University of Virginia Library


[The pile magnificent may please]

As for these things which ye behold, the days, &c. —xxi. 6.

The pile magnificent may please
The curious eye of mortals vain,
But nothing great a Christian sees
In all the boasted works of men,
To nobler sights his soul aspires,
And Christ, and only Christ admires.
Objects which fleshly minds amuse
With careless eye he passes o'er,
Or palaces and temples views
As sinking—to be seen no more,
So soon the shadows disappear,
So soon the' eternal world is here!
When time and all its works are pass'd,
When earth and heaven are thrown aside,
The things invisible shall last,
The saints shall on their Base abide
(All who the will Divine have done)
As steadfast as Jehovah's throne.