The Miser | ||
EUCLIOenters, and takes the Pot.
O Jupiter, O Houshold God! O Juno!
Ye have at length had pity on a poor,
Old, miserable wretch.—My dear, dear Pot,
With what delight, what transport do I hug you!
How sweet it is to kiss you!—To embrace you
A thousand thousand times, is all too little.
My hope! my heart! the grave of all my sorrow!
'Twas ever my opinion, want of money
Was of all ills the greatest that could happen
To lads, to men, to old men, and to all.
Lads it incites to shameful practices,
Those, that are grown up men, it tempts to thieve,
And old men it compels to beg:—but now
I see it plain, far worse it is to have
Abundance, more than our occasion needs.
Behold! what troubles has this Euclio suffer'd
By reason of the gold which late he lost!
Whom must I pay my thanks to, as most due?
The Gods, who reverence and respect good men?
Or else my honourable friends? or both?
Both rather.
(Giving the Pot to Lyconides.
First then,—you, Lyconides,
The principal, best author of my happiness,
Accept it freely;—I would have it yours;—
And with it too my daughter.—Good Eunomia,
And Megadorus, both are witnesses.
Your favour I accept, and pay with thanks,
Good Euclio, as you've merited: I've wish'd,
And long'd to call you father.
Now, sweet master,
All that remains is,—you will not forget
To set me free.
Well put in mind.—Be free,
As you deserve.—Go in now, see the supper,
Which has been interrupted, be got ready.
Spectators,—this curmudgeon, this old Euclio,
Has chang'd his niggard nature: of a sudden
He's become liberal.—Be You so too;
And, if our play has pleas'd you, loudly clap.
There is another short supplement (the author of which is unknown) printed in some of the editions: but as it is a supplement to the imperfect scene only, and leaves the act no less defective, I have scarce thought it worth while to give a translation of it; especially as it seems totally devoid of all merit, and very faintly imitates the manner of our author.
The Miser | ||