a Villa—Down in the City, The Italian in
England, The Patriot, The Pied Piper, "De Gustibus," Instans Tyrannus;


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Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum, and The Forsaken Merman; selections from
American poetry, with special attention to Poe, Lowell, Longfellow, and