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[Come, let us join with one accord]


Come, let us join with one accord
Who share the supper of the Lord,
Our Lord and Master's praise to sing;
Nourish'd on earth with living bread,
We now are at His table fed,
But wait to see our heavenly King;


To see the great Invisible
Without a sacramental veil,
With all His robes of glory on,
In rapturous joy and love and praise
Him to behold with open face,
High on His everlasting throne!


The wine which doth His passion show,
We soon with Him shall drink it new
In yonder dazzling courts above;
Admitted to the heavenly feast,
We shall His choicest blessings taste,
And banquet on His richest love.
We soon the midnight cry shall hear,
Arise, and meet the Bridegroom near,
The marriage of the Lamb is come;
Attended by His heavenly friends,
The glorious King of saints descends
To take His bride in triumph home.


Then let us still in hope rejoice,
And listen for the' archangel's voice
Loud echoing to the trump of God,
Haste to the dreadful joyful day,
When heaven and earth shall flee away,
By all-devouring flames destroy'd:
While we from out the burnings fly,
With eagle's wings mount up on high,
Where Jesus is on Sion seen;
'Tis there He for our coming waits,
And lo, the everlasting gates
Lift up their heads to take us in!



By faith and hope already there,
Even now the marriage-feast we share,
Even now we by the Lamb are fed;
Our Lord's celestial joy we prove,
Led by the Spirit of His love,
To springs of living comfort led:
Suffering and curse and death are o'er,
And pain afflicts the soul no more
While harbour'd in the Saviour's breast;
He quiets all our plaints and cries,
And wipes the sorrow from our eyes,
And lulls us in His arms to rest!