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[When mercy's day is o'er]

Then shall they begin to say to the, &c. —xxiii. 30.

When mercy's day is o'er,
And time exists no more,
Nothing but the wrath of God
Doth for guilty souls remain:
Sinners then shall bear their load,
Load of everlasting pain.
In vain they would decline
The vengeful wrath Divine,
Would to rocks for shelter call,
Of the righteous Judge afraid,
Bid the' o'erwhelming mountains fall
On their hell-devoted head.
But now through faith we may
To Christ escape away,
In the mount of holiness,
In the Rock of Israel hide,
There our quiet souls possess,
Rest secure in Jesu's side.
Jesus our souls receive,
Who diedst that we might live,
Live till saved from sin and fear
We our spotless lives lay down,
Rise to see our Judge appear,
Hail Thee on Thy great white throne.