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A Tragedy, In Five Acts

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Orontes, the Enchantress, Madauces, Cassandane, Melampus, the Sun appearing over the palace; Circe mounted on a winged serpent on one side, Juno in her chariot, drawn by peacocks, on the other; and the Genius advancing from the end of the stage, attended by Dryads, Oreads, Naiads, and Fauns: under them appears a beautiful hill. The Genius of Caucasus descends, and leads the Guardian Intelligences of woods, waters, and mountains. Soft music.
The Genius
Nymphs of Asia's spicy groves,
Of her fruit-empurpled hills,
Of their flow'ry-border'd streams,
Warbling over beds of gold—
Genii, who the mountains range,
Whence the cedar's spire ascends,
Piercing Asia's radiant sky—
Lift your feet, your voices tune,
Celebrate in dance and song
Her predicted fame and sway.

I feel an impulse—All my fabric shakes—
A flame from those divinities pervades
My struggling breast, and prophecy is there.
Its rapture burns—The gods expand my voice,
And by their presence ratify the sound.


Not for inaction Jason's worth is prov'd,
A bright example to imperfect man
Of patient suff'ring and recover'd truth.
He shall with fame be recompens'd, and empire.
Unconquerable, he from hostile arms
The reconcil'd Æetes shall defend,
And by his merit deify his name.
From Cassandane shall a daughter spring;
She shall espouse Medea's future son,
Who, Medus call'd, shall found a mighty throne,
Which shall o'ershadow all the eastern world.