| All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet | |
A Sonnet of true and notable obseruations, vpon seuen seuerall Teuesdayes.
a Tuesday hee his Birth beganne.
Vpon a Tuesday he his baptisme had,
Vpon a Tuesday hee his Honour wanne,
Vpon the Gowries, (whose intents were bad.)
Vpon a Tuesday hee at first did wed
The Noble Sussex daughter, who deceast:
Vpon a Tuesday then hee married
Sir William Cockains, Childe, by heau'ns behest.
Vpon a Tuesday hee did taste Deaths Cup,
And to his blest Redeemer gaue his spirit.
Vpon a Tuesday hee was closed vp
Within his Tombe, which doth his Corps inherit.
Thus vpon Tuesdaies 'twas his lot to haue,
Birth, Baptisme, Honor, two Wiues, Death & Graue.
| All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet | |