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[Not for the legal feast]

With desire I have desired to eat this passover, &c. —xxii. 15.

Not for the legal feast
His longing He express'd,
Jesus languish'd to bestow
Blessings on His church beneath,
First His passion's type to show,
Then to bless us by His death.
With infinite desire
He doth His cross require,
There to purge the general stain,
There proclaim our sins forgiven,
There our paradise regain,
There ensure our thrones in heaven.
He long'd the rite to' ordain
Which God unites with man,
Sacramental mystery,
Emblem of His dying love,
Where the slaughter'd Lamb we see,
Share Him with the church above.
His passover precedes,
And then the Victim bleeds,
Then the great salvation's wrought
Life in Jesu's death we find,
From the house of bondage brought
Leave the world and sin behind.