University of Virginia Library


[Sinner, come down at Jesus' call]

He . . . said unto him, Zacchæus, make haste, &c. —xix. 5.

Sinner, come down at Jesus' call,
Sink into thy own nothingness,
Feel the full misery of thy fall,
Thy vile apostasy confess,
Jesus with lowly faith receive,
Who stoops with sinful men to live.


Humility prepares His way,
His saving power the humble feel:
Jesus will lodge with thee to-day,
Will every day with sinners dwell,
Nor visit as a transient guest,
But be their everlasting Feast.
He for no invitation stays,
But freely of His own accord
Comes with the kingdom of His grace,
And favour shows as sovereign Lord:
His love, for every sinner free,
Precedes all good desire in thee.