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[Though men Thy yoke disdain]

Art Thou the King of the Jews? And He, &c. —xxiii. 3.

Though men Thy yoke disdain,
Thy rights Thou wilt maintain:
King of disobedient Jews,
King of inward Jews Thou art:
Those Thine iron rod shall bruise,
These Thou hidest in Thy heart.
All must confess Thy power,
And perish, or adore:
O might I Thy goodness feel,
Object of Thy mercy prove,
Jesus, change my rebel will,
Prince of peace, and God of love.
I long to feel Thy sway,
And all Thy laws obey:
King of righteousness appear,
Reign in all Thy saints alone,
'Stablish Thy dominion here,
Fix in me Thy heavenly throne.