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293. On a Conquerour.

Meekness is the best way to conquer Foes,
And melt their hearts; by roughness, Peace we lose.
It is the greatest conquest to o'rethrow
An Enemy, and never strike a blow.
Mildness prevaileth more than fierceness still.
Where the wedge cannot go, the Fire will,
The patient Soul even from his adversary
Shall Letters testimonial have to carry.
When bloudy Saul at Davids mercy lay
And he cut off his skirt, and went away,


How was Sauls heart affected! he doth cry
To David, thou more holyer art than I.
Thou hast not (when thou mightst) bath'd in my bloud
Thy Sword, therefore the Lord reward thee good.
Self conquerors are greater conquerors
Than such as conquer mighty Forts and Towers.