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[Thou dost for Thy disciples care]

When I sent you without purse, and scrip, &c. —xxii. 35.

Thou dost for Thy disciples care,
Open Thine ears to hear our prayer,
Thine eyes our wants to see:
Thou canst not, Lord, Thyself deny;
Thou always wilt the wants supply
Of conscious poverty.
Calling Thy mercies past to mind
Increasing confidence we find,
And stronger comforts prove:
Jesus, Thou art a friend indeed,
Who never fail'st in time of need,
A God of truth and love.
We trust Thy providential power,
To keep us every future hour
Thy dear peculiar race;


We cannot lack a real good,
On whom Thou hast Thyself bestow'd,
With all Thy heaven of grace.