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Dec. 24-30
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Dec. 24-30

A very quiet Sunday at home. Monday is Xmas Day but we are dull in the superlative degree. The Freedmen seem to be having all the fun and goodies. We find it very hard to get them to attend to any of our wants. They seem to think we have no right to ask any favors of them for they are as free as we [while] at the same time they are getting their daily allowance from the whitefolks. This is a sad change for us, certainly, but we must be patient and hope for better things. I spend my Xmas writing and reading .... Mary Lewis comes home Thursday. She seems to have had a nice time. Brought us a piece of wedding cake. Our only visitor during the holidays was Met Macmurdo who spends a day and night with us. He has now a place on the Central Railroad ....

One year ago-what loves, what schemes,
Fan into life!
What joyous hopes, what high resolves,
What generous strife!
Lord of the living and the dead!
Our Saviour dear,
We lay in silence at Thy feet
This sad, sad year.

Yes, it has indeed been a sad, sad year but may we have faith to believe it will be all right in the end. God is now afflicting us for some wise purpose, I doubt not but if we fear the rod and Him that appointeth it, in His own good time He will deliver us from our oppressors.